1. The WPF Project Templates
The New Project dialog box of
Visual Studio 2010 defines a set of WPF project workspaces, all of which
are contained under the Window node of the Visual C# root. Here, you
can choose from a WPF Application, WPF User Control Library, WPF Custom
Control Library, and WPF Browser Application (i.e., XBAP). To begin,
create a new WPF Application named MyXamlPad (Figure 1).
Beyond setting references to each of the WPF assemblies (PresentationCore.dll, PresentationFramework.dll, and WindowsBase.dll), you will also be provided with initial Window and Application derived classes, making use of code files and a related XAML file. Consider Figure 2, which shows the Solution Explorer for this new WPF project.
2. Exploring the WPF Designer Tools
Visual Studio 2010 provides a Toolbox (which you can open via the View menu) that contains numerous WPF controls (Figure 3).
Using a standard mouse drag
and drop, you can place any of these controls onto the Window's designer
surface. As you do, the underlying XAML will be authored on your
behalf. However, you can also manually type in your markup using the
integrated XAML editor. As you can see in Figure 4, you do get IntelliSense support, which can help simplify the authoring of the markup.
You can reposition
the display panes of the visual designer using the buttons embedded
within the splitter window, such as the Swap Panes button (indicated by
the up/down arrows), the Horizontal and Vertical split buttons, and so
on. Take a moment to find a configuration you are comfortable with.
Once you have placed controls
onto your designer (which you will do in a moment), you can then make
use of the Properties window to set property values for the selected
control, as well as rig up event handlers for the selected control. By
way of a simple test, drag a button control anywhere on your visual
designer. Once you do, you will see that Visual Studio authored XAML
similar to the following:
<Button Content="Button" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
Margin="12,12,0,0" Name="button1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" />
Now, use the Properties window to change the Background color of the Button using the integrated brush editor (Figure 5).
Once you have finished tinkering with the brush editor, check out the generated markup. It might look something like this:
<Button Content="Button" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,12,0,0"
Name="button1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75">
<LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="1,0.5" StartPoint="0,0.5">
<GradientStop Color="#FF7488CE" Offset="0" />
<GradientStop Color="#FFC11E1E" Offset="0.837" />
If you wish to handle events
for a given control, you can also make use of the Properties window, but
this time you need to click on the Events tab. Ensure that the button
is selected on your designer, click on the Events tab, and locate the Click event. Once you do, double click directly on the Click event entry. This will cause Visual Studio 2010 to automatically build an event handler that takes the form:
Since you did not rename your button, the Properties window shows it generated an event handler named button1_Click (see Figure 6).
As well, Visual Studio 2010
generated the corresponding C# code in your window's code file. Here,
you can add any sort of code that must execute when the button is
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
You can also handle events
directly in the XAML editor. By way of an example, place your mouse
within the <Button> element and type in the MouseEnter
event, followed by the equals sign. Once you do, you will see Visual
Studio displays any compatible handlers in your code file, as well as
the <New Event Handler> option. If you double click <New Event
Handler>, the IDE will generate a fitting handler in your C# code
Now that you have seen the
basic tools used within Visual Studio 2010 to create WPF applications,
let's leverage this IDE to build an example program that illustrates the
process of parsing XAML at runtime.
Before you start, completely delete the markup describing the Button you just created and also delete the C# event handler code.