
Security Fundamentals : Windows Authentication

10/10/2010 5:36:04 PM
With Windows authentication, the web server takes care of the authentication process. ASP.NET simply makes this identity available to your code for your security checks.

When you use Windows authentication, you force users to log into IIS before they're allowed to access secure content in your website. The user login information can be transmitted in several ways (depending on the network environment, the requesting browser, and the way IIS is configured), but the end result is that the user is authenticated using a local Windows account. Typically, this makes Windows authentication best suited to intranet scenarios, in which a limited set of known users is already registered on a network server.

To implement Windows-based security with known users, you need to follow three steps:

  1. Set the authentication mode to Windows authentication in the web.config file. (If you prefer a graphical tool, you can use the WAT during development or IIS Manager after deployment.)

  2. Disable anonymous access for a directory by using an authorization rule.

  3. Configure the Windows user accounts on your web server (if they aren't already present).

You'll walk through these steps in the following sections.


The built-in Visual Studio web server doesn't support anonymous users with Windows authentication. Instead, Visual Studio automatically logs you in to the test server using your Windows account. As a result, there's no need to use an authorization rule that denies anonymous users. However, it's still good practice to add it, because at some point you will deploy your application to IIS and need to explicitly deny anonymous users.

1. Web.config Settings

To use Windows authentication, you need to make sure the <authentication> element is set accordingly in your web.config file. Here's how:

<authentication mode="Windows" />

<deny users="?" />


At the moment, there's only one authorization rule, which uses the question mark to refuse all anonymous users. This step is critical for Windows authentication (as it is for forms authentication). Without this step, the user will never be forced to log in.

Ideally, you won't even see the login process take place. Instead, Internet Explorer will pass along the credentials of the current Windows user, which the web server uses automatically. The Visual Studio integrated web server always works this way. IIS also works this way, provided you've set up integrated Windows authentication  and the browser supports it.

You can also add <allow> and <deny> elements to specifically allow or restrict users from specific files or directories. Unlike with forms authentication, you need to specify the name of the server or domain where the account exists. For example, this rule allows the user account matthew, which is defined on the computer named WebServer:

<allow users="WebServer\matthew" />

For a shortcut, you can use localhost (or just a period) to refer to an account on the current computer, as shown here:

<allow users=".\matthew" />

You can also restrict certain types of users, provided their accounts are members of the same Windows group, by using the roles attribute:

<deny users="?" />
<allow roles=".\SalesAdministrator,.\SalesStaff" />
<deny users=".\matthew" />

In this example, all users who are members of the SalesAdministrator or SalesStaff groups will be automatically authorized to access ASP.NET pages in this directory. Requests from the user matthew will be denied, unless he is a member of the SalesAdministrator or SalesStaff group. Remember, ASP.NET examines rules in the order they appear and stops when it finds a match. Reversing these two authorization lines would ensure that the user matthew was always denied, regardless of group membership.

You can also examine a user's group membership programmatically in your code, as shown here.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

If User.IsInRole("MyDomainName\SalesAdministrators") Then
' Do nothing; the page should be accessed as normal because
' the user has administrator privileges.
' Don't allow this page. Instead, redirect to the home page.
End If
End Sub

In this example, the code checks for membership in a custom Windows group called SalesAdministrators. If you want to check whether a user is a member of one of the built-in groups, you don't need to specify a computer or domain name. Instead, you use this syntax:

If User.IsInRole("BUILTIN\Administrators") Then
' (Code goes here.)
End If

Note that you have no way to retrieve a list of available groups on the web server (that would violate security), but you can find out the names of the default built-in Windows roles using the System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole enumeration. Table 1 describes these roles. Not all will apply to ASP.NET use, although Administrator, Guest, and User probably will.

Table 1. Default Windows Roles
AccountOperatorUsers with the special responsibility of managing the user accounts on a computer or domain.
AdministratorUsers with complete and unrestricted access to the computer or domain. (If the web server computer uses user account control [UAC], Windows will hold back administrator privileges from administrator accounts, to reduce the risk of viruses and other malicious code.)
BackupOperatorUsers who can override certain security restrictions only as part of backing up or restore operations.
GuestLike the User role but even more restrictive.
PowerUserSimilar to Administrator but with some restrictions.
PrintOperatorLike User but with additional privileges for taking control of a printer.
ReplicatorLike User but with additional privileges to support file replication in a domain.
SystemOperatorSimilar to Administrator with some restrictions. Generally, system operators manage a computer.
UserUsers are prevented from making systemwide changes and can run only certified applications (see for more information).

2. A Windows Authentication Test

One of the nice features of Windows authentication is that no login page is required. Depending on the authentication protocol you're using , the login process may take place automatically or the browser may show a login dialog box. Either way, you don't need to perform any additional work.

You can retrieve information about the currently logged-on user from the User object. As you learned earlier, the User object provides identity information through the User.Identity property. Depending on the type of authentication, a different identity object is used, and each identity object can provide customized information. To get some additional information about the identity of the user who has logged in with Windows authentication, you can convert the generic IIdentity object to a WindowsIdentity object (which is defined in the System.Security.Principal namespace).

The following is a sample test page that uses Windows authentication (see Figure 1). To use this code as written, you need to import the System.Security.Principal namespace (where the WindowsIdentity class is defined).

Public Partial Class SecuredPage
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim displayText As New StringBuilder()
displayText.Append("You have reached the secured page, ")

Dim winIdentity As WindowsIdentity
winIdentity = CType(User.Identity, WindowsIdentity)

displayText.Append(".<br /><br />Authentication Type: ")
displayText.Append("<br />Anonymous: ")
displayText.Append("<br />Authenticated: ")
displayText.Append("<br />Guest: ")
displayText.Append("<br />System: ")
displayText.Append("<br />Administrator: ")

lblMessage.Text = displayText.ToString()
End Sub

End Class

Figure 1. Retrieving Windows authentication information

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