SharePoint 2010 : Beyond Built-In SharePoint PowerShell Cmdlets

2/13/2011 9:19:06 AM
The set of 500+ PowerShell cmdlets that come with SharePoint enable you to perform a wide range of SharePoint administration tasks. But for complete automation of SharePoint administration, some areas are not covered via built-in cmdlets. In this section, we explore how we can extend PowerShell beyond its original programming.

Creating Custom Functions with PowerShell

Custom functions in PowerShell enable developers to easily group sections of code together for easier and repeated usage.

Here is a simple HelloWorld function:

Function HelloWorld()
Write-Host "Hello World!"

To execute this function, type the following:


The easiest way to get started with functions is with PowerShell ISE and execute the code directly from the ISE. In case the ISE is not available, save the code to a ps1 file with any text editor, such as Notepad. Execute it from a PowerShell shell by typing


Functions and Parameters

When creating a PowerShell function, you can define a number of parameters that need to be passed when a function is called from the code; the simplest version of a PowerShell function with parameters is the following:

Function HelloWorld($YourName)

For more flexibility with parameter properties, use the param syntax:

Function HelloWorld
Param (
[string]$YourName ="John Smith",
[int]$YourAge = 0
Write-Host "$YourName ($YourAge)"

With the preceding syntax function, an author can define which parameters are required, variable types for each variable, and default values. Functions with parameters can be called as shown next. When passed, parameters are separated with spaces only; commas are not used:

HelloWorld "John Smith" 47
HelloWorld –YourAge 47 -YourName "John Smith"

Using the SharePoint .NET API to Extend PowerShell

The set of built-in SharePoint PowerShell cmdlets enable you to manage your SharePoint farm, all the features, site collections, and sites. These cmdlets do not give you access to SharePoint lists, pages, workflows, and so on. This limitation can be easily overcome by using the existing SharePoint .NET API.

To use the additional API (SharePoint, in this example) functions, API must be referenced before using its objects and functions:


Retrieving SharePoint Lists with PowerShell

The following example shows how to get a list of SharePoint lists and libraries on a SharePoint site. To display such a list, a custom function is needed:

function Get-SPList
[string]$Title = $null


foreach($list in $CurrentWeb.Lists)
if($list.Hidden -eq $false -and ($Title -eq $null -or $Title -eq ""))
Write-Output $list
elseif($list.Title -eq $Title)
Write-Output $list

The preceding function receives SPWeb as the object and then invokes the appropriate functions from SharePoint API to retrieve lists (only those available on the Quick Launch menu).

To call this function, type the following:

Get-SPSite | Get-SPWeb -Limit ALL | ForEach-Object {Get-SPList -CurrentWeb $_} | Select ParentWeb, ParentWebUrl, Title, DefaultViewUrl

The Get-SPSite cmdlet lists all site collections (SPSite), pipes the results to Get-SPWeb that lists every site (SPWeb) within the site collection. Finally Get-SPList lists every list (only visible lists; system lists are usually hidden) in each of the sites found. The "-Limit ALL" parameter is optional and should not be switched on for large farms. To display only lists within a single site, use the following code:
Get-SPWeb "http://portal.companyABC.com/A-Project-Site" | ForEach-Object {Get-SPList $_} | Select ParentWeb, ParentWebUrl, Title, DefaultViewUrl

Creating New Lists and Document Libraries

Administrators can combine the built-in PowerShell cmdlets with the SharePoint .NET APIs to create lists and document libraries on-the-fly. Use the following code sample:

function New-SPList()
[string]$Description = "",
[string]$ListTemplateType = "DocumentLibrary"

$SPWeb.Lists.Add($Title, $Description, $ListTemplateType)
To call the above given function type the following:
Get-SPWeb "http://portal.companyABC.com/A-Project-Site" | New-SPList -Title "Sample Doc. Lib" -Description "Doc. Lib. Sample"
Get-SPWeb " http://portal.companyABC.com/A-Project-Site " | New-SPList -Title "Sample Custom List" -Description "Custom List Sample" -ListTemplateType "GenericList"
Get-SPWeb " http://portal.companyABC.com/A-Project-Site " | New-SPList -Title "Sample Calendar" -Description "Calendar Sample" -ListTemplateType "Events"

The preceding sample creates three lists on a SharePoint site (“http://portal.companyABC.com/A-Project-Site”). The function New-SPList takes three parameters: Title, Description, and ListTemplateType. You must supply a unique title for a list within one site; to pass an appropriate template value, take a look at SPListTemplateType. For more information, refer to the following URL:


Modify List Properties

Let’s consider the following scenario: a site owner wants to uniform versioning settings for all lists and libraries in the site farm. A combination of PowerShell and API comes to the rescue in such a scenario. To achieve that, we can combine existing Get-SPSite and Get-SPWeb cmdlets with a custom function:

function Set-SPList()
[bool]$EnableVersioning = $null,
[bool]$EnableMinorVersions = $null,
[int]$MajorVersionLimit = -1,
[int]$MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit = -1

if($SPList -ne $null)
if($EnableVersioning -ne $null)
$SPList.EnableVersioning = $EnableVersioning
if($MajorVersionLimit -gt -1)
$SPList.MajorVersionLimit = $MajorVersionLimit

if($SPList.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary")
if($EnableMinorVersions -ne $null)
$SPList.EnableMinorVersions = $EnableMinorVersions

if($MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit -gt -1)
$SPList.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit = $MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit

If an administrator needs to enable five major versions, and keep minor versions for three last major versions, the function needs to be called like this:

Get-SPSite | Get-SPWeb -Limit All | ForEach-Object {Get-SPList $_ | ForEach-Object
{Set-SPList $_ -EnableMinorVersions $true -EnableVersioning $true -MajorVersionLimit
5 -MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit 3}}

Creating List Items On-the-Fly

When building demonstration and presentation sites, a function that might come in handy is the PowerShell function for creating items in a list. The following sample shows how you could build such a function. It creates a list item in a custom list and assigns only a title for the list item, but it could be extended to create more complex items:

Function New-SPListItem()

[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem] $listItem = $SPList.Items.Add();

$listItem["Title"] = $Title

You can use the preceding function by typing the following:

Get-SPWeb "http://portal.companyABC.com/A-Project-Site" | Get-SPList -Title "The Team" | New-SPListItem -Title "John White"
Get-SPWeb "http://portal.companyABC.com/A-Project-Site" | Get-SPList -Title "The Team" | New-SPListItem -Title "Ann Green"
Get-SPWeb "http://portal.companyABC.com/A-Project-Site" | Get-SPList -Title "The Team" | New-SPListItem -Title "Zoey Gray"

The preceding code creates three new items (John White, Ann Green, Zoey Gray) in the list "The Team" located on the site “http://portal.companyABC.com/A-Project-Site”.

Managing Backend Systems with PowerShell

PowerShell can also manage backend systems in the SharePoint environment. Microsoft and third-party vendors released numerous packs to manage various systems, and the most important ones for SharePoint environment are management packs for IIS, Windows servers, and Active Directory.

Windows PowerShell Snap-In for IIS 7.5

Microsoft released a PowerShell snap-in for IIS that can help administrators automate most common operations with IIS sites and pools. SharePoint administrators in complex environments can benefit from the ability to automatically reset individual websites, recycle application pools, backup IIS configuration, and so on.

The IIS snap-in can be downloaded from the following URL:


After downloading, follow the onscreen instructions to install the snap-in.

To use the snap-ins from this pack, it must be added; type the following:

Add-PsSnapin WebAdministration

This snap-in is no different from the SharePoint one; use Get-Command and Get-Help to learn more about cmdlets. Use the following code to list all web applications and pools:

# Lists all web applications (sites and pools) on IIS Get-WebApplication
# Lists names of all web sites that are stopped Get-WebSite | Where {$_.State -eq "Stopped"} | Select Name

Commands with Start, Stop, and Restart verbs enable administrators to perform those actions against websites and pools. To reset a SharePoint central administration pool, type the following:

# Restarts the Central Administration application pool
Restart-WebAppPool "SharePoint Central Administration v4"

Windows PowerShell Server Management Cmdlets

PowerShell cmdlets for managing Windows servers are built in to the PowerShell core and do not need to be loaded separately. In SharePoint environments, you can use them to control, for example, SharePoint Windows services, file systems, and so on.

The following command lists all SharePoint and ForeFront services currently stopped (ForeFront services are used to sync user accounts):

Get-Service | Where {($_.DisplayName -like "*SharePoint*" -or $_.DisplayName -like "*ForeFront*") -and $_.Status -eq "Stopped"}

To start a service, type

Start-Service ("SharePoint 2010 Timer")

Automate User Provisioning with PowerShell

The built-in SharePoint PowerShell cmdlets enable you to easily manage users across site collections, but the real power of PowerShell is revealed when you combine these with Active Directory management cmdlets.

The most common usage scenario for user provisioning occurs when a new user exists in CompanyABC.com. In this scenario, each new employee must be given an AD account and contributor rights to the SharePoint site at http://portal.companyABC.com.

Here is how a new employee procedure could be automated with PowerShell. Use the following sample code to create a new AD account:

New-ADUser -Name "JohnS" -GivenName "John" -Surname "Smith" -DisplayName "John Smith" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "pass@word1" -AsPlainText -force) -Enabled $true

To completely automate importing from PowerShell, use the Import-CVS cmdlet that enables automatic imports to be done from a CSV file. New-ADUser has more parameters that you can specify on account creation, but these are beyond the scope of this book.

When you have a new user created in Active Directory, you can use existing SharePoint cmdlets to assign proper user privileges:

New-SPUser -UserAlias "companyABC.com\JohnS" -Web "http://portal.comapanyABC.com"

PowerShell also gives you the ability to implement a similar procedure for disabling employee access to a particular site and removing it from Active Directory, The following example shows how to disable and remove a user:

# Removes a User from a SharePoint Site
Remove-SPUser –Web "http://portal.companyABC.com" -UserAlias "companyABC.com\JohnS"
# Disables AD User
Set-ADUser "JohnS" –Enabled $false
# Removes AD User
Remove-ADUser "JohnS" –confirm $false

If you have multiple site collections, you can combine Remove-SPUser with results from Get-SPSite | Get-SPWeb cmdlets.

  •  SharePoint 2010 : Understanding Advanced PowerShell Topics
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  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : External Content Types (part 2) - Defining the External Content Type
  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : External Content Types (part 1)
  •  Recovering from a Disaster in an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Recovering from Database Corruption
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  •  Recovering from a Disaster in an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Recovering from a Complete Server Failure
  •  Sharepoint 2007: Add a Column to a List or Document Library
  •  Sharepoint 2007: Create a New Document Library
  •  Sharepoint 2007: Open the Create Page for Lists and Libraries
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