3. Scanning Your Computer for Spyware and Malware
In Windows Defender, you can run a quick scan of your
computer by clicking the Scan button on the toolbar. A quick scan checks
the most common areas of the computer affected by spyware, including the
computer’s memory and the program executable files and registry settings
currently in use. Figure 9 shows an example
of a quick scan being performed.

Using the Scan Options button to the right of the Scan button on
the toolbar, you have the option of performing a full scan or a custom
scan, in addition to a quick scan. A full scan scans the entire
operating system and every file on the hard drive. A custom scan allows
you to define the specific areas you want to scan for spyware or malware
on the computer.
Regardless of which type of scan you choose, you’ll see a results
window, similar to the one shown in Figure 10, when the scan completes. The scan
statistics show you the start time of the scan, the total elapsed time
of the scan, and the number of items scanned. The scan status shows the
last scan date and time, scan type, scan schedule, real-time protection
status, and a definition version of the product.
By default, Windows Defender is configured to perform a quick scan
daily. You should manually run a full scan monthly or weekly.