
SQL Injection : Code-Level Defenses - Designing to Avoid the Dangers of SQL Injection

10/1/2012 2:05:51 AM
Using Stored Procedures

One design technique that can prevent or mitigate the impact of SQL injection is to design the application to exclusively use stored procedures for accessing the database. Stored procedures are programs stored within the database, and you can write them in a number of different languages and variants depending on the database, such as SQL (PL/SQL for Oracle, Transact-SQL for SQL Server, SQL:2003 standard for MySQL), Java (Oracle), or others.

Stored procedures can be very useful for mitigating the seriousness of a potential SQL injection vulnerability, as it is possible to configure access controls at the database level when using stored procedures on most databases. This is important, because it means that if an exploitable SQL injection issue is found, the attacker should not be able to access sensitive information within the database if the permissions are correctly configured.

This happens because dynamic SQL, due to its dynamic nature, requires more permissions on the database than the application strictly needs. As dynamic SQL is assembled at the application, or elsewhere in the database, and is then sent to the database for execution, all data within the database that needs to be readable, writable, or updateable by the application needs to be accessible to the database user account that is used to access the database. Therefore, when an SQL injection issue occurs, the attacker can potentially access all of the information within the database that is accessible to the application, as the attacker will have the database permissions of the application.

With the use of stored procedures, you can change this situation. In this case, you would create stored procedures to perform all of the database access the application needs. The database user that the application uses to access the database is given permissions to execute the stored procedures that the application needs, but does not have any other data permissions within the database (i.e., the user account does not have SELECT, INSERT, or UPDATE rights to any of the application's data, but does have EXECUTE rights on the stored procedures). The stored procedures then access the data with differing permissions—for example, the permissions of the user who created the procedure rather than the user invoking the procedure—and can interact with the application data as necessary. This can help you to mitigate the impact of an SQL injection issue, as the attacker will be limited to calling the stored procedures, therefore limiting the data the attacker can access or modify, and in many cases preventing the attacker from accessing sensitive information in the database.

Damage & Defense…

SQL Injection in Stored Procedures

It is often assumed that SQL injection can happen only at the application level—for example, in a Web application. This is incorrect, as SQL injection can occur at any level where dynamic SQL is used, including at the database level. If unsanitized user input is submitted to the database—for example, as a parameter to a stored procedure—and then it is used in dynamic SQL, SQL injection can occur at the database level as easily as at any other level.

Therefore, you should be careful when handling untrusted input at the database level, and you should avoid dynamic SQL wherever possible. In situations where stored procedures are in use, the use of dynamic SQL can often indicate that additional procedures should be defined at the database level to encapsulate missing logic, therefore enabling you to avoid the use of dynamic SQL within the database at all.

Using Abstraction Layers

When designing an enterprise application it is a common practice to define various layers for presentation, business logic, and data access, allowing the implementation of each layer to be abstracted from the overall design. Depending on the technology in use, this may involve an additional data access abstraction layer such as Hibernate, or the use of a database access framework such as ADO.NET, JDBC, or PDO. These layers of abstraction can be a very useful place for the security-aware designer to enforce safe data access practices that will then be used throughout the rest of the architecture.

A good example of this would be a data access layer that ensures that all database calls are performed through the use of parameterized statements. Providing that the application did not access the database in any way other than the data access layer, and that the application did not then use the supplied information in dynamic SQL at the database level itself, SQL injection is unlikely to be present. Even more powerful would be to combine this method of accessing the database with the use of stored procedures, as this would mitigate the risk even further. This may also have the effect of easing implementation, as in that case all of the methods of accessing the database will have been defined, and would therefore be easier to implement in a well-designed data access layer.

Handling Sensitive Data

A final technique for mitigating the seriousness of SQL injection is to consider the storage and access of sensitive information within the database. One of the goals of an attacker is to gain access to the data that is held within the database—often because that data will have some form of monetary value. Examples of the types of information an attacker may be interested in obtaining may include usernames and passwords, personal information, or financial information such as credit card details. Because of this, it is worth considering additional controls over sensitive information. Some example controls or design decisions to consider might be the following:

  • Passwords Where possible, you should not store users' passwords within the database. A more secure alternative is to store a salted one-way hash (using a secure hash algorithm such as SHA256) of each user's password instead of the password itself. The salt, which is an additional small piece of random data, should then ideally be stored separately from the password hash. In this case, instead of comparing a user's password to the one in the database during the login process, you would compare the salted hash calculated from the details supplied by the user to the value stored in the database. Note that this will prevent the application from being able to e-mail the user his password when he forgets it; in this case, it would be necessary to generate a new, secure password for the user and provide that to him instead.

  • Credit card and other financial information You should store details such as credit cards encrypted with an approved (i.e., FIPS-certified) encryption algorithm. This is a requirement of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) for credit card information. However, you should also consider encrypting other financial information that may be in the application, such as bank account details.

  • Archiving Where an application is not required to maintain a full history of all of the sensitive information that is submitted to it (e.g., personally identifiable information), you should consider archiving or removing the unneeded information after a reasonable period of time. Where the application does not require this information after initial processing, you should archive or remove unneeded information immediately. In this case, removing information where the exposure would be a major privacy breach may reduce the impact of any future security breach by reducing the amount of customer information to which an attacker can gain access.

Notes from the Underground…

Notes from an Incident Response

One of the more interesting incident response engagements that I was involved with was with a fairly large regional bank in the northeast region of the United States. The client (a bank) had noticed that something odd was going on when their server administrator saw that the logs for one day were several times larger than they normally expected. As such, they looked into it, and fairly quickly determined that they were the victims of an SQL injection exploit.

In this case, the exploit vector was fairly innocuous—it was an identifier that the application used to determine which press release the user wanted to read in the “News” section of the Web site. Unfortunately for the client, the press release detail was not the only information stored in that database. Also stored in that database were the mortgage application details of every customer of the bank who had applied for a mortgage through the Web site, including full names, Social Security numbers, phone numbers, address history, job history, and so forth—in other words, everything needed for identity theft, for almost 10,000 customers.

The bank in question ended up writing to every one of its customers to apologize, and also provided all of the affected customers with complimentary identity theft protection. But had the bank paid some attention to where its sensitive information was stored before the exploit happened the exploit probably would not have been nearly as serious as it was.

Avoiding Obvious Object Names

For security reasons, you should be careful with your choice of names for critical objects such as encryption functions, password columns, and credit card columns.

Most application developers will use obvious column names, such as password, or a translated version such as kennwort (in German). On the other side, most attackers are aware of this approach and will search for interesting columns names (such as password) in the appropriate views of the database. Here's an example on Oracle:

SELECT owner||'.'||column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE upper(column_name)
    LIKE '%PASSW%')


The information from the table containing passwords or other sensitive information will be selected in the next step of the attack. To see some examples of the types of naming to avoid, refer to Table 1, which lists common variations and translations for the word password.

Table 1. Password in Different Languages
Word for PasswordLanguage
password, pwd, passwEnglish
passwort, kennwortGerman
Motdepasse, mdpFrench

To make the attack more difficult, it could be a good idea to use an unobvious table and column name for saving password information. Although this technique will not stop an attacker from finding and accessing the data, it will ensure that the attacker will not be able to identify this information immediately.

Setting Up Database Honeypots

To become alerted if someone tries to read the passwords from the database, you could set up an additional honeypot table with a password column that contains fake data. If this fake data were selected, the administrator of the application would receive an e-mail. In Oracle, you could implement such a solution by using a virtual private database (VPD), as in the following example:

-- create the honeypot table
Create table app_user.tblusers (id number, name varchar2(30), password
-- create the policy function sending an e-mail to the administrator
-- this function must be created in a different schema, e.g., secuser
create or replace secuser.function get_cust_id
  p_schema in varchar2,
  p_table in varchar2
  return varchar2
  v_connection UTL_SMTP.CONNECTION;
  v_connection := UTL_SMTP.OPEN_CONNECTION('',25);
  return '1=1'; -- always show the entire table
-- assign the policy function to the honeypot table TBLUSERS
exec dbms_rls.add_policy (
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  •   Exploiting SQL Injection : Out-of-Band Communication
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