
Programming .NET Security : Programming XML Signatures (part 1) - XMLDSIG Explained & Signing an XML Document

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2/26/2011 4:39:45 PM
The .NET Framework supports the XML Signature specification (commonly referred to as XMLDSIG), which provides a standard approach to creating and representing signatures for XML documents.

In this section, we introduce the .NET XMLDSIG classes. We do not discuss all of the options available to you or provide in-depth coverage of the standard itself. The XMLDSIG standard is complex, and full coverage is outside the scope of this book. For full details of the XML Signature specification, consult the World Wide Web Consortium web site, at Consult the .NET documentation for full details of the XMLDSIG classes. You should have a basic understanding of how the .NET Framework supports XML.

1. XMLDSIG Explained

The .NET Framework includes classes that support creating and verifying XMLDSIG signatures for XML documents; in other words, the .NET XMLDSIG classes allow you to sign XML documents to create signatures that are also XML documents themselves.

Throughout this section, we will base our examples on creating a signature for the following simple XML, which we assume is in a file named book.xml:

<title>Programming .NET Security</title>
<author>Adam Freeman</author>
<author>Allen Jones</author>

All of the .NET XMLDSIG classes are contained in the System.Security.Cryptography.Xml namespace, which is included in System.Security.dll.

2. Signing an XML Document

In the following sections, we demonstrate how to create an XMLDSIG signature for our sample XML document.

2.1. Creating the reference

To create a signature, the first step is to create a reference to the XML document that you want to sign. The .NET Reference class allows you to create a reference using a URL string or a stream of data. When the signature is created, the XML data will be read from the URL or the stream to create the signature. The following statements demonstrate how to create a Reference object:

# C#

// specify the URL of the document we want to sign
string x_url = "";
// create a reference that points to the URL
Reference x_url_ref = new Reference(x_url);

// open a file stream for the document we want to sign
FileStream x_stream = new FileStream("book.xml", FileMode.Open);
// create a Reference that will use the stream
Reference x_stream_ref = new Reference(x_stream);

# Visual Basic .NET

' specify the URL of the document we want to sign
Dim x_url As String = "http:'"
' create a reference that points to the URL
Dim x_url_ref As Reference = New Reference(x_url)

' open a file stream for the document we want to sign
Dim x_stream As FileStream = New FileStream("book.xml", FileMode.Open)
' create a Reference that will use the stream
Dim x_stream_ref As Reference = New Reference(x_stream)

2.2. Creating the SignedXML

The System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml class is responsible for creating the signature document. Create an instance of this class, and then configure it with the settings you wish to use in creating the signature. Create a new instance of the SignedXml class using the default constructor, and then use the AddReferenceReference object you created in the previous section: method to add the

# C#

SignedXml x_signed_xml = new SignedXml( );

# Visual Basic .NET

Dim x_signed_xml As SignedXml = New SignedXml( )

2.3. Setting the signing algorithm

you need to create a new asymmetric signing algorithm instance and assign it to the SignedXml object using the SigningKey property, as illustrated by the following statements:

# C#

// create a new instance of the DSA algorithm
DSA x_dsa = DSA.Create( );

// configure the signing key
// ...

// set the algorithm for the SignedXml
x_signed_xml.SigningKey = x_dsa;

# Visual Basic .NET

' create a new instance of the DSA algorithm
Dim x_dsa As DSA = DSA.Create( )

' configure the signing key
' ...

' set the algorithm for the SignedXml
x_signed_xml.SigningKey = x_dsa

These statements have the effect of defining the algorithm and the keys that will be used to create the signature. The .NET classes support using the RSA and DSA algorithms for generating XML Signature documents.

2.4. Creating the signature

Create the signature by calling the ComputeSignature method. You can then obtain the signature by calling the GetXml method, and obtain a string representation by using the OuterXml property, as shown below:

# C#

x_signed_xml.ComputeSignature( );
Console.WriteLine(x_signed_xml.GetXml( ).OuterXml);

# Visual Basic .NET

x_signed_xml.ComputeSignature( )
Console.WriteLine(x_signed_xml.GetXml( ).OuterXml)

The result of creating a DSA signature for our sample XML is as follows:

<Signature xmlns="">
Algorithm="" />
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
<DigestMethod Algorithm="" />

Notice that the XML signature document contains information about the signing algorithm (DSA), the hashing algorithm (SHA-1), and the signature value, which has been Base64-encoded. This is a formalized representation of the information that is needed to verify the signature, which would otherwise have to be communicated between parties in an ad hoc manner (for example, Alice and Bob exchange messages to agree on the hashing and signing algorithms before they exchange signed data).

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