DIY - Make Your Own CMS (Part 2)

3/19/2013 9:45:10 AM

The admin panel

The great thing about Django is that even with this, our site already has an admin panel, it just doesn’t know about our new data yet. So we need to tell it. Create a new file calledadmin.pyin the movies directory, and add the following code to it:

from movies.models import Credit, Movie, Person, Role

from django.contrib import admin

Now, run the following command in the project directory:python runserver

This will launch the server for our website, by default at real magic right now is at which hosts the admin panel. Enter the password you used while running the syncdb command and you will see what we have built.

The great thing about Django is that even with this, our site already has an admin panel, it just doesn’t know about our new data yet.

The great thing about Django is that even with this, our site already has an admin panel, it just doesn’t know about our new data yet.

You will see that there is already quite a functional admin system! You can add movies, people, roles and credits. But, the way we add credits isn’t very convenient, wouldn’t it be better to highlight the credits for the movie under it?

The good thing is that the admin panel is not only automatically generated, but also highly customizable.

Just like we defined a custom data structure for our app using models, we can define a custom admin panel using admin models. We want to add credits from within a movie, for this what we need is an inline model, i.e. a way to input information about one model from within another model. Here is how that could be coded:

from movies.models import Credit, Movie, Person, Role

from django.contrib import admin

class CreditInline(admin.TabularInline):

model = Credit

extra = 3

class MovieAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

inlines = [CreditInline], MovieAdmin)

The Credit online class uses the Credit model, and allows for it to be embedded inline within another admin model. We are sub-classing from TabularInline, but there is another option, StackedInline which looks a bit different; try it out. By setting a value for extra we tell the admin panel to allow people to enter three entries for Credits for a movie by default, although they are free to add more.

In the previous example we just used the to register our models with the admin. This uses the default settings for the admin panel. In this example we are overriding the settings for the admin panel for movie by making a class for it and customizing its settings. The only setting we change here is that it should have an inline model, the CreditInline model.

We are subclassing fromTabularInline, but there is another option, StackedInlinewhich looks a bit different; try it out.

We are sub-classing fromTabularInline, but there is another option, StackedInline which looks a bit different; try it out.

If you run the site now, you will see a much better interface for adding movie credits. If we want, we can add the same inline option for people, so each person’s admin page will list the movies that person has contributed to. For that we just add a Person - Adminmirroring what we did for Movie Admin, and register it the same we do for Movie. Add:

class PersonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

inlines = [CreditInline]

And modify the line to (Person, PersonAdmin).

A little for the front

All we can do right now is add data, but there is no way to show it to users. Let’s do something about that.

The urls.pyfile comes into play here. When someone visits a URL on our site, Django checks if the URL matches a pattern in this file, and calls the corresponding function. The pattern matching is done using Regex, and the functions are stored in the views.pyfile. Look at the examples in the urls.pyfile, then let’s add one of our own. Above the admin code, add this:

url(r’^movie/(?P<movie_id>\d+)/$’, ‘movies.views.movie_detail’),

The first parameter to URL is a regular expression for matching a URL that has “movie/” followed by a number, which is captured as movie_id. It will then pass this movie_id to the movie_detailfunction in the files in the movies app. Open the views.pyfile and add the following:

from movies.models import Credit, Movie

from django.http import Http Response

def movie_detail(request, movie_id):

the_movie = Movie.objects.get(id=movie_id)

credits = Credit.objects.filter(movie=the_movie)

html = “<h1>%s</h1>” % (the_movie.title)

for credit in credits:

html += “%s: %s <br />” % (credit.role,


return HttpResponse(html)

If you visit the URL above function will be called with the value of movie_idset to 1. What you do in this function is up to you, but it needs to return some-thing for the browser to show. Here it is an Http Response with some HTML code.

Here it is an HttpResponse with some HTML code.

Here it is an Http Response with some HTML code.

You will see Django ORM (Object-Relation mapping) API used for the first time here. The first line retrieves the Movie object for the requested id. We then filter all the Credit objects that match this Movie. The movie name and credits and then put in some basic HTML code and returned to the browser. Add a few movies with credits and try this out to see a very simple HTML page.


And there you have it, a custom CMS with custom data. It is easy to apply this same method to any kind of data structure and work with books, libraries and authors, or music, artists, genres, albums and producers. You define the kind of data you want to work with, and Django makes you a rich, easy to use admin panel and the rest is up to you.

There is a lot more to Django, the admin panel can be customized a lot more, there are powerful tools and features for dealing with the frontend using a simple template language. And there’s a lot more to Django’s database API which we just glossed over above. If you are intrigued visit www.djangoproject.comfor a lot more information.

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