2. Changing Query Filters
With dynamic distribution groups, the container in which you apply a query filter determines the scope of the query, which is the LDAP query you define for
the group filters to recipients in and below the specified container.
You can change the apply-filter container or modify the types of
recipients to search for by completing the following steps:
In the Exchange Management Console, double-click the dynamic
distribution group entry. This opens the group's Properties dialog box. -
On the Filter tab, the current apply-filter container is listed. To
specify a different container for limiting the query scope, click
Browse, and then use the Select Organizational Unit dialog box to
select a container. -
Use the Include These Recipient Types options to specify the type of
recipients to include in the query. Select either All Recipient Types
or select The Following Specific Types, and then select the types of
recipients. Click OK.
3. Changing Filter Conditions
With dynamic distribution groups, the filter
conditions determine the exact criteria that must be met for a
recipient to be included in the dynamic distribution group. You can
modify the filter conditions by completing the following steps:
In the Exchange Management Console, double-click the dynamic
distribution group entry. This opens the group's Properties dialog box. -
On the Conditions tab, the current conditions are listed. The
following types of conditions are available as well as conditions for
custom attributes:
Recipient Is In A State Or Province
Filters recipients based on the value of the State/Province field on
the Address And Phone tab in the related Properties dialog box. Click
the related In The Specified State Or Province(s) link. In the Specify
State Or Province dialog box, add or remove states or provinces as
necessary and then click OK. -
Recipient Is In A Department
Filters recipients based on the value of the Department field on the
Organization tab in the related Properties dialog box. Click the
related In The Specified Department(s) link. In the Specify Department
dialog box, add or remove departments as necessary and then click OK. -
Recipient Is In A Company
Filters recipients based on the value of the Company field on the
Organization tab in the related Properties dialog box. Click the
related In The Specified Company(s) link. In the Specify Company dialog
box, add or remove company names and then click OK.
Click OK.
4. Designating an Expansion Server
When there are potentially hundreds or thousands of members, dynamic
distribution groups are inefficient and can require a great deal of
processing to complete. This is why the expansion
process normally is handled by your organization's Global Catalog
servers. However, in some cases, you might want a dedicated expansion
server to handle expansion processing. The dedicated expansion server
can be any Hub Transport server in your organization, and you'll
usually want to configure at least one dedicated expansion server per
Active Directory site.
You can specify a dedicated expansion server for a dynamic distribution group by completing these steps:
In the Exchange Management Console, double-click the dynamic
distribution group entry. This opens the group's Properties dialog box. -
On the Advanced tab, select the Set Expansion Server check box, and
then click Browse to select the expansion server you want to use. Click
5. Modifying Dynamic Distribution Groups Using Cmdlets
In the Exchange Management Shell, you can get information about dynamic distribution groups using the Get-DynamicDistributionGroup
cmdlet and modify the filters and conditions associated with a dynamic
distribution group using the Set-DynamicDistributionGroup
cmdlet. The Set-DynamicDistributionGroup cmdlet has several other uses
as well. You can use it to do the following:
Specify a dedicated expansion server to enhance query processing.
Set the –ExpansionServer parameter to the identity of the Global
Catalog server to use. -
Upgrade dynamic distribution groups created for Exchange 2003 and
Exchange 2000 to allow incompatible dynamic distribution groups to be
rewritten to work with Exchange Server 2010. Set –ForceUpgrade $true,
and then modify any incompatible included recipients or recipient
filters as necessary.
Example 2 provides the syntax and usage for the Get-DynamicDistributionGroup cmdlet.
Example 2. Get-DynamicDistributionGroup cmdlet syntax and usage
Get-DynamicDistributionGroup [-Identity GroupIdentity | -Anr Name ] [-Credential Credential ] [-DomainController FullyQualifiedName ] [-Filter FilterString ] [-IgnoreDefaultScope {$true | $false}] [-ManagedBy Managers ] [-Organization OrgName ] [-OrganizationalUnit OUName ] [-ReadFromDomainController {$true | $false}] [-ResultSize Size ] [-SortBy Value ]
Get-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity 'cpandl.com/Users/CrossSales'
Example 3 provides the syntax and usage for the Set-DynamicDistributionGroup cmdlet.
Example 3. Set-DynamicDistributionGroup cmdlet syntax and usage
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity GroupIdentity [-Alias NewAlias ] [-AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom Recipients ] [-AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers Recipients ] [-AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers Recipients] [-ArbitrationMailbox ModeratorMailbox ] [-BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers Recipients ] [-ConditionalCompany Values ] [-ConditionalDepartment Values ] [-ConditionalCustomAttributeX Values ] [-ConditionalStateOrProvince Values ] [-CreateDTMFMap <$true | $false>] [-DisplayName Name ] [-DomainController DCName ] [-EmailAddresses ProxyAddress ] [-EmailAddressPolicyEnabled <$false|$true>] [-ExpansionServer Server ] [-ForceUpgrade <$false|$true>] [-GrantSendOnBehalfTo Mailbox ] [-HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled <$false|$true>] [-IgnoreDefaultScope {$true | $false}] [-IncludedRecipients <None, UserMail, MailContacts, MailGroups, Resources, AllRecipients>] [-MailTip String ] [-MailTipTranslations Locale:TipString, Locale:TipString , ...] [-ManagedBy Managers ] [-MaxReceiveSize Size] [-MaxSendSize Size ] [-ModeratedBy Moderators ] [-ModerationEnabled <$true | $false>] [-Name Name ] [-Notes Value ] [-PhoneticDisplayName PhName ] [-PrimarySmtpAddress SmtpAddress ] [-RecipientContainer OUName ] [-RecipientFilter String ] [-RejectMessagesFrom Recipients] [-RejectMessagesFromDLMembers Recipients] [-RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers Recipients ] [-ReportToManagerEnabled <$false|$true>] [-ReportToOriginatorEnabled <$false|$true>] [-RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled <$false|$true>] [-SendModerationNotifications <Never | Internal | Always>] [-SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled <$false|$true>] [-SimpleDisplayName Name ] [-UMDtmfMap Values ] [-WindowsEmailAddress SmtpAddress ]
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity 'cpandl.com/Users/CrossSales' -IncludedRecipients 'AllRecipients' -ConditionalCompany 'City Power & Light' -ConditionalDepartment 'Sales','Accounting' -ConditionalStateOrProvince 'Washington','Idaho','Oregon' -RecipientContainer 'cpandl.com'
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity 'cpandl.com/Users/CrossSales' -ForceUpgrade $true
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity 'cpandl.com/Users/CrossSales' -ExpansionServer 'CorpSvr127'
6. Previewing Dynamic Distribution Group Membership
You can preview a dynamic distribution group to confirm its
membership and determine how long it takes to return the query results.
The specific actions you take depend on the following factors:
In some cases, you might find that the membership isn't what you
expected. If this happens, you need to change the query filters, as
discussed earlier. -
In other cases, you might find that it takes too long to execute the
query and return the results. If this happens, you might want to
rethink the query parameters. You might want to create several query
To preview dynamic distribution group membership, follow these steps:
In the Exchange Management Console, double-click the dynamic
distribution group entry. This opens the group's Properties dialog box. -
On the Conditions tab, click Preview. -
When you are finished reviewing the results of the query, click OK twice.