It can operate a photo blog from WordPress,
but we think it is better to choose a tool designed specifically for this task.
Pixelpost is a CMS (content management system) for open source photo blog which
the control panel focuses on photo uploading process, add the title and tags.
Image and text descriptions are less relevant, allow the photographer
concentrate on what really matters – their photos.

is a tool for professional photo blog, with many sample and plug-in to choose
There are hundreds of free themes to select
and a similar number of plug-in, which is not difficulty to apply than
Wordpress. If you want to add Google+ label, all you need to do is dragging
free Google Plus plug-in on the server and add <GOOGLE_PLUS> to your
theme which is attached “small”, “medium” or “tall”, depending on how much
space you give.
If you want to write a description for each
image, Markdown language will help you integrate, as the same way Textile help
to boost the process of writing stories in Textpattern. Type a line of text,
then put a row of equal sign or dash, and it will be designed as a title
<h1> or <h2>. Putting a row with the > sign and it will be
decorated as if it was surrounded by <blockquote> tag. Surrounding words
by 1 or 2 asterisks will set them in italics or bold. A single asterisk, plus
or dash followed by a space will put the entry in bulleted list.
Pixelpost seems so perfect for
photographers, so why do those who are addicted to taking pictures still want
to use anything else?
photographers who want a simple way to host their pictures themselves online
than using Flickr, Picasa or other sharing photo websites.
from pixelpost.org
web server runs PHP 4.3 or higher and MySQL 3.23.58 or higher
Sample websites: www.raven-photography.nl, www.hereandnow.ch

Joomia confirmed that it was the most
popular open source content management system all around the world,
representing nearly 3% of active websites nowadays. The current version (1.7)
introduces one-click updates, improved search features, a legalized form to
overcome the arrest of incomplete data and the ability for website administrator
to limit categories that private users can post.
Just basing on the summary of features and
system requirements below, which surpassed WordPress, Textpattern and
Pixelpost, obviously it is a serious CMS in enterprise level. Regardless it, it
is the easy to install, simple to manage and well-supported, with many free
third-party sample and extensions.
It has been built basically from the view
of collaboration and teamwork. It has a database of contacts and all stays in a
place for authors to catch photos from other stories on website, so it will
save disk space by avoiding the risk that they will upload the second copy of
the existing photo.
Joomla is the perfect program for
supporting news websites which have more users and an option limits users what authors
and editors can do and do not on the webside; it is backed by the strong
industry standard authentication, including Gmail and OpenID login.
Ask anyone who has worked with CMS on a
regular basis, and they will tell you the ease that they can add the content
into the fundamental database and design it on websites having great influence
on the frequency they post. However, please notice their review, and they may
not consider difficulities author have to bear to give them those content. Of
course they concern more about the ease they can access that content and the
way they use it.
Joomla gives you all. Guests can not only
describe your content by using RSS as they can do with WordPress but also
collect many feeds from other websites, change your website operated by Joomla
into an immediate gate. In addition, if readers are watching content on your
website rather than through their collection. They can email it to their
friends, or download a PDF copy of each article via the link on the page.
Joomla should be your first choice if you
think WordPress was limited. You are running a website and you want to give
readers the flexibility on how they access and use your content. If it is
developed on commercial basis, it will require a considerable fee.
News websites updated regularly with many users
from joomla.org
Requirements: Web server running PHP 5.2.4 or higher and MySQL 5.0.4 or higher,
Apache 2 or higher, or Microsoft IIS 7
Sample websites: www.linux.com, gsas.harvard.edu, www.ihop.com