of whether you want to use
video or audio data, you need to know about only one element:
It takes care of playing the media content, as long as the
format is supported.
1. Embedding Multimedia
supports a number of attributes. Some of them are general, and
some of them are media-specific. For example, the
NaturalVideoWidth and NaturalVideoHeight
properties/attributes determine the size of the video. Obviously, this
does not make sense for audio content because these two properties have
the value 0.
The most important attribute is Source. It provides
the URL of the audio or video data to play. Since audio data is just a
special case of video data (no visual output), we will focus on video in
this chapter. Example 1 shows the simplest Silverlight
video player imaginable. Figure 1 shows the output
in the browser.
Example 1. A simple video player (Page.xaml, project Player)
<UserControl x:Class="Player.Page" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Width="640" Height="480" > <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <Canvas Canvas.Left="25" Canvas.Top="25"> <MediaElement Source="video.wmv"/> </Canvas> </Grid> </UserControl>
What's missing in Figure 1? The UI for using
the player. This is not shipped as part of Silverlight; however,
Silverlight provides a powerful C# API for controlling multimedia
We will now successively add features to the player. The
filenames remain the same, but the number of features grows. In the
downloadable code for this book, you will see the final version (see
The Silverlight SDK contains a complete list of
attributes. A number of them will be
introduced throughout the remainder of this chapter, but some of them
are of general interest and will be discussed here:
By default, referenced media files are played as soon as the
application has been fully loaded. You can disable this behavior
by setting the attribute/property to False.
- Balance
This provides the audio volume ratio between the left and right
speakers. -1 means that all audio is played in the
left speaker only, and 1 means that all audio is
played in the right speaker only. The default value of
0 means that the audio is evenly shared between the
left and right speakers. You can choose any float values in
- IsMuted
This is a Boolean value that depends on whether the audio output by the
is muted
(True) or not (False).
- NaturalDuration
This is the duration of the media file; it can only be read, not set.
- NaturalVideoHeight
This is the height of the video. It is 0
for audio files, and it can only be read, not set.
- NaturalVideoWidth
This is the width of the video. It is 0
for audio files, and it can only be read, not set.
- Stretch
This stretches the media if the display area is greater than the video size.
The following options are
The video remains at its original
The video fills up the available area, losing
its aspect ratio.
The video size is increased, maintaining the
aspect ratio, until the video has the width or the height
of the display area.
The video size is increased, maintaining the aspect
ratio, until the video width and height are both greater
than or equal to the width and height of the display area.
If necessary, parts of the video are cropped.
- Volume
The audio volume has a value between 0
(muted) and 1 (the maximum volume made available by
the operating system). The default value is
When (programmatically) assigning a value to
Volume, make sure you always provide a string value.
JavaScript can usually automatically convert numbers into strings, but
the Silverlight API will complain.
2. Controlling Multimedia
plays a media file. If it is audio, the sound is played. If it
is video, the video is shown (and if there is sound within the video,
the sound is played too). Apart from that,
does not have any kind of output or
UI. Instead, you need to create your own UI. Figure 2 shows a simple UI for our Silverlight media
player. It was initially created in Expression Design, exported as XAML,
imported into Expression Blend 2, and then tweaked and tuned. To keep
the code size maintainable and printable, very basic structures were
used to create the UI.
The UI consists of several buttons and other elements:
A play and pause button (depending on the state of the media
A button to jump to the previous marker
A button to jump to the next marker
Buttons to increase and decrease the volume
Text containing the current volume level
A timeline that serves as a progress bar for the media
playback, including a pointer
A text field which will later show the name of any marker (not
visible at the moment)
The XAML file is structured so that every button (including
<Path> elements on the button) is grouped in a
<Canvas> element. We use attributes to assign event handlers. Example 2 shows the complete XAML markup for the UI. Don't
worry about whether the meaning of all the event handlers is obvious at
the moment. Here is a list of all of the assigned handler
- PlayOrPause()
Called when the play/pause button is pressed; needs to play or
pause the media content
- GotoPreviousMarker()
Called when the previous marker button is pressed; needs to seek to
the position of the previous marker, if available
- GotoNextMarker()
Called when the next marker button is pressed; needs to seek to the
position of the next marker, if available
- VolumeUp()
Called when the upper volume button is pressed; needs to
increase the volume by 0.1, if possible
- VolumeDown()
Called when the lower volume button is pressed; needs to
decrease the volume by 0.1, if possible
- ShowMarker()
Called when a marker is reached; needs to display the name of
that marker
- InitVideo()
Called when the video header has been loaded; needs to initialize
the application and also start updating the progress bar pointer's
We will discuss these event handlers in more detail when we write
the associated code. You will also learn the significance of the two
storyboards at the end of the XAML file.
Example 2. The Silverlight media player, the XAML file (Page.xaml, project Player)
Code View: <UserControl x:Class="Player.Page" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Width="1000" Height="600"> <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <Canvas Canvas.Left="25" Canvas.Top="25"> <Canvas x:Name="PlayerControls"> <Canvas x:Name="PlayPause" MouseLeftButtonUp="playOrPause"> <Rectangle Width="122.014" Height="91.0105" Canvas.Left="-0.50001" Canvas.Top="-0.5" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FF000000"/> <Path x:Name="Path" Width="53.5274" Height="58.6534" Canvas.Left="13.9888" Canvas.Top="17.1706" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 67.0161,47.9973L 14.4888,17.6706L 14.4888,75.324L 67.0161,47.9973 Z"/> <Rectangle Width="12.9994" Height="46.9976" Canvas.Left="73.5164" Canvas.Top="24.5136" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFFFFFFF"/> <Rectangle Width="12.9994" Height="46.9976" Canvas.Left="91.5155" Canvas.Top="24.5138" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFFFFFFF"/> </Canvas> <Canvas x:Name="Marker"> <Canvas x:Name="PrevMarker" MouseLeftButtonDown="gotoPreviousMarker"> <Rectangle Width="122.014" Height="91.0105" Canvas.Left="149.003" Canvas.Top="-0.5" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FF000000"/> <Rectangle Width="12.9994" Height="46.9976" Canvas.Left="170.511" Canvas.Top="24.5139" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFFFFFFF"/> <Path Width="53.5274" Height="58.6534" Canvas.Left="191.245" Canvas.Top="17.6856" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 191.745,45.5123L 244.273,75.839L 244.273,18.1856L 191.745,45.5123 Z "/> </Canvas> <Canvas x:Name="NextMarker" MouseLeftButtonDown="gotoNextMarker"> <Rectangle Width="122.014" Height="91.0105" Canvas.Left="301.486" Canvas.Top="-0.5" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FF000000"/> <Path Width="53.5273" Height="58.6534" Canvas.Left="327.24" Canvas.Top="17.6856" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 380.267,48.5123L 327.74,18.1856L 327.74,75.8391L 380.267,48.5123 Z "/> <Rectangle Width="12.9994" Height="46.9976" Canvas.Left="387.502" Canvas.Top="24.5138" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFFFFFFF"/> </Canvas> <TextBlock x:Name="MarkerName" FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="24" Foreground="#FF000000" Canvas.Left="50" Canvas.Top="150" /> </Canvas> <Canvas x:Name="Volume"> <Canvas x:Name="Up" MouseLeftButtonDown="volumeUp"> <Rectangle Width="122.014" Height="43.0129" Canvas.Left="452.987" Canvas.Top="-0.5" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FF000000"/> <Path Width="88.9956" Height="24.0292" Canvas.Left="468.496" Canvas.Top="8.87177" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 512.994,9.37177L 468.996,32.401L 556.992,32.401L 512.994,9.37177 Z "/> </Canvas> <Canvas x:Name="Down" MouseLeftButtonDown="volumeDown"> <Rectangle Width="122.014" Height="43.0128" Canvas.Left="452.987" Canvas.Top="46.5052" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FF000000"/> <Path Width="88.9955" Height="24.0292" Canvas.Left="467.497" Canvas.Top="55.9971" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 511.995,79.5264L 555.992,56.4971L 467.997,56.4971L 511.995,79.5264 Z "/> </Canvas> <TextBlock x:Name="VolumeText" FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="48" Text="0.5" Foreground="#FF000000" Canvas.Left="590" Canvas.Top="10" /> </Canvas> <Canvas x:Name="Position"> <Rectangle x:Name="Timeline" Width="669.987" Height="12.9994" Canvas.Left="-0.5" Canvas.Top="119.509" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FF000000"/> <Rectangle x:Name="Pointer" Width="32.0184" Height="36.9982" Canvas.Left="-0.5" Canvas.Top="105.51" Stretch="Fill" StrokeLineJoin="Round" Stroke="#FF000000" Fill="#FFA01F1F"/> </Canvas> </Canvas> <Canvas x:Name="Player" Canvas.Top="200"> <MediaElement x:Name="Video" Source="video.wmv" AutoPlay="False" MarkerReached="showMarker" MediaOpened="initVideo" /> </Canvas> </Canvas> <Canvas> <Canvas.Resources> <Storyboard x:Name="intervalStoryboard" Duration="0:0:1" Completed="intervalStoryboardCompleted" /> <Storyboard x:Name="timeoutStoryboard" Duration="0:0:2" Completed="timeoutStoryboardCompleted" /> </Canvas.Resources> </Canvas> </Grid> </UserControl>
2.1. Play and pause
The application needs permanent access to the embedded video
file. Since Silverlight 2, you can directly access any XAML element
that has its x:Name attribute set.
However, in this example, we will use the FindName() approach. This is a good
opportunity to see this alternative technique in action; it will also
facilitate re-creating the same effect with JavaScript code.
To have permanent access to the embedded media we save a
reference in a global property whenever the first event handler fires.
This will be the handler for the MediaOpened event (if a user clicks a
button before the video has been loaded, the user's request cannot be
fulfilled at that time). In the handler function, the global
video property will
be filled:
var video = null;
private void initVideo(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (video == null)
video = (sender as MediaElement);
// ...
Silverlight supports several methods for controlling whether
given media content is played:
Pauses the media content
- Play()
Plays the media content if it is stopped, or resumes it if it is
- Stop()
Stops the media content
Conveniently, you will not get any C# errors if you try an
invalid operation, such as playing media content that is already
playing, or pausing stopped media content. So, you do not need any
error handling in that respect.
You can determine the current state of the movie by
accessing its CurrentState property. The following
values are possible:
The video is loading, but not enough data has been streamed yet, so the
control is buffering the data.
- MediaElementState.Closed
The video has been closed.
- MediaElementState.Error
Anerror has occurred while loading (or playing) the
- MediaElementState.Opening
The video is currently being opened.
- MediaElementState.Paused
The video is paused.
- MediaElementState.Playing
The video is being played.
- MediaElementState.Stopped
The video has been stopped.
If the video is paused or stopped, the code tries to play it;
otherwise, JavaScript tries to pause it:
private void playOrPause(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (video.CurrentState == MediaElementState.Paused ||
video.CurrentState == MediaElementState.Stopped)
} else {
And indeed, if you include this code in your XAML code-behind C#
file (and also provide empty shells for the other event handler
methods), a click on the movie will play it (note that it does not
start automatically, thanks to
AutoPlay="False"), a second click will pause
it, and a third click will resume it.
2.2. Setting the volume
You can set the volume of a media file using the aforementioned Volume property (remember
that C# properties are identical to XAML attributes). So, when a user
clicks on the upper volume button, the volume increases by 0.1;
clicking on the lower button decreases the volume by 0.1. In theory,
that's easy, but you do have to take some extra precautions. First,
you need to make sure the new volume is within the valid interval
(from 0 through 1). Silverlight is not very forgiving when you supply
invalid values here. Therefore, make sure the value is correct. For
instance, when increasing the volume, determine the old volume, add
0.1, and then check whether this is greater than 1.0, like
double newVolume = Math.Min(1.0, video.Volume + 0.1);
Now we can set the new volume:
video.volume = newVolume;
Finally, we display the new volume in the text field. To get rid
of any extraneous decimal digits, we cut off everything after the
first decimal digit:
TextBlock volumeText = video.FindName("VolumeText") as TextBlock;
volumeText.Text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", newVolume);
Here is the complete code for both the volumeUp()
and the volumeDown() methods:
private void volumeUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
double newVolume = Math.Min(1.0, video.Volume + 0.1);
video.Volume = newVolume;
TextBlock volumeText = video.FindName("VolumeText") as TextBlock;
volumeText.Text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", newVolume);
private void volumeDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
double newVolume = Math.Max(0.0, video.Volume - 0.1);
video.Volume = newVolume;
TextBlock volumeText = video.FindName("VolumeText") as TextBlock;
volumeText.Text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", newVolume);
When you run the code in the browser, you will actually hear
that your code works when clicking on the volume buttons, and you will
also see the new volume values, as Figure 2
2.3. Determining the media position
Although, playing and pausing a video is relatively trivial, determining its
current position requires an extra step. Fortunately, a property is
available that exposes this information: position. However, this
property is of type TimeSpan, so you need to be careful when calculating with these
values. A subproperty of any TimeSpan value is TotalSeconds, which converts the
TimeSpan value into a float value, or the number of
seconds (not necessarily integral). You can read out this value and
set it.
But before that, we will tackle the progress bar. We need to
look up the current position of the media with
video.Position.TotalSeconds. Then we need to determine the length of the media with
The NaturalDuration.Timespan
property also returns a TimeSpan value, so
accessing the TotalSeconds subproperty yields the desired
By dividing the current position by the length of the media, we
have a percentage of how much has already been played—for example,
30%. Consequently, we need to put the progress bar pointer at 30% of
the progress bar length! Or, to be exact, the center of the progress
bar pointer needs to be at 30%. If the pointer has a width of 30
pixels, we need to place it at 30% of the progress bar and then move
it 15 pixels (half the length) to the left. Generally speaking, this
code calculates the correct position of the pointer, relative to the
progress bar:
double currentPosition = video.Position.TotalSeconds;
double length = video.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds;
Rectangle progressBar = video.FindName("Timeline") as Rectangle;
Rectangle progressPointer = video.FindName("Pointer") as Rectangle;
double relativePosition = (currentPosition / length) * progressBar.Width -
(progressPointer.Width / 2);
The relative position needs to be converted into an absolute
position within the surrounding <Canvas>
element. The easiest way to achieve this is to determine the
position of the progress bar and then just add the relativePosition value:
Code View:
Canvas.SetLeft(progressPointer, Canvas.GetLeft(progressBar) + relativePosition);
We need to make sure the position is updated again (and again
and again). As of this writing, Silverlight does not have a working
timer component. However, there is a neat workaround. Remember the
Storyboard elements in the XAML
files? We will use them to execute code at a given interval. The
first storyboard has a duration of one second. When the storyboard is
completed, the
handler is executed. In this event handler, the position of the
progress pointer is updated (with the preceding code), and then the
storyboard is restarted. That way, the pointer position is updated
again after one second, and again and again. Here is the complete code
for this method:
Code View:
private void intervalStoryboardCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
double currentPosition = video.Position.TotalSeconds;
double length = video.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds;
Rectangle progressBar = video.FindName("Timeline") as Rectangle;
Rectangle progressPointer = video.FindName("Pointer") as Rectangle;
double relativePosition = (currentPosition / length) * progressBar.Width -
(progressPointer.Width / 2);
Canvas.SetLeft(progressPointer, Canvas.GetLeft(progressBar) + relativePosition);
(video.FindName("intervalStoryboard") as Storyboard).Begin();
In the initVideo() method, intervalStoryboardCompleted() is
then called for the first time by starting intervalStoryboard.
You may want to shorten the interval in which the pointer
position is updated so that the pointer moves smoothly over the
progress bar.
Figure 3 shows the result. The progress
pointer is moving as the movie is playing along.
2.4. Working with markers
A marker defines a certain spot within a media file. There are at least
two UI approaches for markers. One is to notify the user when a marker
has been reached, and the other is to offer to let the user jump
between markers. Let's start with the first one. The
MediaElement element supports the
MarkerReached event. When, a marker is reached while a
media file is playing, this event is fired. As always, the event
handling function passes two arguments: the sending object (the
MediaElement) and event information. The latter argument
is of great interest here: its marker property provides three fields
from the marker:
The name of the marker
- Time
The time of the marker (again as a TimeSpan
- Type
The type of the marker (depending on which marker types
are supported by the format used)
The XAML file already contains a text field (named
MarkerName) for the name of the marker. Whenever a marker
is reached, its name is written into that field:
private void showMarker(object sender, TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs e)
TextBlock markerName = video.FindName("MarkerName") as TextBlock;
However, it would be a bad idea in terms of usability to let
this information stay where it is. A few seconds later, the name of
the marker may no longer be suitable. Therefore, we remove this text
after two seconds by using a storyboard timeout (timeoutStoryboard):
(video.FindName("timeoutStoryboard") as Storyboard).Begin();
private void timeoutStoryboardCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBlock markerName = video.FindName("MarkerName") as TextBlock;
markerName.Text = ""
What happens if there are two markers within a span of two
seconds? Imagine that there is one marker at 00:00:02, and one at
00:00:03. The appearance of the first marker sets a timeout that will
be fired at 00:00:04; the second marker sets a timeout that will be
fired at 00:00:05 (after two seconds each). However, the 00:00:04
timeout will empty the text field, which has just been populated by
the second marker at 00:00:03! Therefore, we need to make sure there
are no pending timeouts. To do so, we just stop timeoutStoryboard at the beginning of
the showMarker()
(video.FindName("timeoutStoryboard") as Storyboard).Stop();
Here is the complete code for the showMarker()
private void showMarker(object sender, TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs e)
(video.FindName("timeoutStoryboard") as Storyboard).Stop();
TextBlock markerName = video.FindName("MarkerName") as TextBlock;
markerName.Text = e.Marker.Text;
(video.FindName("timeoutStoryboard") as Storyboard).Begin();
As Figure 4 shows, the marker names are
displayed once a marked position in the movie has been reached.
The final item on our to-do list is also related to markers:
remember that we still have functionless buttons that allow users to
jump to the next or previous marker. To implement this functionality, we first
have to determine all the markers. We could also look up all the
markers once one of the buttons is pressed, but then we would be
repeating our efforts. Therefore, the markers are retrieved once the
movie has started load. Once the MediaOpened event has
been fired, we have access to all markers. The embedded media's
markers property provides us with a collection of
all markers. Every collection item is a marker with the aforementioned
properties of Text, Time, and
Type. We are interested only in the marker time, and we
save this information in a global C# list. At the end, we numerically
sort the array, just to make sure the marker times are in the correct
private List markerTimes = new List();
private void loadMarkers()
for (int i = 0; i < video.Markers.Count; i++)
markerTimes.Sort(delegate(TimeSpan a, TimeSpan b)
return (a.TotalSeconds == b.TotalSeconds) ? 0 :
(a.TotalSeconds > b.TotalSeconds) ? 1 : -1;
The loadMarkers() method is called in the MediaOpened event handler.
First we tackle the gotoNextMarker() method.
We determine the current position of the clip and then
go through all the markers. If we find a marker that is later than the
current media position (assuming that all the markers are sorted by
their time), we use this marker and immediately leave the loop. Here
is the code:
private void gotoNextMarker(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
double currentTime = video.Position.TotalSeconds;
for (int i = 0; i < markerTimes.Count; i++)
if (markerTimes[i].TotalSeconds > currentTime)
video.Position = markerTimes[i];
The gotoPreviousMarker() method is implemented in an analogous fashion. Make sure you start
searching from the end. We go through the markers starting with the
last one, until we find one that is earlier than the current media
private void gotoPreviousMarker(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
double currentTime = video.Position.TotalSeconds;
for (int i = markerTimes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (markerTimes[i].TotalSeconds < currentTime)
video.Position = markerTimes[i];
If you run this example in the browser, you will notice that the
player jumps to the appropriate position in the clip (see Figure 5), but only if the media format supports jumping to markers. If not, you
conveniently do not get an error message.
Previous Silverlight versions had a (possible) bug that
prevented you from setting video.Position.Seconds
(setting the value had no effect). This is fixed now, but in case
you are running into this in legacy applications, our special
example shows how we can avoid this issue: we save the TimeSpan marker values in
an array and can then assign the TimeSpan values back
to video.Position when jumping to a marker.
Every feature implemented in this chapter should not have been
extraordinarily difficult to understand, and if you combine them, you
will get a very functional application. Example 3
contains the complete JavaScript code for the Silverlight media
Example 3. The Silverlight media player, the XAML C# file (Page.xaml.cs, project Player)
Code View: using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Shapes; using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Player { public partial class Page : UserControl { private MediaElement video = null; private List markerTimes = new List();
public Page() { // Required to initialize variables InitializeComponent(); }
private void showMarker(object sender, TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs e) { (video.FindName("timeoutStoryboard") as Storyboard).Stop(); TextBlock markerName = video.FindName("MarkerName") as TextBlock; markerName.Text = e.Marker.Text; (video.FindName("timeoutStoryboard") as Storyboard).Begin(); }
private void initVideo(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (video == null) { video = (sender as MediaElement); } loadMarkers(); (video.FindName("intervalStoryboard") as Storyboard).Begin(); }
private void loadMarkers() { for (int i = 0; i < video.Markers.Count; i++) { markerTimes.Add(video.Markers[i].Time); } markerTimes.Sort(delegate(TimeSpan a, TimeSpan b) { return (a.TotalSeconds == b.TotalSeconds) ? 0 : (a.TotalSeconds > b.TotalSeconds) ? 1 : -1; }); }
private void playOrPause(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (video.CurrentState == MediaElementState.Paused || video.CurrentState == MediaElementState.Stopped) { video.Play(); } else { video.Pause(); } }
private void gotoPreviousMarker(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { double currentTime = video.Position.TotalSeconds; for (int i = markerTimes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (markerTimes[i].TotalSeconds < currentTime) { video.Position = markerTimes[i]; break; } } }
private void gotoNextMarker(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { double currentTime = video.Position.TotalSeconds; for (int i = 0; i < markerTimes.Count; i++) { if (markerTimes[i].TotalSeconds > currentTime) { video.Position = markerTimes[i]; break; } } }
private void volumeUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { double newVolume = Math.Min(1.0, video.Volume + 0.1); video.Volume = newVolume; TextBlock volumeText = video.FindName("VolumeText") as TextBlock; volumeText.Text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", newVolume); }
private void volumeDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { double newVolume = Math.Max(0.0, video.Volume - 0.1); video.Volume = newVolume; TextBlock volumeText = video.FindName("VolumeText") as TextBlock; volumeText.Text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", newVolume); }
private void intervalStoryboardCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { double currentPosition = video.Position.TotalSeconds; double length = video.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds; Rectangle progressBar = video.FindName("Timeline") as Rectangle; Rectangle progressPointer = video.FindName("Pointer") as Rectangle; double relativePosition = (currentPosition / length) * progressBar.Width -(progressPointer.Width / 2); Canvas.SetLeft(progressPointer, Canvas.GetLeft(progressBar) + relativePosition); (video.FindName("intervalStoryboard") as Storyboard).Begin(); }
private void timeoutStoryboardCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBlock markerName = video.FindName("MarkerName") as TextBlock; markerName.Text = ""; }
} }
Usually markers are stored within a media file. However, you can also
temporarily create markers. You can also use C#
by dynamically adding elements to the
element (you cannot do this via
regular markup). The trick is to dynamically create a TimelineMarker object, and then add this
to the Markers collection of the media content. This is
how the code could look:
TimelineMarker t = new TimelineMarker(); t.Text = "Olympic Stadium"; t.Time = new TimeSpan(12, 34, 56); video.Markers.Add(t); |
Using audio and video from Silverlight is quite convenient. Just
convert your content into a supported file format and use
markup. With a little bit of C# you
can turn your UI into a full-fledged media player; but obviously, if
it came out of the box that way it would be even more convenient.