
Advanced ASP.NET : Data Caching (part 3) - Caching with the Data Source Controls

2/19/2011 4:24:03 PM

4. Caching with the Data Source Controls

The SqlDataSource and ObjectDataSource  support built-in data caching. Using caching with these controls is highly recommended, because they can be more inefficient than handwritten data access code. For example, they query the data source once for every bound control, so if you have three controls bound to the same data source, three separate queries are executed against the database just before the page is rendered. Even a little caching can reduce this overhead dramatically.

To support caching, the SqlDataSource and ObjectDataSource controls use the same properties, which are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Caching Properties of the Data Source Controls
EnableCachingIf True, switches caching on. It's False by default.
CacheExpirationPolicyUses a value from the DataSourceCacheExpiry enumeration—Absolute for absolute expiration (which times out after a fixed interval of time), or Sliding for sliding expiration (which resets the time window every time the data object is retrieved from the cache).
CacheDurationDetermines the number of seconds to cache the data object. If you are using sliding expiration, the time limit is reset every time the object is retrieved from the cache. The default value, 0, keeps cached items perpetually.
CacheKeyDependency and SqlCacheDependencyAllow you to make a cached item dependent on another item in the data cache (CacheKeyDependency) or on a table in your database (SqlCacheDependency).

4.1. Caching with SqlDataSource

When you enable caching for the SqlDataSource control, you cache the results of the SelectCommand. However, if you create a select query that takes parameters, the SqlDataSource will cache a separate result for every set of parameter values.

For example, imagine you create a page that allows you to view employees by city. The user selects the desired city from a list box, and you use a SqlDataSource control to fill in the matching employee records in a grid (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. Retrieving data from the cache

There are two SqlDataSource controls at work in this example. The first SqlDataSource gets the list of cities for the drop-down list. These results don't change often, and so they are cached for one hour (3600 seconds):

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sourceEmployeeCities" runat="server"
EnableCaching="True" CacheDuration="3600"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Northwind %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT City FROM Employees">

<asp:DropDownList ID="lstCities" runat="server"
DataTextField="City" AutoPostBack="True">

The second SqlDataSource gets the employees in the currently selected city. These results are cached for 600 seconds and bound to a GridView:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sourceEmployees" runat="server"
EnableCaching="True" CacheDuration="600"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Northwind %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title, City
FROM Employees WHERE City=@City">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="lstCities" Name="City"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" />


<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
DataSourceID="sourceEmployees" ... >

This SqlDataSource is a bit more sophisticated because it uses a parameter. Each time you select a city, a separate query is performed to get just the matching employees in that city. The query is used to fill a DataSet, which is then cached for up to ten minutes (600 seconds). If you select a different city, the process repeats, and the new DataSet is cached separately. However, if you pick a city that you or another user has already requested, the appropriate DataSet is fetched from the cache (provided it hasn't yet expired).

Thus, this single SqlDataSource can result in a surprisingly large number of cache entries. If there are 20 different cities in your list (and therefore 20 different possible parameter values), you can end up with as many as 20 different DataSet objects in the cache at once.


SqlDataSource caching works only when the DataSourceMode property is set to DataSet (the default). It doesn't work when the mode is set to DataReader, because the DataReader object maintains a live connection to the database and can't be efficiently cached. If you try to use caching with the DataReader mode, you'll receive a NotSupportedException when you bind the grid.

On the other hand, if the parameter values are all used with similar frequency, this approach isn't as suitable. One of the problems it imposes is that when the items in the cache expire, you'll need multiple database queries to repopulate the cache (one for each combination of parameter values), which isn't as efficient as getting the combined results with a single query.

If you fall into the second situation, you can change the SqlDataSource so it retrieves a DataSet with all the employee records and caches that. The SqlDataSource can then extract just the records it needs to satisfy each request from the DataSet. This way, a single DataSet with all the records is cached, which can satisfy any parameter value.

To use this technique, you need to rewrite your SqlDataSource to use filtering. First, the select query should return all the rows and not use any SelectParameters:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sourceEmployees" runat="server"
"SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title, City FROM Employees"

Second, you need to define the filter expression. This is the portion that goes in the WHERE clause of a typical SQL query. However, this has a catch—if you're supplying the filter value from another source (such as a control), you need to define one or more placeholders, using the syntax {0} for the first placeholder, {1} for the second, and so on. You then supply the filter values using the <FilterParameters> section, in much the same way you supplied the select parameters in the first version.

Here's the completed SqlDataSource tag:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sourceEmployees" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Northwind %>"
"SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title, City FROM Employees"
FilterExpression="City='{0}'" EnableCaching="True">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="lstCities" Name="City"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" />

Don't use filtering unless you are using caching. If you use filtering without caching, you are essentially retrieving the full result set each time and then extracting a portion of its records. This combines the worst of both worlds—you have to repeat the query with each postback, and you fetch far more data than you need each time.

4.2. Caching with ObjectDataSource

The ObjectDataSource caching works on the data object returned from the SelectMethod. If you are using a parameterized query, the ObjectDataSource distinguishes between requests with different parameter values and caches them separately. Unfortunately, the ObjectDataSource caching has a significant limitation—it works only when the select method returns a DataSet or a DataTable. If you return any other type of object, you'll receive a NotSupportedException.

This limitation is unfortunate, because there's no technical reason you can't cache custom objects in the data cache. If you want this feature, you'll need to implement data caching inside your method by manually inserting your objects into the data cache and retrieving them later. In fact, caching inside your method can be more effective, because you have the ability to share the same cached object in multiple methods. For example, you could cache a DataTable with a list of products and categories and use that cached item in both the GetProductCategories() and GetProductsByCategory() methods.

The only consideration you should keep in mind is to make sure you use unique cache key names that aren't likely to collide with the names of cached items that the page might use. This isn't a problem when using the built-in data source caching, because it always stores its information in a hidden slot in the cache.

If your custom class returns a DataSet or DataTable and you do decide to use the built-in ObjectDataSource caching, you can also use filtering as discussed with the SqlDataSource control. Just instruct your ObjectDataSource to call a method that gets the full set of data, and set the FilterExpression to retrieve just those items that match the current view.

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