
Sharepoint 2013 : Upload a Picture to a Picture Library, Create a New Document

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9/16/2013 3:26:04 AM

1. Upload a Picture to a Picture Library

Scenario/Problem: You want to upload a picture to a picture library.

Solution: Picture libraries are almost identical to document libraries, and the process of uploading a picture to a picture library is the same as adding a file to a document library. The main differences are that in a picture library the New Document button is called New Picture, and clicking it doesn’t offer the option to create new types of documents; instead, it just opens the Add a Document dialog .

2. Create a New Document

Scenario/Problem: You want to create a new Microsoft Office document (for example, a Microsoft Word document or a Microsoft Excel workbook).

Solution: To create documents in document libraries, you can either use the New Document button in the Files ribbon or the New Document link above the list view.

Clicking the New Document button in the ribbon opens the Office application and the template that was specified by the manager of that document library. For example, if the manager specified that the default template for a document library is a Microsoft Excel template, Excel opens and creates a new file using that template.

Clicking the New Document link above the list view opens a dialog showing you several options for creating documents . You can pick one of them to open the application related to the type of document you chose.

When you are done authoring the document, you click Save in the application, and the document is automatically saved in the folder where you started. For more information about saving files into SharePoint.

The New Document button offers more choices of templates if the manager configured additional content types for the document library. If that is the case, clicking the New Document button creates a new document based on the template of the default content type. Using the drop-down menu for the New Document button enables you to select other content types that might use different templates and different applications (see Figure 1).


FIGURE 1 Use the New Document drop-down menu to select a content type for a new file.

For example, the Presentation content type uses a Microsoft PowerPoint template, Financial Report the content type uses a Microsoft Excel template, and the Product Whitepaper content type uses a Microsoft Word template.

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