additive Attribute | A
Boolean value. If true, the existing subkeys are not deleted, and the
values set in the list box are appended to the existing subkeys. If
false, the existing subkeys are deleted and the values in the list box
replace the existing subkeys. |
annotation Element | Adds a localized comment at the beginning of the .adml file. |
boolean Element | Sets a value based on the true and false cases in a policy setting. It is generally associated with checkBox parameters in the GPME. |
category Element | Specifies the name of a unique category to be displayed in the GPME. |
categories Element | A table of category elements. |
checkBox Element | Represents a check box parameter. It must be associated with a boolean element defined in the elements element. |
class Attribute | Identifies
whether the policy setting will be located under a single node of the
GPME (computer or user) or both nodes. This is defined in the .admx
file. |
clientExtension Attribute | Defines the client-side extension that will process, on the client computer, the particular settings represented by the boolean, decimal, text, enum, or list element. |
comboBox Element | Represents a combo box parameter. It must be associated with a text element defined in the elements element. |
decimal Element (elements) | Sets
the registry value to the specified numeric value when a policy setting
is enabled through the GPME. It determines whether the registry key
will be created as a REG_DWORD or REG_SZ when storing the numeric value. |
decimal Element (value) | Sets a value to an unsigned integer decimal value. |
decimal TextBox Element | Represents
a text box with or without a spin box control for entering decimal
numbers as a policy setting parameter. It must be associated with a decimal element defined in the elements element. |
default Element | A localized default displayed when the combo box parameter is active. |
defaultChecked Element | A
Boolean value. If true, the check box parameter is displayed as
selected; otherwise, the check box parameter is displayed as cleared. |
defaultItem Element | The
numerical value that identifies the default choice from the items in
the drop-down list. The item list is numbered starting from 0. |
defaultKey Attribute | Specifies a default registry subkey for all items in the enabledList element, disabledList element, or valueList element. |
defaultValue Attribute | Specifies the default numerical value of the parameter. If not specified, the defaultValue attribute is set to 1. |
defaultValue Element | A localized string that is initially displayed in the text box parameter when the policy setting is enabled. |
definition Element | Creates the mapping between the logical name to an existing reference supported on string text in the .adml file. |
definitions Element | A table of definition elements for the supportedOn text. |
delete Element | Represents a deleted registry value or key. |
description Element | The localized description of policy settings contained in the .adml file. |
disabledList Element | Sets the multiple registry values when a policy setting is disabled through the GPME. |
disabledValue Element | Sets the registry value when a policy setting is disabled through the GPME. |
displayName Attribute | A string value referenced in the .adml file. This attribute can be used in the category, definition, enum, or policy element. This is defined in the .admx file. |
displayName Element | The localized friendly name of the .adml file. |
dropdownList Element | Represents a drop-down list parameter. It must be associated with an enum element defined in the elements element. |
elements Element | Represents the types of optional parameters defined in a policy setting. The child elements for the elements element represent these optional parameters available for a policy setting. |
enabledList Element | Sets the multiple registry values when a policy setting is enabled through the GPME. |
enabledValue Element | Sets the registry value when a policy setting is enabled through the GPME. |
enum Element | Sets
the specified registry subkey to a specified value or a list of
registry subkeys to values chosen from a drop-down list when a policy
setting is enabled through the GPME. |
expandable Attribute | A
Boolean value. If true, the registry subkey value will be created as an
expandable string type (REG_EXPAND_SZ); otherwise, the registry subkey
value will be created as a string type (REG_SZ). |
explainText Attribute | A
string value referenced in the .adml file representing Help or Explain
text for either a category or policy setting. This is defined in the
.admx file. |
explicitValue Attribute | A
Boolean value. If true, the user must specify the registry subkey name
and the registry subkey value. The list box shows two columns, one for
the name and one for the data. If false, the user specifies only the
registry subkey value. The registry subkey name is created
automatically. |
fallbackCulture Attribute | Specifies
the default language to use when the .adml file does not exist on the
machine or ADMX central store for the required language. |
falseList Element | Sets the multiple registry values when a boolean element is set to the false state. |
falseValue Element | Sets the registry value for the false condition of a boolean element. |
fileName Attribute | Specifies a valid file name. |
id Attribute | Specifies a string used as a logical name for an element. |
item Element | Represents a singe registry entry and its value. |
item Element (enum) | A child element of the enum element, representing a display name associated with a single value or a single value with a set of registry subkey values. |
key Attribute | Specifies a string that represents the name of the registry subkey. |
keywords Element | A list of searchable keywords associated with categories and policy settings. |
label Element | A localized string label for the text box parameter. |
list Element | Sets
a list of registry subkeys when a policy setting is enabled through the
GPME. It is generally associated with a show box parameter in the GPME. |
listBox Element | Represents a list parameter. It must be associated with a list element defined in the elements element. |
maxLength Attribute | Specifies the maximum number of text characters for a text element. The default value is 1023. |
maxValue Attribute | Specifies the maximum value for a decimal element. The default value is 9999. |
minRequiredRevision Attribute | Determines the minimum version of the .adml file that will interoperate with the .admx file. It is an attribute of the .admx resources element. |
minValue Attribute | Specifies the minimum value for a decimal element. The default value is 0. |
name Attribute | A logical or friendly name used as a mapping to a string value referenced in the .adml file. This attribute can be used in the category, definition, or policy element. |
nameSpace Attribute | Specifies the URI used to identify the elements within an ADMX file. |
noSort Attribute | A Boolean value. If true, display the suggested values in the defined order of the suggestion elements; otherwise, sort the suggested values in alphabetical or numerical order. |
parentCategory Element | Specifies the location of the category in relationship to its parent category in the GPME tree structure. |
policy Element | Corresponds
to a single Group Policy setting displayed in the GPME. It describes
all of the information about the policy setting but includes a
reference to the parameter definition. |
policyDefinitionResources Element | The document
element for an .adml file that defines all the localized resource
information with a single language or culture per file for each
supported language or culture setting. It also declares a default
namespace for all of the elements in the .adml file. |
policyDefinitions Element | The document
element for an .admx file that defines a set of registry-policy
settings. It also declares a default namespace for all of the elements
in the .admx file. |
policyNamespaces Element | Defines the unique name for the policy namespace in an ADMX file as well as any namespaces it references in other ADMX files. |
policies Element | A table of policy elements. |
prefix Attribute | Specifies the logical name that refers to the namespace within the current or referenced ADMX file. |
presentation Attribute | A
presentation value referenced in the .adml file representing the
localized portions of a policy setting parameter. This is defined in
the .admx file. |
presentation Element | Corresponds to the parameters for a single Group Policy setting displayed in the GPME. |
presentationTable Element | A table of presentation
elements representing the layout of parameter controls for individual
Group Policy settings. The layout of parameter controls includes: type
of parameter entry mechanism (edit box, spin box, drop-down list, list
box, show box, and combo box), labels and prompt text for the parameter
entry, and the default and range values for each parameter entry. |
ref Attribute | References a logical name for the parent category. |
refId Attribute | Specifies
a string used as a logical name. This attribute allows an element from
the .admx file to refer to an element in the .adml file. |
required Attribute | Specifies a Boolean value that represents whether a value must be specified for the parameter. |
resources Element (.adml) | Contains the stringTable and presentationTable elements for specific MUI languages. This is located in the .adml file. |
resources Element (.admx) | Specifies
the minimum revision level of the matching .adml file and, optionally,
the fallback language to use. This is located in the .admx file. |
revision Attribute | Provides a method of tracking changes made to the .admx or .adml file. |
schemaVersion Attribute | Specifies the ADMX schema version that the .admx and .adml files conform to. |
seeAlso Element | A descriptive phrase that can be used to reference related categories or policy settings. |
soft Attribute | A
Boolean value. If true, a registry value will not overwrite a
previously set value; otherwise, registry values will always be saved. |
spin Attribute | A
Boolean value. If true, a spin box control is created in addition to
the numeric text box; otherwise, a numeric text box is created. |
spinStep Attribute | Specifies the increment of change for the spin box control. If not specified, it is set to 1. |
storeAsText Attribute | A Boolean value. If true, the decimal element will store the decimal value as a REG_SZ registry value; otherwise, as a REG_DWORD. |
string Element (.adml) | Represents a localized display string. |
string Element (.admx) | Sets a value to string text. |
stringTable Element | Contains the display strings for the following types of information:
Group Policy setting title
Explain text
SupportedOn text
Category names and Explain text
Parameter labels |
suggestion Element | A localized string displayed as a drop-down choice of the combo box parameter. |
supersededAdm Element | References an .adm template to be replaced by an ADMX file. GPME will not read any .adm template designated as superseded. |
supportedOn Element | Provides a mapping of products to definitions. |
supportedOn Element (policy) | Provides a mapping of products to policy setting definitions. |
target Element | Provides the mapping of a logical or friendly name to a unique URI name representing a policy namespace. |
text Element | Sets the specified registry value to a specified text input value when a policy setting is enabled through the GPME. |
text Element (presentation) | A localized string displayed within the parameter box by the GPME, used within the presentation element. |
textbox Element | Represents a text box parameter. It must be associated with a text element defined in the elements element. |
trueList Element | Sets the multiple registry values when a boolean element is set to the true state. |
trueValue Element | Sets the registry value for the true condition of a boolean element. |
using Element | Provides
the mapping of the logical name to a unique URI name of a previously
defined policy namespace located in a different ADMX file. This is an
optional element with no limit to the maximum number of using elements that can be declared in a policyNamespaces element. |
value Attribute | Specifies the numerical value for the decimal element. |
value Element | Represents the actions to delete a registry subkey or set the value of the registry subkey to a decimal or string value. |
valueList Element | Sets the multiple registry values within the item element when defined as a child of the enum element. |
valueName Attribute | Specifies a string that contains the name for a registry entry. |
valuePrefix Attribute | Specifies
the text string that will be prepended to an incremented integer. The
combined text string and integer will create the registry subkey used
in setting policy values. |
XML declaration | Specify
that this is an XML document. All ADMX files may start with the XML
declaration. The XML declaration is not considered to be part of the
ADMX document. However, it is good practice to start the ADMX file with
the XML declaration to specify that this is an XML document. |
xmlns Attribute | Specifies the default namespace for all elements in either the .admx or .adml file. |