
SharePoint 2010 : Security - Claims Based Authentication

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9/28/2011 6:02:40 PM
A core part of Microsoft.NET is the windows identity foundation (WIF). In essence, WIF enables .NET developers to externalize identity and authentication logic from their application. This means as your authentication models change, your application doesn't have to change. Also, to your application an identity is an "identity". Therefore, it doesn't matter if it came from a windows identity, a Live ID identity, or anything else.

WIF revolves around the concept of claims based identity. Claims based identity is a very simple idea and revolves around some simple concepts such as claims, tokens, and identity providers.

For a moment stop thinking about technology and think of what an identity really means. Let's say you met me at the conference before. Then, one fine day, you find me homeless on the streets of San Francisco begging for donuts. You would probably look at me and try to recognize some of my features that you think I cannot fake and find features that you can trust such as my eyes, my height, or voice, and I'll probably be talking about SharePoint. These features will allow you to establish an identity of me in your mind. Given that identity you will probably give me $5.00 to go buy donuts. However, if with that identity I requested to see your driver's license you would probably turn me down. Unless perhaps, I provided additional claims about myself that you can trust, like my proving that I'm really an undercover police officer.

At that point, I would be establishing my identity with you by providing claims about myself in a way that you can trust those claims. Also, as the needs of my access change, you can query me for additional claims. Therefore, my identity can be augmented as I work through your system; something you could not do with a pure authentication only model.

In this case, however, you are requesting the claims and you yourself are validating the claims. Let's think of an example where the party validating the claims is different from the party requesting the claims.

Say I was caught speeding on some freeway in California. I don't live in California, but chances are if I presented my home state's drivers license to the police officer, that is an identity that the police officer trusts. In other words, the California police trusts the issuing authority of my driver's license. In this scenario, as long as the California police officer is convinced that my claims are valid and untampered, my identity can be established in the mind of the California police officer. This is an example where the relying party (California policeman), relied on an external secure token service (my home state driver's license issuing authority) to provide the user (me) with some service.

Therefore, in terms of computers, as long as you can transfer an untamperable token with one or more claims about who you are, service providers will grant you the necessary access. Also, within the same application as you need further levels of elevated access you can simply continue to provide more claims about who you are. These claims can represent anything about a user. But, if in fact the server requested the exact age of the user then a new claim can be presented, perhaps from the driver's license issuing authority. Therefore, claims can represent pretty much any information about the user and applications can continue to ask further claims, without worrying where the claims are coming from—as long as they are not tampered.

In a computer system how exactly does this work? Typically, when a user makes a request to a server, and if the server is protected behind some sort of authentication, the user through their web browser or another client would ask an Security Token Service (STS) for a token containing claims for this user. Such a request is made using the standard protocol WS-Trust. This request is authenticated in some manner such as providing a kerberos ticket or maybe a password. Once such authentication has been done by the STS, it would then generate the token and return it to the requestor. The requester can then present that token, usually encoded as Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and present it to the service provider server.

Imagine if your SharePoint site was protected behind windows live ID. As the user, you would try accessing the SharePoint site; SharePoint would inform your browser that it requires a certain kind of token and where you can get such a token from. You would then reach out to the STS of windows live ID and then present that token to SharePoint in order to be able to gain access to the SharePoint site.

Now let's say your SharePoint site could accept two kinds of claims. It could accept the windows live ID or it could accept a windows identity. In either case, you would reach out to the appropriate STS and provide SharePoint with the appropriate identity. What is most interesting is that the actual application, SharePoint itself, doesn't really care where you got the token from as long as you have a valid token that SharePoint trusts. This means that one single web site can now support multiple authentication mechanisms; there is no difference between authentication mechanisms, so things such as client integration will continue to work no matter what kind of authentication you're using.

Compare this with what you used to have to do in SharePoint 2007. In SharePoint 2007, in order to support multiple authentications, you had to extend your web application on multiple web sites. Then each one of those applications could be configured to use a different kind of authentication mechanism. This meant that you had multiple URLs for the same content which caused a lot of confusion. Also, this meant that depending upon the kind of authentication you're using certain features did not work.

Another corollary of this problem was that sometimes you would have the same user accessing a system both from inside the firewall and outside the firewall over different kind of authentication mechanisms. To SharePoint in SharePoint 2007, this would appear as two separate identities. This was a huge functionality problem. Claims based identity also allows you to do identity reconciliation. However, in SharePoint 2010, identity reconciliation is something that is not built as a part of SharePoint. You could perform identity reconciliation outside of SharePoint in the claims based identity framework.

1. Claims Based Identity in SharePoint

With the basic theory of claims based identity behind you, now let's see how claims based identity works inside of SharePoint. Deep inside the depths of the SharePoint object model, any authenticiable entity in SharePoint is represented with the SPPrincipal object. The two classes that inherit from SPPrincipal are SPGroup and SPUser. At the end of the day, as long as either a windows identity or a claims based identity can be normalized to a SPPrincipal, the rest of the object model doesn't have to worry about the kind of identity you're using.

When you create a new web application under the authentication section, you can pick from either claims based authentication or classic mode authentication. This can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Choosing the authentication type

Assuming that you have picked and configured claims based authentication in your web application, accessing a protected resource within SharePoint is illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Claims based authentication steps

The steps being followed in sequence are described as follows.

  1. Resource request: It all starts at the resource request. The user makes a request through a client. The client can be a web browser, or a thick client, such as the office client. A resource request can be as simple as a "GET" request, asking for something like a Word document for example.

  2. Authenticate redirect: SharePoint tells the user that the user is not yet authorized to get the resource, but replies with a URL that the client can go to in order to authenticate.

  3. Authenticate request: At this point, the user makes an authentication request to the separate identity provider security token service (IP-STS).

  4. Security token: Once you have provided your credentials, the IP-STS will validate you against the internal store. The internal store can be Active Directory, ASP.NET Membership Provider database, Live ID, or anything else. Assuming that your credentials are valid, you will then be provided with a security token.

  5. Service token request: With a security token provided to the client, the client then provides that token to the SharePoint STS.

  6. Security token response: The SharePoint STS decides if it wishes to trust the provided security token. Assuming that a trust relationship has previously been defined between the SharePoint STS and the IP-STS, SharePoint internally will talk to a number of other claims providers and see if there are any additional claims that can be added to the trusted security token. For example, if you have logged in as "smalik", a claims provider to my ERP system may authorize me as a person who has the ability to approve invoices and may add that claim into my token. At this point, the token is repackaged, and a new SAML token is issued by SharePoint, to be used within SharePoint, which is the security token response. This is also sometimes referred to as augmented claims token.

  7. Request resource with service token: Finally, a request is made with the final package and augmented security token response and a resource request is repeated with the security token response. At this point, the request is converted into an SPUser object and is passed on to the SharePoint authorization infrastructure.

As you can see, all the complexity of actually identifying the user is completely separate from the authorization portion. This means that you can have multiple identity providers, and these multiple identity providers can potentially also be in different organizations. As long as they trust each other, this SAML-based token can be passed across firewalls or even across the Internet. This means that you can have multiple hop of the user's identity all across the Internet. This user's identity can also be used to authenticate to systems such as web services, and the user can use his own organization's identity to authenticate with any other organization's system as long as a trust relationship has previously been established between the two organizations.

All of these are scenarios were previously somewhere between impossible and very difficult to implement in SharePoint 2007.

Next, let's see the specific steps you need to take to enable claims based identity on a SharePoint site. You will create a web application in the SharePoint installation that uses two kinds of authentication. One is based on windows authentication and the second is based on forms based authentication. Both of these authentications are normalized to an SPUser identity as I described earlier, but this is done using claims based authentication.

  1. The first thing you need is a membership provider. You can use any membership provider as long as it implements the ValidateUser() method, because the claims based infrastructure in SharePoint relies on this method to tie in an ASP.NET identity with a claims based identity. The membership provider I intend to use in this example is the AspNetSqlMembershipProvider, which is an out of the box membership provider with .NET 2.0. For this membership provider, you need a membership provider database. Therefore, create that ASP.NET DB membership provider database by running the following command: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regsql.exe.

  2. Running this command will pop open a wizard-like interface which will guide you through the steps of creating such a database on a SQL server. Choose to use SQL authentication over windows authentication because the SharePoint installation will also need to talk to the server, and the various configuration changes are a lot easier if you choose to use SQL authentication over windows authentication.

  3. Once you have created such a database, the next thing you need to do is to populate this database with some users. Therefore, in Visual Studio create a blank ASP.NET application and add a connection string section, as shown in Listing 1. Note you need to specify the proper user credentials in the connection string.

    Example 1. The ConnectionStrings Section for the ASP.NET web.config
    <remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
    <add connectionString="Data Source=SP2010;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;User
    ID=sa;Password=p@ssword1" name="LocalSqlServer"/>

  4. You can populate the users inside the membership provider using numerous ways. The simplest way to do this is to launch the web site administration tool. You can launch the tools by visiting the project menu and choosing ASP.NET configuration. Be careful as the project menu is available only when you have an ASPX open and not when you have the web.config open.

  5. When the ASP.NET website administration tool opens, click the security link, and click "Select Authentication Type" to choose to authenticate users from the Internet.

  6. Next, click the create user link and add a new user, as shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3. Setting up a user in your membership provider database
  7. Your database is now set up. Next, you need to provision a new web application from central administration that will use claims based authentication. In order to do so, visit central administration and under applications settings\manage web applications, choose to create a new web application. If you need to switch the authentication type on an existing web application, you may follow the instructions here,_after_it_has_been_provisioned.aspx. As you create a new web application, choose to use claims based authentication instead of classic mode authentication. Choosing claims based authentication will make a new section visible that will allow you to pick the different authentications you wish to use within this web application. Choose to configure it, as shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4. Specifying authentication types
  8. Your database setup and your web application are now set up. (I created my web application on Port 80.) Next, you need to make three web.config changes within SharePoint. The first two changes configure the membership provider properly inside the port 80 and central administration web sites. Therefore, open the web.config for central administration and for your port 80 web application add the same ConnectionStrings section you see in Listing 1 into these web.configs.

  9. The other web.config you need to change is for the SharePoint STS. This needs to know about the membership provider as well, so open the web.config for the SharePoint STS, which you will find at {SharePointRoot}\WebServices\Root\web.config, and add the same ConnectionStrings section to this web.config. Now, scroll to the top of this web.config and look for the system.web\membership section. Note that this web at config chooses to clear all membership providers defined in the machine.config. Over here you need to read the AspNetSqlMembershipProvider. This can be seen in Listing 2.

    Example 2. The Entry for the AspNetSqlMembershipProvider
    <add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"
    type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=,
    Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
    connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" enablePasswordRetrieval="false"
    enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true"
    applicationName="/" requiresUniqueEmail="false" passwordFormat="Hashed"
    maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5" minRequiredPasswordLength="7"
    minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="1" passwordAttemptWindow="10"

  10. You're all set, with one exception. You haven't yet created a site collection. In your port 80 web application, create a site collection and mark two different site collection administrators, one coming from the membership provider and another using windows identity. This can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Specifying site collection administrators

Perfect! Now open your web browser and visit your port 80 web application. Note that you are prompted to pick the authentication mechanism in a dropdown, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Claims based authentication, asking you to pick authentication type

Sign in using windows authentication. Note that the browser automatically signs you in using your windows identity. Now choose to sign out (not just close the browser). You can sign out by clicking your name on the right-hand top corner in your browser and choosing the sign out menu item.

Next, try and login using forms authentication. When you login using forms authentication, you would note that your forms based identity is available on the same site, and the same URL as you had logged in using windows authentication earlier. Therefore, all SPPrincipals are available in all zones. While you're signed in, create a document library and put in a sample document in that document library. I created a document at http://sp2010/My%20Documents/Test%20Document.docx.

Next, sign out once more and start Word 2010. Choose to open a new document and in the file name type http://sp2010/My%20Documents/Test%20Document.docx. Note that Word 2010 prompts you with a claims based identity login dialog box, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Claims based authentication, asking you to pick authentication type in an office application

Sign in using either forms based identity or windows based identity and Word will be able to open the document using your claims based identity. Therefore, you can see that the experience across different kinds of clients does not change no matter what kind of authentication you're using.

When using FBA in SharePoint 2010, you should keep the following in mind:

  • FBA identities are now claims based identity instead of generic ASP.NET identities.

  • It is the STS that calls the membership provider to validate users and issues claims tokens. This is done using standard hooks in the windows identity framework.

  • ValidateUser() must be implemented in the membership providers.

  • Roles are also converted to claims and can be used as SPUsers inside SharePoint.

  • All SPPrincipals are available in all zones.

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