The Trace
object in Appcmd provides a convenient way to enable and use the Failed
Request Tracing (FRT) feature in IIS 7.0 to diagnose server problems.
You can use the Trace object to do the following:
Turn FRT on and off for each Web site
Manage FRT tracing rules for any URL
Search for and inspect FRT log files
Turning on Failed Request Tracing
To turn on FRT for a particular URL, you
must first enable the feature for the Web site. You can do this with
Appcmd by using the Configure Trace command.
appcmd configure trace SiteName /enablesite
The /enablesite parameter enables the use of FRT for the site specified by the SiteName
identifier (this identifier can also be a URL, in which case Appcmd
will turn on tracing for the corresponding site). For example, to enable
FRT for the "Default Web Site" site, use the following syntax.
appcmd configure trace "Default Web Site" /enablesite
Be sure to disable FRT when not using it with the /disablesite parameter.
You can also use the /disablesite
parameter to turn off FRT for the Web site when you are not using it.
Doing so allows you to leave the Failed Request Tracing rules configured
for URLs on the site and simply toggle tracing on or off at the Web
site level.
Creating Failed Request Tracing Rules
To produce FRT trace logs, you need to
create rules that indicate the failure conditions that trigger the trace
to be logged, as well as which trace events should be captured. To do
this, you use the /enable parameter of the Configure Trace command. This has the following syntax.
appcmd Configure Trace <URL> /enable [/path:string] [/areas:string]
[/verbosity:level] [/timetaken:timespan] [/statuscodes:string]
This command supports the parameters listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Parameters of the Configure Trace Command
Parameter |
Description |
path |
The URL path for which the rule is enabled. This can be an extension in the form of "*.extension" or "*" to indicate all requests. If not specified, defaults to "*". |
areas |
The list of providers and their areas to trace. This is in the form of "provider/area1,area2:verbosity,...",
where the area list and verbosity are optional for each provider entry.
If not specified, this uses all registered providers and their subareas
at "Verbose" verbosity level. |
verbosity |
The verbosity level of an event that causes the
request to meet the failure definition and generate the trace log. You
can use this to generate trace logs if an event of Warning or Error
verbosity is encountered. Allowed values are Ignore, CriticalError, Error, and Warning. If not specified, the default is Warning. |
timetaken |
The execution time (in time span format)
that causes the request to meet the failure definition and generate the
trace log. You can use this parameter to generate trace logs only if the
request exceeds the specified execution time, to capture slow or hung
requests. If not specified, defaults to one minute. |
statuscodes |
Response status codes that cause the request to meet the failure definition and generate the trace log. This is in the form of "status.substatus,...", where substatus
is optional. You can use this to generate the trace log for requests
that fail with specific error response codes. If not specified, defaults
to "500,400,401,403". |
When you use the /enable command without specifying the /path parameter, it creates an entry that matches all requests to the URL with path set to "*". For example, we can use the following syntax to quickly enable FRT tracing using all default configurations.
appcmd configure trace "Default Web Site/" /enable
This generates the following configuration for the system.webServer/tracing/traceFailedRequests configuration section.
<add path="*.aspx">
<add provider="ASPNET"
areas="Infrastructure,Module,Page,AppServices" />
<failureDefinitions statusCodes="404" />
<add path="*">
<add provider="WWW Server"
Module" verbosity="Verbose" />
<add provider="ASP" areas="" verbosity="Verbose" />
<add provider="ISAPI Extension" areas=""
verbosity="Verbose" />
<add provider="ASPNET"
areas="Infrastructure,Module,Page,AppServices" verbosity="Verbose" />
<failureDefinitions timeTaken="00:01:00"
statusCodes="500,400,401,403" verbosity="Warning" />
Note that the rule uses a path of "*" to apply
to all requests at or below the URL at which the configuration is set,
specifies all the registered trace providers and areas with the Verbose
verbosity level, and specifies the default failure definition triggers.
You can specify the /path parameter to create additional rules for specific extensions, for example, to enable tracing for ASPX pages only.
appcmd configure trace "Default Web Site/" /enable /path:*.aspx
You can use the /disable parameter instead of /enable to remove the rules, specifying the /path parameter to indicate which rule you’d like to remove. If you omit the /path parameter, the tool will attempt to remove the rule with a path of "*".
Additionally, you can override both the list
of trace providers and areas that are being captured by each rule—as
well as the failure definition for the rule—by using the optional
parameters listed in Table 1.
For example, to configure an FRT trace rule that intercepts only the
events from the ASP.NET provider and only generates log files for the
404 status code, you can use the following syntax.
appcmd configure trace "Default Web Site/" /enable /path:*.aspx
/areas:ASPNET/Infrastructure,Module,Page,AppServices /statuscodes:404
Searching Failed Request Tracing logs
enabling and configuring Failed Request Tracing rules, Appcmd also
provides a convenient ability to search the trace log files. You can use
this to quickly find the trace log, and even the event inside of the
log, to help you with diagnosing a particular problem.
You can search the existing trace log files by using the List Trace command. This command has the following syntax.
appcmd list traces [identifier] [/url:string] [/] []
[/statuscode:string] ...
This command accepts the parameters listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Parameters of the List Trace Command
Parameter |
Description |
identifier |
The unique identifier of each trace log, which is in the form of "SiteName/logfilename.xml". You can use this to look up a specific trace log. |
url |
The URL of the request. Appcmd supports partial URLs by default, doing a prefix match on a normalized version of the URL. | |
The name of the Web site for which to show the
request logs. Using this can improve the efficiency of the command
because only the logs for the specified Web site are retrieved. | |
The name of the application pool for which to show the request logs. |
statuscode |
The status code for the request. |
In addition, you can specify other
attributes of the trace object to filter the results on. To see the
available attributes, list the trace logs with a "/text:*" parameter. For example, to list all trace logs for a particular Web site, use the following syntax.
appcmd list traces /"Default Web Site"
To list all trace logs for a particular URL, use the following syntax.
appcmd list traces /"Default Web Site"
The output of the command contains the
trace log objects, as in the following example, and includes the trace
log identifier, the URL of the request, the status code, and the worker
TRACE "Default Web Site/fr000021.xml"
TRACE "Default Web Site/fr000022.xml"
displayed in the "/text:*" mode, each trace log also has many
additional attributes (which you can also use to filter the resulting
output when you use the List Traces command).
TRACE.NAME:"Default Web Site/fr000022.xml"
SITE.NAME:"Default Web Site"
Note that the log provides additional
information about the request, including the authentication type and
the reason the request failed. It also includes the physical path to the
log file so that you can open the associated log file in a browser,
using the FRT style sheet for more in-depth diagnostics.
Finally, you can inspect the trace log file
to peer into actual events, to quickly locate the events that caused a
particular request to fail. To do this, you can use the Inspect Trace command. This command has the following syntax.
appcmd inspect trace <identifier> [/]
[/name:string] [/level:int] [/providerid:string]
This command supports the parameters in Table 3.
Table 3. Parameters for the Inspect Trace Command
Parameter |
Description |
identifier |
The trace log identifier. This is required. | |
The unique identifier of the event in this trace log. This is in the form of tracelogidentifier#index, as in "Default Web Site/fr000001.xml#174". You can use this identifier id to look up a specific event in the trace log. |
name |
The friendly name of the event. Use this to filter for specific events. |
level |
The numeric verbosity level of each event. Use
this to filter for events with specific verbosity, such as Warning,
Error, or CriticalError. |
providerid |
The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the provider that generated this event. |
In addition, you can specify other trace
object attributes to filter the results on. To see the available
attributes, inspect a trace log with a "/text:*" parameter.
You can use the Inspect Trace
command to quickly find the event that indicates the desired error
condition. For example, to show all events in the trace log that have a
Warning or above verbosity level, use the following syntax.
appcmd list traces "Default Web Site/fr000001.xml" "/level:$>4"
To look for a specific event, use the following syntax.
appcmd list traces "Default Web Site/fr000001.xml"
You can
combine these simple techniques with command pipelining to quickly
analyze multiple trace log files.