
Gioteck HF-2 Controller - Different Strokes

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9/18/2012 10:46:51 AM

An Xbox feel for the PS3...

One of the reasons that people will give for not liking a particular video game console is the shape of the controller. If you are one of those who prefer the Xbox 360 controller, but still want to play games on the PlayStation 3, Gioteck has an interesting solution for you.

Description: Gioteck HF-2

Gioteck HF-2 Controller

The Gioteck HF-2 Bluetooth Controller for PS3 is shaped almost exactly like an Xbox 360 controller, offering a larger device with offset analogue sticks, as opposed to the more symmetrical standard PS3 controller. The larger size of the controller may be comfortable for many people, too, and the contoured shape sits very comfortably in the player’s hands.

The whole device is covered in a very stylish nonslip material that lends it a matt look, perfectly complimenting the urban camouflage design that covers the tp of the HF-2. In short, it is a very comfortable controller to use, although the oversized bumper buttons take some getting used to.

The analogue sticks have rubber thumb grips, and have notches at every ninety degree point, for added accuracy. The dished D-pad also makes direction selection much easier while you’re not looking at the controller.

But the device is about more than just comfort - it is a very practical controller, too. For example, thanks to downloadable software, the analogue stick sensitivity can be adjusted. Additionally, the functions of the bumpers and triggers can be switched at the flick on a switch on the controller, meaning that you won’t need to sit remapping controls (if they can even be remapped) in-game when developers decide to mess with standard set-ups. Want your fire button to be R2 instead of R1 ? Hey presto, it’s done. A turbo function has also been included, which is a bit of a throw back from the old days when joysticks were experimenting with the idea, but this can save you a lot of button-mashing related thumb-cramping.

The Gioteck HF-2 is a great controller, perfect for those who want an Xbox feel while playing PS3. It is accurate, sensitive and responsive. The only real downside here is that it is not rechargeable. The user will either need to spring for a pair of AA batteries, or will need to cough up some extra cash to get the HF-2 Rechargeable Battery Pack. Both, incidentally, sold separately.

Naturally you can plug the controller in to play, but this does sort of defeat the whole purpose of it being Bluetooth. And the cable supplied with it is short... so just go and get the Rechargeable Battery.

Oh, yes, how could we forget... unlike pretty much any other controller on the market, the HF-2 will have firmware upgrades released. Those will keep it going strong for ages.

Description: PlayStation 3 Slim

PlayStation 3 Slim

At a glance

Summary:  A very versatile controller for the PS3, complete with an Xbox 360 feel.

Tech specs:


X360 configuration

Interchangeable buttons

Turbo mode

Sensitivity adjustment

Manufacturer: Gioteck

Distributer: Apex Interactive

Website :

RRP:   R699.9B

Pros : Very comfortable, Versatile, Responsive

Cons: Rechargeable battery sold separately


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