
Introducing Windows Presentation Foundation and XAML : The Motivation Behind WPF & The Various Flavors of WPF

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7/21/2011 2:58:36 PM

1. The Motivation Behind WPF

Over the years, Microsoft has created numerous graphical user interface toolkits (raw C/C++/Windows API development, VB6, MFC, etc.) to build desktop executables. Each of these APIs provided a code base to represent the basic aspects of a GUI application, including main windows, dialog boxes, controls, menu systems, and other basic necessities. With the initial release of the .NET platform, the Windows Forms API quickly became the preferred model for UI development, given its simple yet very powerful object model.

While many full-featured desktop applications have been successfully created using Windows Forms, the fact of the matter is that this programming model is rather asymmetrical. Simply put, System.Windows.Forms.dll and System.Drawing.dll do not provide direct support for many additional technologies required to build a feature-rich desktop application. To illustrate this point, consider the ad hoc nature of GUI development before the release of WPF (e.g., .NET 2.0; see Table 1).

Table 1. .NET 2.0 Solutions to Desired Functionalities
Desired Functionality.NET 2.0 Solution
Building windows with controlsWindows Forms
2D graphics supportGDI+ (System.Drawing.dll)
3D graphics supportDirectX APIs
Support for streaming videoWindows Media Player APIs
Support for flow-style documentsProgrammatic manipulation of PDF files

As you can see, a Windows Forms developer must pull in types from a number of unrelated APIs and object models. While it is true that making use of these diverse APIs may look similar syntactically (it is just C# code, after all), you may also agree that each technology requires a radically different mind-set. For example, the skills required to create a 3D rendered animation using DirectX are completely different from those used to bind data to a grid. To be sure, it is very difficult for a Windows Forms programmer to master the diverse nature of each API.

1.1. Unifying Diverse APIs

WPF (introduced with .NET 3.0) was purposely created to merge these previously unrelated programming tasks into a single unified object model. Thus, if you need to author a 3D animation, you have no need to manually program against the DirectX API (although you could), as 3D functionality is baked directly into WPF. To see how well things have cleaned up, consider Table 2, which illustrates the desktop development model ushered in as of .NET 3.0.

Table 2. .NET 3.0 Solutions to Desired Functionalities
Desired Functionality.NET 3.0 and Higher Solution
Building forms with controlsWPF
2D graphics supportWPF
3D graphics supportWPF
Support for streaming videoWPF
Support for flow-style documentsWPF

The obvious benefit here is that .NET programmers now have a single, symmetrical API for all common GUI programming needs. Once you become comfortable with the functionality of the key WPF assemblies and the grammar of XAML, you'll be amazed how quickly you can create very sophisticated UIs.

1.2. Providing a Separation of Concerns via XAML

Perhaps one of the most compelling benefits is that WPF provides a way to cleanly separate the look and feel of a Windows application from the programming logic that drives it. Using XAML, it is possible to define the UI of an application via XML markup. This markup (ideally generated using tools such as Microsoft Expression Blend) can then be connected to a managed code base to provide the guts of the program's functionality.


XAML is not limited to WPF applications! Any application can use XAML to describe a tree of .NET objects, even if they have nothing to do with a visible user interface. For example, the Windows Workflow Foundation API uses a XAML-based grammar to define business processes and custom activities.

As you dig into WPF, you may be surprised how much flexibility "desktop markup" provides. XAML allows you to define not only simple UI elements (buttons, grids, list boxes, etc.) in markup, but also 2D and 3D graphical data, animations, data binding logic, and multimedia functionality (such as video playback). For example, defining a circular button control that animates a company logo requires just a few lines of markup.

WPF controls can be modified through styles and templates, which allow you to change the overall look and feel of an application with minimum fuss and bother. Unlike Windows Forms development, the only compelling reason to build a custom WPF control library is if you need to change the behaviors of a control (e.g., add custom methods, properties, or events; subclass an existing control to override virtual members). If you simply need to change the look and feel of a control (again, such as a circular animated button), you can do so entirely through markup.

1.3. Providing an Optimized Rendering Model

GUI toolkits such as Windows Forms, MFC or VB6 preformed all graphical rendering requests (including the rendering of UI elements such as buttons and list boxes) using a low level, C-based API (GDI) which has been part of the Windows OS for years. GDI provides adequate performance for typical business applications or simple graphical programs; however, if a UI application needed to tap into high performance graphics, DirectX was required.

The WPF programming model is quite different in that GDI is not used when rendering graphical data. All rendering operations (e.g., 2D graphics, 3D graphics, animations, UI widget renderings buttons, list boxes) now make use of the DirectX API. The first obvious benefit is that your WPF applications will automatically take advantage of hardware and software optimizations. As well, WPF applications can tap into very rich graphical services (blur effects, anti-aliasing, transparency, etc.) without the complexity of programming directly against the DirectX API.


Although WPF does push all rendering requests to the DirectX layer, I don't want to suggest that a WPF application will perform as fast as building an application using unmanaged C++ and DirectX directly. If you are build a desktop application that requires the fastest possible execution speed (such as a 3D video game), unmanaged C++ and DirectX are still the best approach.

1.4. Simplifying Complex UI Programming

To recap the story thus far, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is an API to build desktop applications that integrates various desktop APIs into a single object model and provides a clean separation of concerns via XAML. In addition to these major points, WPF applications also benefit from a very simple way to integrate services into your programs, which historically were quite complex to account for. Here is a quick rundown of the core WPF features:

  • A number of layout managers (far more than Windows Forms) to provide extremely flexible control over placement and reposition of content.

  • Use of an enhanced data-binding engine to bind content to UI elements in a variety of ways.

  • A built-in style engine, which allows you to define "themes" for a WPF application.

  • Use of vector graphics, which allows content to be automatically resized to fit the size and resolution of the screen hosting the application.

  • Support for 2D and 3D graphics, animations, and video and audio playback.

  • A rich typography API, such as support for XML Paper Specification (XPS) documents, fixeddocuments (WYSIWYG), flow documents, and document annotations (e.g., a Sticky Notes API).

  • Support for interoperating with legacy GUI models (e.g., Windows Forms, ActiveX, and Win32 HWNDs). For example, you can incorporate custom Windows Forms controls into a WPF application, and vice versa.

Now that you have some idea of what WPF brings to the table, let's turn our attention to the various types of applications that can be created using this API.

2. The Various Flavors of WPF

The WPF API can be used to build a variety of GUI-centric applications that basically differ in their navigational structure and deployment models. The sections that follow present a high-level walk through each option.

2.1. Traditional Desktop Applications

The first (and most familiar) option is to use WPF to build a traditional executable assembly that runs on a local machine. For example, you could use WPF to build a text editor, painting program, or multimedia program such as a digital music player, photo viewer, and so forth. Like any other desktop applications, these *.exe files can be installed using traditional means (setup programs, Windows Installer packages, etc.) or via ClickOnce technology to allow desktop applications to be distributed and installed via a remote web server.

Programmatically speaking, this type of WPF application will make use (at a minimum) of the Window and Application types, in addition to the expected set of dialog boxes, toolbars, status bars, menu systems, and other UI elements.

Now, you can certainly use WPF to build your basic, bland business application that does not support any bells and whistles, but WPF really shines when you do incorporate such features. Consider Figure 1, which shows a WPF sample desktop application for viewing patient records in a medical environment.

Figure 1. This WPF desktop application makes use of several WPF APIs

Sadly, the printed page does not show the full feature set of this window. Note that the upper right of the main window is displaying a real time graph of the patient's sinus rhythm. If you click on Patient Details button on the lower right, several animations take place to flip, rotate and transform the UI to the following look and feel (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Transformations and animations are very simple under WPF

Could you build this same application without WPF? Absolutely. However, the amount of code—and the complexity of the code—would be much higher.


This example application can be downloaded (with source code) from the office WPF web site, Here you will find numerous WPF (and Windows Forms) sample projects, technology walkthroughs and forums.

2.2. Navigation-Based WPF Applications

WPF applications can optionally choose to make use of a navigation-based structure, which makes a traditional desktop application take on the basic behavior of a web browser application. Using this model, you can build a desktop *.exe that provides a "forward" and "back" button that allows the end user to move back and forth between various UI displays called pages.

The application itself maintains a list of each page and provides the necessary infrastructure to navigate between them, pass data across pages (similar to a web-based application variable), and maintain a history list. By way of a concrete example, consider Windows Explorer (see Figure 3), which makes use ofsuch functionality. Notice the navigation buttons (and history list) mounted on the upper-left corner of the window.

Figure 3. A navigation-based desktop program

Regardless of the fact that a WPF desktop application can take on a weblike navigational structure, understand that this is simply a UI design issue. The application itself is still little more than a local executable assembly running on a desktop machine, and it has little to do with a web application beyond a slightly similar look and feel. Programmatically speaking, this type of WPF application is constructed using classes such as Application, Page, NavigationWindow, and Frame.

2.3. XBAP Applications

WPF also allows you to build applications that can be hosted within a web browser. This flavor of WPF application is termed an XAML browser application, or XBAP. Under this model, the end user navigates to a given URL, at which point the XBAP (which is essentially a collection of Page objects) is transparently downloaded and installed to the local machine. Unlike a traditional ClickOnce installation for an executable application, however, the XBAP program is hosted directly within the browser and adopts the browser's intrinsic navigational system. Figure 4 illustrates an XBAP program in action (specifically, the ExpenseIt WPF sample program that ships with the .NET Framework 4.0 SDK).

Figure 4. XBAP programs are downloaded to a local machine and hosted within a web browser

The benefit of an XBAP is that it allows you to create sophisticated UIs which are much more expressive than a typical web page built with HTML and JavaScript. An XBAP Page object can make use of the same WPF services as a desktop WPF application, including animations, 2D and 3D graphics, themes and whatnot. In effect, the web browser is just a container for WPF Page objects, and is not displaying ASP.NET web pages.

However, given that these Page objects are deployed to a remote web server, XBAPs can be easily versioned and updated without the need to redeploy executables to the user's desktop. Like a traditional web program, you can simply update the Page objects in the web server, and the user will get the 'latest and greatest' when they access the URL.

One downside to this flavor of WPF is that XBAPs must be hosted within Microsoft Internet Explorer or Firefox web browsers. If you are deploying XBAPs across a company intranet, browser compatibility should not be a problem, given that system administrators can play dictator regarding which browser should be installed on users' machines. However, if you want the outside world to make use of your XBAP, it is not possible to ensure each end user is making use of Internet Explorer/Firefox, and therefore some external users may not be able to view your WPF XBAP.

Another issue to be aware of is the machine which is viewing an XBAP must have a local installation of the .NET framework, as the Page objects will be using the same .NET assemblies as an application running natively on the machine. Given this particular point, XBAPs are limited to Windows operating systems and thus cannot be viewed on a system running Mac OS X or Linux.

2.4. The WPF/Silverlight Relationship

WPF and XAML also provide the foundation for a cross-platform, cross-browser WPF-based technology termed Silverlight. From a high level, you can consider Silverlight as a competitor to Adobe Flash, with the benefit of using C# and XAML rather than a new set of tools and languages. Silverlight is a subset of WPF functionality, which is used to build highly interactive plug-ins for a larger HTML-based web page. In reality, however, Silverlight is a completely unique distribution of the .NET platform, which ships with a "mini" CLR and "mini" version of the .NET base class libraries.

Unlike an XBAP, the user's machine does not need a full installation of the .NET Framework. As long as the target machine has the Silverlight runtime installed, the browser will load the Silverlight runtime and display the Silverlight application automatically. Best of all, Silverlight plug-ins are not limited to the Windows operating systems! Microsoft has also created a Silverlight runtime for Mac OS X.

With Silverlight, you are able to build extremely feature-rich (and interactive) web applications. For example, like WPF, Silverlight has a vector-based graphical system, animation support, and multimedia support. Furthermore, you are able to incorporate a subset of the .NET base class library into your applications. This subset includes a number of WPF controls, LINQ support, generic collection types, web service support, and a healthy subset of mscorlib.dll (file I/O, XML manipulation, etc.).


This edition of the text does not address Silverlight; however, a majority of your WPF knowledge will map directly to the construction of Silverlight web plug-ins. If you are interested in learning more about this API, check out

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