
Android Security : Services

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10/11/2010 2:04:15 PM
Services are long-running background processes provided by Android to allow for background tasks such as playing music and running a game server. They can be started with an Intent and optionally communicated with over a Binder interface via a call to Context’s bindService() method. (This is a slight oversimplification, but by using bindService(), you can eventually get a binder channel to talk with a Service.) Services are similar to BroadcastReceivers and Activities in that you can start them independently of their IntentFilters by specifying a Component (if they are exported). Services can also be secured by adding a permission check to their <service> tag in the AndroidManifest.xml. The long-lasting connections provided by bindService() create a fast IPC channel based on a Binder interface (see Binder Interfaces section). Binder interfaces can check permissions on their caller, allowing them to enforce more than one permission at a time or different permissions on different requests. Services therefore provide lots of ways to make sure the caller is trusted, similar to Activities, BroadcastReceivers, and Binder interfaces.

Calling a Service is slightly trickier. This hardly matters for scheduling MP3s to play, but if you need to make sensitive calls into a Service, such as storing passwords or private messages, you’ll need to validate that the Service you’re connect to is the correct one and not some hostile program that shouldn’t have access to the information you provide. (An old attack on many IPC mechanisms is to “name-squat” on the expected IPC channel or name. Attackers listen on a port, name, and so on that trusted programs use to talk. Clients therefore end up talking to the wrong server.) If you know the exact component you are trying to connect to, you can specify that explicitly in the Intent you use to connect. Alternatively, you can verify it against the name provided to your SeviceConnection’s onServiceConnected (ComponentName name, IBinder service) implementation. That isn’t very dynamic, though, and doesn’t let users choose to replace the service provider.

To dynamically allow users to add replacement services and then authorize them by means of checking for the permission they declared and were granted by the user, you can use the component name’s package as a way to validate the permission. The package name is also available to your ServiceConnection’s onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder) method. You receive the name of the implementing component when you receive the onServiceConnected() callback, and this name is associated with the application’s rights. This is perhaps harder to explain than to do, it and comes down to only a single line of code:

res = getPackageManager().checkPermission(permToCheck,

Compare the result of the checkPermission() call shown here with the constants PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED and PackageManager. PERMISSION_DENIED. As documented, the returned value is an integer, not a boolean.

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