IIS Manager is a great tool for managing individual settings that use a
GUI. Appcmd is a tool that is intended to perform all administrative
functions from a command line. Appcmd replaces a variety of scripts and
tools used in previous IIS versions.
All the logging
settings you might need to adjust are located in three sections of
applicationHost.config: system.applicationHost/log,
system.applicationHost/sites, and system.webServer/httpLogging.
The previous example uses
IIS Manager to configure server-level logging. To use Appcmd to perform
this same operation, follow this procedure:
1. | Open a command prompt and navigate to the %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv folder where Appcmd is deployed.
Note If you add this path to your global PATH environment variable, you can execute Appcmd from any folder location. |
2. | Execute the following command from the command prompt to list the current settings:
Appcmd list config -section:log
Following are the default settings:
<system.applicationHost> <log> <centralBinaryLogFile enabled="true" directory="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles" /> <centralW3CLogFile enabled="true" directory="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles" /> </log> </system.applicationHost>
This will display the ApplicationHost.config section where the centralLogFileMode settings are stored.
3. | Next execute the following command to configure server-level logging:
Appcmd set config -section:log -centralLogFileMode:CentralW3C
4. | After
you have executed the command in step 3, execute the following command
to list the current settings and verify the settings have been changed:
Appcmd list config -section:log
The result, showing that the centralLogFileMode has changed to
CentralW3C, should look like the following. (Some lines have been split
to fit on the printed page.)
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>Appcmd list config -section:log <system.applicationHost> <log centralLogFileMode="CentralW3C"> <centralBinaryLogFile enabled="true" directory="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles" /> <centralW3CLogFile enabled="true" directory="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles" /> </log> </system.applicationHost>
Notice the log centralLogFileMode=“CentralW3C” setting. Before executing the Appcmd set config command, there was no value listed, because the Site option is the default setting as defined in the schema.
As another example, assuming you have already set the global Server attribute, if you want to adjust the global localTimeRollover setting, use this command:
Appcmd set config -section:log -centralW3CLogFile.localTimeRollover:True
The result should look like this:
Applied configuration changes to section "system.applicationHost/log" for "MACHINE/WEBROOT/
APPHOST" at configuration commit path "MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST"
for example, you might want to change the siteDefaults log format to
NCSA so that all new sites will inherit this setting unless otherwise
configured on a specific site. You can adjust the global Format option
to NCSA with this command:
Appcmd set config -section:sites -siteDefaults.logFile.logFormat:NCSA
Here’s the result:
Applied configuration changes to section "system.applicationHost/sites" for "MACHINE/
WEBROOT/APPHOST" at configuration commit path "MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST"
Appcmd enables you to
quickly use the command line to make changes to your IIS log settings.
You can create a set of scripts that use Appcmd to replace the
repetitive changes typically required when using the IIS Manager GUI.
Such scripts can help streamline and automate your server configuration
and deployment.
Advanced Appcmd Details
Appcmd enables you to perform many advanced operations. Here are some tips for using Appcmd to configure advanced properties.
When you configure the centralLogFileMode
attribute, the only way to view which properties (also known as enums)
are available is to open the IIS_Schema.xml file. It’s not too much
trouble to do this once in a while, but it’s more efficient to use
Appcmd to list the available properties. For example, the following
command lists all the properties that can be set in the system.applicationHost/log section:
//List all properties available the system.applicationHost/log section
Appcmd set config –section:log -?
The output looks like this:
ERROR ( message:-logInUTF8
To adjust a property
value, use the following syntax. (You can adjust multiple attributes by
putting a space between each property value.)
Appcmd set config –section:log –property1Name:Value –property2Name:Value
If you are not sure
which values are available to set on a particular property, you can use
the following command to find out the values. This example shows how to
get all values that can be set for the centralLogFileMode property:
//Find out which values can be set.
Appcmd set config –section:log –centralLogFileMode -?
The resulting error message lists the valid values, in this case Site, CentralBinary, and CentralW3C:
ERROR ( message:Unknown attribute "centralLogFileMode"..
Reason: Enum must be one of Site, CentralBinary, CentralW3C. )
You can change the site’s
log settings. To list all the properties that are available as well as
their syntax, type this command:
//List all properties available on the Sites section
Appcmd set config -section:sites -?
The output shows all properties related to the Sites section. The options starting with -siteDefaults.logFile,
shown in the next lines of code in bold, enable you to adjust the
defaults inherited by new sites. (Some lines have been split to fit on
the printed page.)
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>Appcmd set config -section:sites -?
You can also adjust settings for specific Web sites by using the properties starting with -[name=‘string’,id=‘unknown’].logFile. You simply need to replace the ‘unknown’
value with the Web site name. Following is an example of how to adjust
settings in a specific site. Notice that the example for the Default Web
Site contains double quotation marks. This is necessary to handle
spaces in the Web site name. Remember to change the name and ID when
using the example.
//Example how to set the property with a
//Site with spaces in the name.
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>Appcmd set config -section:sites
/[name='"Default Web Site"',id='1']\wwwlogs
//Example how to setup property with no spaces
//in the Site name.
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>Appcmd set config -section:sites
You can also use
Windows PowerShell 1.0 to administer your IIS 7.0 server. This section
shows a few examples of setting the Logfile directory value. In the
following sample script, you first load Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll
into your Windows PowerShell session. Next, you assign an instance of
the ServerManager$sm
variable, which allows you to query and set Logfile values. (In the
following listing, some lines have been split so that they fit on the
printed page.) object to the
//Load the dll into the Powershell session
( "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll" )
//Load an instance of the Server Manager object into the $sm variable
$sm = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
//List Default Web Site LogFile Directory value.
$sm.Sites["Default Web Site"].LogFile.Directory
//List SiteDefaults LogFile Directory value.
//Set Default Website LogFile Directory
$sm.Sites["Default Web Site"].LogFile.Directory =
//Set SiteDefaults LogFile Directory
$sm.SiteDefaults.Logfile.Directory = "\\\Logfiles"
Immediately flushing
log entries to disk is introduced in Windows Server 2008. The HTTP.sys
service holds requests until they are periodically flushed to disk. When
you are troubleshooting an immediate issue, you can use the following netsh command, which can be especially useful for troubleshooting HTTP.sys-related errors.
//Flush log entries to disk immediately
Netsh http flush logbuffer
HTTP.sys Logging
In IIS 6.0, the HTTP.sys
process was introduced and took over logging duties that used to be
handled by Inetinfo.exe. HTTP.sys introduced another log called HTTPERR
log. The HTTPERR logs for Windows Server 2008 are located in the same
location as for Windows Server 2003. The path is %SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR.
This log records all errors that are not handed off to a valid worker
process, typically responses to clients, connection time-outs, and
orphaned requests. This additional information can help you troubleshoot
HTTP-based errors, which are logged before the request reaches IIS.
Windows Vista and
Windows Server 2008 introduce enhancements to the HTTP.sys logging
process. You use ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) to obtain the enhanced
information. Here are steps to start, capture, and display information
from an ETW tracing session:
1. | Open a command prompt (click Start, select Run, and then type cmd.exe).
2. | Start the ETW trace session for HTTP.sys by using the following command:
logman.exe start httptrace -p Microsoft-Windows-HttpService 0xFFFF -o httptrace.etl –ets
3. | Reproduce or perform the steps or tests that need to be traced.
4. | To stop the ETW trace session for HTTP.sys, use the following command:
logman stop httptrace –ets
5. | To convert the ETL file to a comma-separated file (CSV) file, use this command:
tracerpt httptrace.etl -of csv -o httptrace.csv /y
The CSV files can then be viewed in a text editor or spreadsheet
application. This complete procedure is covered in a white paper
available at; search for “HTTP.sys Manageability in Windows Vista and Longhorn Server.”