This section describes state poller, which is used in NNMi.
State poller allows for the setting of polling intervals and types
for classes, interface types, or node types. Configuration is organized
by groups, which allows flexibility in maintaining state poller,
especially if the network is dynamic and new discoveries need specific
polling configuration.
The following screenshot represents the State poller configuration window:
State poller can be configured to use ICMP or SNMP status checks and
can be configured for interface or node. This type of configuration is
very flexible, but simultaneously complicated, as overlapping may
occur. It is OK as long as we know how overlapping works. There are few
rules about how NNMi evaluates objects for state polling:
- If the object
is interface, then the interface group is evaluated starting from the
lowest group number to the highest. The first matched group is applied.
No more evaluation is done.
- If
the object was not found in the interface group, node groups are
evaluated. Again, evaluation is done starting from the group with the
lowest group number to the highest. The first matched group is applied.
No more evaluation is done. Any interface that didn't match any
interface group inherits settings from its node's group settings, which
were applied to the node.
- If any object in the device didn't match any state polling rule, default settings are applied.
The following diagram represents the State poller setting evaluation flow:
How to plan state polling
Initially, it may look like a very tricky and difficult task to
understand how the NNMi administrator will know what polling settings
to set on every single node, and on every interface in a network.
Especially when NNMi monitors hundreds, if not thousands of devices,
and thousands if not tens of thousands interfaces.
So, forget about the amount of nodes and interfaces. Let's get answers to following questions first:
- Which devices do we plan to monitor?
- What parameters do we want to monitor?
- What maximum delay is tolerated for notifying a state change?
Answers to these questions will give us a pretty clear picture about
what the state poller settings should look like. Will we use ICMP or
SNMP? Should we care more about traps, or do we plan to poll devices
As an example, let's take a very generic ISP network that has a
backbone network, VIP customers, home users, international links, and
peer connections with other ISPs:
It's obvious that not all devices or interfaces have the same demand
for polling. VIP customers, international, and peer connections are
probably in the top list that ISP most care about in terms of
monitoring. These sites will have more frequent polling cycles, while
home users will have less frequent polling cycles. So, we already have
a rough state polling design. If we analyze each segment more
accurately, we could continue increasing a state polling configuration
Such assessment as shown in the previous example will be your
starting point for decision input about what interface or node groups
should be created.
It is good practice to create simple and short groups, which later
would be combined into hierarchical levels for monitoring or
visualization purposes.
State poller can use ICMP or SNMP queries. Before you decide which
one you want to use, it is important to know what each of them does:
- ICMP ping is used to check the availability of each IP address
queries nodes for status information, and as SNMP can query data from
nodes about more specific parameters, these queries can also be used
for fault monitoring or performance data collection (if iSPI for
performance is used)
It is hard to estimate how much SNMP traffic will load the network,
as polling is designed to use optimized queries. Every time the
configuration is saved, state poller recalculates objects, which can be
grouped and optimized for common polling groups.
Polling intervals can be set for each group and can be selected from
a wide interval range, from as short as one minute to as long as a day
or two. Setting polling intervals is pretty tricky, as by setting too
short intervals you can heavily decrease the system performance, and by
setting too large intervals you will lose accuracy on monitoring.
State poller operations can be checked at any time using the Help | About Network Node Manager i-series table from the main window menu:
The following table describes some presented parameters.