The standard .NET evidence classes represent the most commonly
available and useful characteristics of an assembly. For most
situations, these classes provide enough reliable information from
which to determine a unique identity for an assembly, enabling you to
configure your security policy. However, there are times when the
systems you develop need to provide users, administrators, and
programmers with additional criteria on which to base their security
policy decisions. CAS supports the use of custom evidence to meet
this requirement.
The creation of custom evidence is a simple task, but there are more
steps before you can drive the policy resolution process using your
custom evidence. In the following sections, we discuss the creation
of a custom evidence class.
1. Creating Custom Evidence
You can use any serializable class as
evidence. There are no evidence-specific interfaces to implement, nor
do you need to derive from a common base class (other than
System.Object). However, here are some guidelines
to consider when implementing custom evidence classes:
Make evidence simple. Evidence classes
tend to be relatively simple classes that represent a single piece or
type of information. Creating evidence classes that represent
multiple or complex sets of data will result in security policy that
is difficult for security administrators and users to configure and
understand. If you need to represent multiple pieces of information,
then create separate evidence classes for each.
Make evidence lightweight. When the runtime loads an assembly, it must instantiate the objects
that represent the assembly's evidence. These
objects stay in memory until the assembly is unloaded or the runtime
terminates. Consider the amount of memory used by your evidence
classes as well as avoid lengthy processing tasks, such as network,
file, and database access during instantiation.
Make evidence serializable. Evidence classes must be serializable. Because of their simplicity,
application of the System.SerializableAttribute is
usually sufficient. Those evidence classes that have more complex
serialization requirements must implement the
Unless you implement ISerializable,
deserialization of an object does not result in the execution of a
constructor, and you should not depend on constructor logic to
configure or modify the state of the de-serialized object.
Make evidence noninheritable. It is
to mark your evidence classes as sealed in C# and
NotInheritable in Visual Basic .NET so that
malicious code cannot subclass your evidence class in an attempt to
change its behavior and subvert CAS.
Don't assume default values. You should consider
whether it is appropriate for your evidence class to assume default
evidence values if the caller does not explicitly set them during
creation. The approach taken by the standard evidence classes is
never to provide default values for evidence. None of the standard
evidence classes implements a default (empty) constructor, nor do
they make assumptions about the value of incorrectly specified
arguments. In all cases, the evidence classes'
constructor throws a System.ArgumentNullException
if passed null arguments. If arguments have invalid values, the
constructor throws a System.ArgumentException.
Make evidence immutable. Once created,
the information held within an evidence class should be immutable.
The evidence assigned to an assembly or application domain is
accessible to many classes during policy resolution. It would cause
problems if these classes could change the values of the evidence
part way through the policy resolution process.
Object.ToString. All standard evidence classes override the
Object.ToString method to display a simple XML
representation of the evidence object. For consistency, you should
consider taking the same approach. Being able to display the contents
of evidence is invaluable when testing and debugging.
Grant identity permissions. To create evidence that will result in the granting
of custom identity permissions, your evidence class must implement
1.1. Defining the Author evidence class
To demonstrate the creation and use
of custom evidence, create the Author class shown
in Example 1. The Author class
provides evidence containing the name of the programmer who developed
an assembly. Our ultimate goal is to assign code-access permissions
to assemblies based on the assembly's
Author evidence and to make runtime security
decisions based on the assembly's
Author using identity permissions.
In reality, you would be foolish to place any trust in evidence such
as the Author class because it is susceptible to
easy falsification. There is nothing to stop someone from assigning
Author evidence that represents someone else to an
assembly. However, Author is more than adequate
for the purpose of our customization demonstration:
Example 1. Creating a custom evidence class
# C#
using System; using System.Security; using System.Reflection;
[assembly:AssemblyKeyFile("Keys.snk")] [assembly:AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace ORA.DotNetSecurity.Policy {
[Serializable] public sealed class Author { private readonly string AuthorName = ""; public Author (string author) { if (author == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("author"); } else { this.AuthorName = author; } } public string Name { get { return AuthorName; } } // Return string representation of the Author object public override string ToString( ) { // Create a new "Author" element SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement(this.GetType( ).FullName);
// Add version of "1" se.AddAttribute("version", "1");
// Add a child element to contain the author name if(AuthorName != "") { se.AddChild(new SecurityElement("Author", AuthorName)); }
// Render the SecurityElement to a string and return it return se.ToString( ); } } }
# Visual Basic .NET
Imports System Imports System.Security Imports System.Reflection
Namespace ORA.DotNetSecurity.Policy _ Public NotInheritable Class Author Private AuthorName As String = "" Public Sub New(ByVal author As String) If author Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("author") Else Me.AuthorName = author End If End Sub Public ReadOnly Property Name( ) As String Get Return AuthorName End Get End Property ' Return string representation of the Author object Public Overrides Function ToString( ) As String ' Create a new "Author" element Dim se As SecurityElement = _ New SecurityElement(Me.GetType( ).FullName) ' Add version of "1" se.AddAttribute("version", "1") ' Add a child element to contain the author name If AuthorName <> "" Then se.AddChild(New SecurityElement("Author",AuthorName)) End If ' Render the SecurityElement to a string and return it Return se.ToString( ) End Function End Class End Namespace
The Author class implements many of the guidelines
we outlined earlier, such as:
Author is sealed (C#) and
NotInheritable (Visual Basic .NET), ensuring that
nobody can create a subclass that behaves differently than we
Author contains a single data member: a
String named AuthorName, which
contains the name of the author represented by the evidence object.
AuthorName is a read-only private member that can
be set only on instantiation and is retrievable only through the
Name property, ensuring that
Author is immutable.
Author is made serializable using
SerializableAttribute. Because
Author contains only a single
String member, the default serialization
capabilities provided by the SerializableAttribute
are sufficient.
Author overrides the
Object.ToString method to render an
Author object to XML in a format consistent with
the standard evidence types. Author builds the XML
representation using the
System.Security.SecurityElement class, which we
discuss in the next section, before returning it as a
String. The output of ToString
for an Author object representing the author
"Peter" is shown below. The version
attribute identifies the format of XML output in case you decide to
represent future versions of the
Author class differently.
1.2. Using the SecurityElement Class
System.Security.SecurityElement is a
class that implements a simple, lightweight XML object model for
encoding .NET security objects. SecurityElement
lacks the functionality required for general-purpose XML processing
but is sufficient for use within the security system where only
simple XML representations are required. When extending the .NET
security system, you will frequently need to use
SecurityElement, which is why understanding how it
works is essential.
A SecurityElement object represents a single XML
element and provides members that allow you to specify the following
The element name or tag
Attributes of the element
Child elements (also represented by
SecurityElement objects)
Text within the body of the element
SecurityElement also includes methods that allow
you to perform simple searches of your XML element and its children,
as well as static utility methods for manipulating and testing the
validity of string values used within
SecurityElement objects. The
Author.ToString method demonstrates the use of
SecurityElement, where we develop further CAS extensions.
Table 1 lists the members of
SecurityElement provides flexibility in how you
model the XML representation of your data. The .NET SDK documentation
recommends that in the interest of readability and portability, you
use attributes instead of child elements wherever possible and avoid
text nested within tags. You will notice however, that all of the
standard evidence classes use nested text values.
Table 1. Members of the SecurityElement class
| |
Gets and sets the attributes of a SecurityElement
using a System.Collections.Hashtable containing a
collection of name/value string pairs representing the attributes.
Gets and sets the child elements by providing a
System.Collections.ArrayList of
Gets or sets the tag of the SecurityElement.
Gets or sets the text of the SecurityElement.
| |
Adds an attribute with the specified name and value to the
Adds the specified SecurityElement as a child
| |
Finds an attribute by name and returns its value, returning
null (C#) or Nothing (Visual
Basic .NET) if the attribute does not exist.
Tests two SecurityElement objects for equality by
comparing tags, attributes, text, and child elements. This is
different than the inherited Object.Equals method.
Static utility method for encoding invalid characters (that are
invalid within XML) as valid escape sequences. Use the resulting
string as a tag, attribute, or text value within the
Static utility method that tests if a string represents a valid
attribute name.
Static utility method that tests if a string represents a valid
attribute value.
Static utility method that tests if a string represents a valid
element tag.
Static utility method that tests if a string represents valid element
Searches the SecurityElement for the first child
with the specified tag, returning the child as a
SecurityElement. This method does
not perform a recursive search; it searches only
the immediate child elements.
Searches the SecurityElement for the first child
with the specified tag and returns the child's text.
This method searches recursively through all child elements.
Returns a System.String containing the XML
representation of the SecurityElement and its
1.3. Building the Author evidence class
For reasons that we will explain shortly,
Author.dll needs a strong name, so we have
included the AssemblyKeyFile and
AssemblyVersion attributes. . For this example, the
AssemblyKeyFile attribute references a key file
named Keys.snk, which we generated solely for
this demonstration using the .NET Strong Name tool (Sn.exe). You should create the
Keys.snk file and compile the
Author class into a library named
Author.dll using the following commands:
# C#
sn -k Keys.snk
csc /target:library Author.cs
# Visual Basic .NET
sn -k Keys.snk
vbc /target:library Author.vb
2. Using Custom Evidence
The previous section explains that the
runtime recognizes two categories of evidence: host evidence and
assembly evidence. Using custom evidence as host evidence at runtime
is no different from using standard evidence; refer to Evidence Explained for details.
Because you must embed assembly evidence in the target assembly file,
the use of custom evidence as assembly evidence involves additional
steps during the build process of the assembly. You must prepare the
custom assembly evidence programmatically, which you would normally
do with a separate utility program, as we demonstrate later in this
section. The process, illustrated in Figure 1, is
as follows:
Create a System.Security.Policy.Evidence
Create the objects you want to assign as assembly evidence.
Add the evidence objects to the Evidence
collection using the AddAssembly method.
There is no benefit in using the AddHost method to
add evidence, because the runtime simply ignores host evidence when
loading an assembly.
Serialize the Evidence collection using an
instance of the
class and write it to a file.
Build your code into a set of modules using the
/target:module flag on the C# or Visual Basic .NET
Combine the modules and the evidence resource into an assembly using
the Assembly Linker tool (al.exe). Use the
/evidence:file flag to specify the file containing
the serialized assembly evidence.

In the following sections, we expand on this summary and demonstrate
exactly how to use Author evidence as embedded
assembly evidence, but first we must make
Assembly.dll a fully trusted
assembly. Making the Author assembly a fully trusted assembly
Assemblies that provide CAS extensions (such as
the Author.dll in the previous section) must be
fully trusted by the security system. This avoids problems when the
runtime loads the assembly during the policy resolution process. We
discuss the need for fully trusted assemblies , type the following commands:
gacutil -i Author.dll
caspol -user -addfulltrust Author.dll
caspol -machine -addfulltrust Author.dll
caspol -enterprise -addfulltrust Author.dll
The first command installs Author.dll into the
global assembly cache; which you must do before you can make it a
fully trusted assembly. This is why you had to give
Author.dll a strong name when you built it. The
other commands make Author.dll a fully trusted
assembly in the user, machine,
and enterprise policy levels.
2.2. Serializing evidence
To embed evidence
in an assembly, you must serialize an Evidence
collection that contains the evidence objects you want to use as
assembly evidence. The .NET class library includes the
class, which makes the serialization of serializable
objects a straightforward process.
Example 2 contains a simple utility named
CreateAuthorEvidenceResource that creates an
Author object using a name provided on the command
line, adds the Author object to an
Evidence collection, and then serializes the
Evidence collection to a file. Running the command
CreateAuthorEvidenceResource Peter results in the
creation of the file named Peter.evidence that
contains the serialized Evidence collection; you
can then embed that file into the assembly.
Example 2. The CreateAuthorEvidenceResource utility
# C#
using System; using System.IO; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using ORA.DotNetSecurity.Policy;
public class CreateAuthorEvidenceResource {
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Create a new Evidence collection Evidence ev = new Evidence( );
// Create and configure new Author object Author auth = new Author(args[0]);
// Add the new Author object to the assembly evidence // collection of the Evidence object ev.AddAssembly(auth); // Generate the name of the output file String file = auth.Name + ".evidence"; // Serialize the Evidence object IFormatter fmtr = new BinaryFormatter( ); Stream strm = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); fmtr.Serialize(strm, ev); strm.Close( ); // Display result Console.WriteLine("Created author evidence resource : " + file); } }
# Visual Basic .NET
Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Security.Policy Imports System.Runtime.Serialization Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary Imports ORA.DotNetSecurity.Policy Public Class CreateAuthorEvidenceResource Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args( ) As String) ' Create a new Evidence collection Dim ev As Evidence = New Evidence( ) ' Create and configure new Author object Dim auth As Author = New Author(args(0)) ' Add the new Author object to the assembly evidence ' collection of the Evidence object ev.AddAssembly(auth) ' Generate the name of the output file Dim file As String = auth.Name & ".evidence" ' Serialize the Evidence object Dim fmtr As IFormatter = New BinaryFormatter( ) Dim strm As Stream = New FileStream(file, _ FileMode.Create, _ FileAccess.Write, _ FileShare.None) fmtr.Serialize(strm, ev) strm.Close( ) ' Display result Console.WriteLine("Created author evidence resource : " & _ file) End Sub End Class
If you use custom evidence classes, or provide them to third parties
to use in their own application development, provision of a utility
similar to CreateAuthorEvidenceResource makes
everyone's life a lot easier.
Build the CreateAuthorEvidenceResource class into
an executable using the following command; remember, there is a
dependency on the Author.dll assembly:
# C#
csc /reference:Author.dll CreateAuthorEvidenceResource.cs
# Visual Basic .NET
vbc /reference:Author.dll CreateAuthorEvidenceResource.vb
2.3. Embedding evidence in an assembly
We now
have a mechanism for creating
serialized Evidence collections, but we need a
target assembly in which to embed the evidence. The simple
HelloWorld class listed here will do for the
purpose of this example:
# C#
using System;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void Main( ) {
# Visual Basic .NET
Imports System
Public Class HelloWorld
Public Shared Sub Main( )
End Sub
End Class
Embedding serialized evidence into your target assembly requires the
use of the Assembly Linker tool (al.exe), which comes with the .NET Framework
SDK. The Assembly Linker tool takes a number of modules and resources
and combines them to create an assembly. You must first build your
source into modules using the C# or Visual Basic .NET compilers and
then combine the resulting modules, along with your evidence, into an
Assuming you have already built the Author.dll
library and the CreateAuthorEvidenceResource.exe
executable (as demonstrated in the previous sections), the following
series of commands creates the HelloWorld.exe
assembly complete with assembly evidence representing the author
# C#
CreateAuthorEvidenceResource Peter
csc /target:module HelloWorld.cs
al /target:exe /out:HelloWorld.exe /main:HelloWorld.Main
/evidence:Peter.evidence HelloWorld.netmodule
# Visual Basic .NET
CreateAuthorEvidenceResource Peter
vbc /target:module HelloWorld.vb
al /t:exe /out:HelloWorld.exe /main:HelloWorld.Main
/evidence:Peter.evidence HelloWorld.netmodule
The first command calls our
CreateAuthorEvidenceResource utility, which
creates a binary security resource file containing an
Author evidence object for the author named
Peter. Then you compile the
HelloWorld source file into a module. Finally, you
use the Assembly Linker tool to combine
HelloWorld.netmodule and the
Peter.evidence security resource to form the
executable assembly named HelloWorld.exe.
Now run the LoadAndList utility developed in Example 1 to view the evidence assigned to the
HelloWorld.exe assembly when it is loaded. For
example, if you place HelloWorld.exe in the
directory C:\dev, and run the command
C:\Dev\HelloWorld.exe, you see output similar to
that shown below (the Hash evidence is
abbreviated). Notice the inclusion of the Author
evidence in the assembly evidence collection:
If you were to modify the
CreateAuthorEvidenceResource class to write the
Author evidence into the host subcollection of the
Evidence class (using the
AddHostAddAssembly method), not only would the assembly
evidence collection be empty, but the Author
evidence would not be present in the host evidence of HelloWorld.exe because the runtime would ignore it. method instead of the
3. The Next Steps in Customization
Now you have the Author evidence class that
represents the programmer who developed an assembly. You can assign
Author evidence as host evidence at runtime and
embed it as assembly evidence during the build process.
Unfortunately, you are not yet able to grant code-access permission
based on the Author of an assembly.