
SQL Injection : Platform-Level Defenses - Using Runtime Protection (part 1) - Web Application Firewalls

10/11/2012 3:28:38 AM
We’ll consider runtime protection to be any security solution that you can use to detect, mitigate, or prevent SQL injection that is deployable without recompiling the vulnerable application’s source code. The solutions covered here are primarily software plug-ins for Web servers and development frameworks (e.g., the .NET Framework, J2EE, PHP, etc.) or techniques for leveraging/extending features of the Web or application platform. Most of the software solutions we’ll discuss are free and are available for download on the Internet. We will not cover commercial products, although some may implement one or more of the strategies and techniques discussed here.

Runtime protection is a valuable tool for mitigating and preventing exploitation of known SQL injection vulnerabilities. Fixing the vulnerable source code is always the ideal solution; however, the development effort required is not always feasible, practical, cost-effective, or unfortunately a high priority. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) applications are often purchased in compiled format, which eliminates the possibility of fixing the code. Even if uncompiled code is available for a COTS application, customizations may violate support contracts and/or prevent the software vendor from providing updates according to its normal release cycle. Legacy applications close to retirement may not warrant the time and effort required to make the necessary code changes. Organizations may intend to make a code change, but don’t have the resources in the near term to do so. These common scenarios highlight the need for runtime protection in the form of virtual patching or band-aid solutions.

Even if the time and resources are available for code fixes, runtime protection can still be a valuable layer of security to detect or thwart exploitation of unknown SQL injection vulnerabilities. If the application has never undergone security code review or penetration testing, application owners might not be aware of the vulnerabilities. There is also the threat of “zero-day” exploit techniques as well as the latest and greatest SQL injection worm traversing the Internet. In this way, runtime protection is not just a reactive defense mechanism, but also a proactive step toward comprehensively securing an application.

Although runtime protection provides many benefits, you need to consider some of the costs that may be involved. Depending on the solution, you should expect some level of performance degradation (as you would expect anytime additional processing and overhead are incurred). When evaluating a solution, especially a commercial one, it is important to ask for documented performance statistics. The other point of caution is that some runtime solutions are more difficult to configure than others. If the solution is overly complex, the time and resources spent getting it to work may exceed the costs of actually fixing the code, or worse yet, you may decide not to use it at all. Ensure that the solution you select comes with detailed installation instructions, configuration examples, and support (this doesn’t always mean paid support; some free solutions provide good online support through forums). The key to getting the most out of runtime protection is a willingness to learn the boundaries of the technology and evaluate how it can best help you.

Web Application Firewalls

The most well-known runtime solution in Web application security is the use of a Web application firewall (WAF). A WAF is a network appliance or software-based solution that adds security features to a Web application. Specifically, we’re focusing on what WAFs can offer in terms of SQL injection protection.

Software-based WAFs are typically modules embedded into the Web server or application with minimal configuration. Primary benefits of software-based WAFs are that the Web infrastructure remains unchanged, and HTTP/HTTPS communications are handled seamlessly because they run inside the Web- or application-hosting process. Appliance-based WAFs don’t consume Web server resources and they can protect multiple Web applications of varying technologies. We will not cover network appliances any further, although you can use some of the software solutions as a network appliance when running on a Web server configured as a reverse proxy server.

Notes from the Underground…

Need Help Evaluating a WAF?

Unfortunately, the usefulness of WAFs is sometimes criticized; however, the criticism is usually targeted at a specific implementation or commercial product. Regardless of how you feel about WAFs, they will be a mainstay of Web application security, especially as standard bodies such as the Payment Card Industry (PCI) are endorsing them as an option to satisfy Requirement 6.6.

To help evaluate the various characteristics of a potential WAF solution, the Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) published the “Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria” (WAFEC) document ( This provides a good start point for beginning your evaluation of a WAF solution.

Using ModSecurity

The de facto standard for WAFs is the open source ModSecurity ( ModSecurity is implemented as an Apache module; however, it can protect virtually any Web application (even ASP and ASP.NET Web applications) when the Apache Web server is configured as a reverse proxy. You can use ModSecurity for attack prevention, monitoring, intrusion detection, and general application hardening. We will use ModSecurity as the primary example for discussing key features in detecting and preventing SQL injection when using a WAF.

Configurable Rule Set

Web application environments are unique, and WAFs must be highly configurable to accommodate a wide variety of scenarios. The strength of ModSecurity is its rule language, which is a combination of configuration directives and a simple programming language applied to HTTP requests and responses. The outcome is usually a specific action, such as allowing the request to pass, logging the request, or blocking it. Before looking at specific example, let’s first look at the generic syntax of the ModSecurity directive SecRule, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Generic Syntax for SecRule

The VARIABLE attribute tells ModSecurity where to look in the request or response, OPERATOR tells ModSecurity how to check this data, and ACTIONS determines what to do when a match occurs. The ACTIONS attribute is optional for a rule, as default global actions can be defined.

You can configure ModSecurity rules to achieve a negative (i.e., blacklist) or positive (i.e., whitelist) security model when handling HTTP request data. Let’s look at Figure 2, which is an actual blacklist SQL injection rule from the Generic Attacks rule file (modsecurity_ crs_40_generic_attacks.conf ) of the ModSecurity Core Rule Set. The following bullets walk you through the rule and describe each configuration directive.

Figure 2. SQL Injection Rule from the Generic Attacks Rule File
# SQL injection
()|a(?:nd\b ?(?:\d{1,10}|[\'\"][^=]{1,10}[\'\"]) ?[=<>>]+|utonomous_
transaction\b)|o(?:r\b ?(?:\d{1,10}|[\'\"][^=]{1,10}[\'\"])
?[=<>]+|pen(?:rowset|query)\b)|having\b ?(?:\d{1,10}|[\'\"][^=]{1,10}[\'\"])
(?:s(?:qloledb|a)|msdasql|dbo)')" \
t:lowercase,ctl:auditLogParts=+E,log,auditlog,msg:'SQL injection


  • The rule is a security rule (SecRule), which is used to analyze data and perform actions based on the results.

  • The rule will be applied to the request body (phase:2). The specific targets for analysis on the request body are the request path (REQUEST_FILENAME), all request parameter values including POST data (ARGS), and request parameter names (ARGS_NAMES).

  • Each target is matched against the rather large regular expression pattern. Note that capturing (capture) has been enabled for this regular expression. This means data that matches parts of the pattern that are grouped with parentheses will be later accessible with substitution variables 0 through 9.

  • Prior to the match, the request data is first subject to a number of translations(denoted by the t: syntax), to help decode evasive encodings employed by the attacker. The first is t:none, which clears all previously set translation functions from previous rules, and the last is t:lowercase, which converts all characters to lowercase. The in-between translation functions should be self-explanatory (refer to “Request Normalization” for more information about data translations).

  • ModSecurity is instructed that for this rule the response body will also be logged (ctl:auditLogParts=+E).

  • Next, a successful match of the rule needs to be logged (log). This will go into the Apache error log file and the ModSecurity audit log (auditlog). A message indicating that this is an SQL injection attack is added to the rule (msg:’SQL injection Attack’) as well as a tag to classify the attack category in the log (tag:’WEB_ATTACK/ SQL_INJECTION’). Additionally, part of the matched data will also be logged (logdata: ’%{TX.0}’) via the capturing feature previously mentioned. All data is properly escaped before logging to avoid log-forging attacks.

  • Successful matches are considered critical (severity: ’CRITICAL’).

  • The rule is also assigned a unique ID (id:’950001’)

The ModSecurity Core Rule Set includes blacklist rules for SQL injection and blind SQL injection, which, depending on the application, could generate false positives. Therefore, the default action for these rules is log to avoid blocking legitimate requests out-of-the-box. This allows us to weed out possible false positives without affecting normal application behavior and tune the rules so that we are comfortable setting them to block should we be faced with a zero-day threat. False positives are not unique to ModSecurity; all WAFs will generate false positives if they are not properly tuned. ModSecurity’s Core Rule Set default behavior is preferable, as you want to monitor application behavior and tune rules before turning on active protection in production environments. If you are using ModSecurity to patch a known vulnerability, you can build a custom rule set that achieves positive security (whitelisting).

Figure 3 shows a custom whitelist rule that you can use to apply a virtual patch to a PHP script. Requests to script.php must contain one parameter named statid and the value must be a numerical value from one to three digits long. With this patch in place, exploitation of an SQL injection vulnerability via the statid parameter would not be possible.

Figure 3. Whitelist Rule to Patch a Vulnerable PHP Script
<Location /apps/script.php>
  SecRule &ARGS "!@eq 1"
  SecRule ARGS_NAMES "!^statid$"
  SecRule ARGS:statID "!^\d{1,3}$"

Request Coverage

SQL injection protection can be very tricky for a WAF. Attack payloads can manifest themselves virtually anywhere within an HTTP request, such as the querystring, POST data, cookies, custom and standard HTTP headers (e.g., Referer, Server, etc.), or even parts of the URL path. ModSecurity can handle any of these scenarios. Figure 4 is an example list of variables (i.e., targets for analysis) that ModSecurity supports. This should give you an idea of the comprehensive request-level protection that ModSecurity provides and that a WAF must implement to adequately protect against SQL injection:

Figure 4. ModSecurity REQUEST Variables

Request Normalization

Attack strings can be encoded in a variety of ways to avoid detection and easily defeat simple input validation filters. ModSecurity is capable of handling virtually any complex encoding scenario, as it supports a wide variety of transformation functions and can apply those functions multiple times per rule and in any order. Figure 5 shows a list of transformation functions from the ModSecurity Reference Manual.

Figure 5. ModSecurity Transformation Functions


If for some reason built-in functions don’t meet your needs, you can build custom transformation functions via ModSecurity’s support for the Lua scripting language.

Response Analysis

Another key feature of a WAF when it comes to mitigating SQL injection is the ability to suppress key information leakage, such as detailed SQL error messages. Refer to Figure 6, which is an actual outbound rule from the Outbound rule file (modsecurity_crs_50_outbound.conf ) of the ModSecurity Core Rule Set.

Figure 6. SQL Errors Leakage Rule from the Outbound Rule File
# SQL Errors leakage
"(?:\b(?:(?:s(?:elect list because it is not contained in (?:an aggregate function
and there is no|either an aggregate function or the) GROUP BY clause|upplied
argument is not a valid (?:(?:M(?:S |y)|Postgre)SQL|O(?:racle|DBC)))|S(?:yntax
error converting the \w+ value .*? to a column of data type|QL Server does not
exist or access denied)|Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been
deleted(?:; the operation|\. Requested)|The column prefix .{0,50}? does not match
with a table name or alias name used in the query|Could not find server '\w+' in
sysservers\. execute sp_addlinkedserver)\b|Un(?:closed quotation mark before the
character string\b|able to connect to PostgreSQL server:)|(?:Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for .{0,30} [eE]rror |error '800a01b8)'|(?:Warning: mysql_connect\
(\)|PostgreSQL query failed):|You have an error in your SQL syntax(?: near
'|;)|cannot take a \w+ data type as an argument\*.|incorrect syntax near (?:\'|the\
b|@@error\b)|microsoft jet database engine error '8|ORA-\d{5}: )|\[Microsoft\]\
[ODBC )" \
Information Leakage',id:'970003',tag:'LEAKAGE/ERRORS',severity:'4'"


If the message in the response successfully matches against the regular expression (indicating that an SQL error has occurred), ModSecurity sends a 501 status code. This is non-standard behavior, but it is used to confuse automated clients and scanners.

This type of response analysis and error suppression does not eliminate the SQL injection vulnerability or help in the case of blind SQL injection, but it is still an important defense-in-depth security mechanism.

Intrusion Detection Capabilities

Lastly, WAFs should be able to monitor application behavior passively, take action in the event of suspicious behavior, and maintain a non-reputable log of events for a forensic analysis following an SQL injection incident. The logs should give you the information to determine whether your application was attacked and provide enough information for reproducing the attack string. Blocking and rejecting malicious input aside, the ability to add intrusion detection features to your application without changing a line of code is a strong argument for the use of WAFs. When performing a forensic analysis following an SQL injection incident, nothing is more frustrating than having to rely on Web server log files, which often contain only a small subset of the data sent in the request.

In summary, with ModSecurity it is possible to stop SQL injection attacks, patch a known SQL injection vulnerability, detect attack attempts, and suppress SQL error messages that often facilitate exploitation of SQL injection vulnerabilities. Now that we’ve discussed ModSecurity and WAFs in general, we’re going to look at some solutions that could be considered a WAF but are not as robust. However, they can be just as effective depending on the scenario, and they can be potentially cheaper in cost and resource requirements to deploy.

  •  SQL Injection : Code-Level Defenses - Designing to Avoid the Dangers of SQL Injection
  •  SQL Injection : Code-Level Defenses - Canonicalization
  •  SQL Injection : Code-Level Defenses - Encoding Output
  •  Upgrading and Converting to Access 2010 : TO CONVERT OR TO ENABLE
  •  Oracle Database 11g : Database Fundamentals - Learn the Basic Oracle Database 11g Data Types, Work with Tables, Work with Stored Programmed Objects
  •  Oracle Database 11g : Database Fundamentals - Define a Database, Learn the Oracle Database 11g Architecture
  •  SQL Server 2005 : Advanced OLAP - Calculations (part 2) - Named Sets, More on Script View
  •  SQL Server 2005 : Advanced OLAP - Calculations (part 1) - Calculated Members
  •   Exploiting SQL Injection : Automating SQL Injection Exploitation
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