Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2005 : The XML Data Type (part 2) - XML Schemas

2/27/2011 9:38:12 AM

XML Schemas

One powerful feature of XML is its ability to strongly type the data in an XML document. XML Schema Definition (XSD) defines a standard set of data types that must be supported in all XML documents. You can use XSD to create an XML schema for your data, requiring that your data conform to a set of rules that you specify. This gives XML an advantage over just about all other data transfer/data description methods and is a major contributing factor to the success of the XML standard.

Without XML Schema, XML would just be a more modern, more verbose text-delimited format. An XML schema defines what your data should look like, what elements are required, and of what data types those elements will be. Analogous to how a table definition in SQL Server provides structure and type validation for relational data, an XML schema provides structure and type validation for the XML data.

We won’t fully describe all the features of XML Schema here—that would require a book of its own. You can find the XSD specifications at the W3C at Several popular XSDs are publicly available, including Really Simple Syndication (RSS), the protocol that powers weblogs, blogcasts, and other forms of binary and text syndication.

You can choose how to structure your XSD. XSD can create required elements and set limits on what data types and ranges are allowed. It can even allow document fragments.

SQL Server Schema Collections

SQL Server 2005 allows you to create your own schemas and store them in the database as database objects. For example, you can create the following simple and common XSD and add it to the schemas collection in AdventureWorks:

USE AdventureWorks
--new syntax for adding a schema
--schema can disallow fragments if you say so
'<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
targetNamespace="" >
<xsd:simpleType name="customerAge" >
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:int" >
<xsd:maxInclusive value="65" />
<xsd:minExclusive value="18" />
<xsd:element name="custage" type="tns:customerAge" />

This schema is named customer_xsd, and you can use it on any XML type, including variables, parameters, return values, and especially columns in tables. This schema defines an element named custage that uses the customerAge type, which is defined as an int data type whose minimum value is anything greater than (but not including) 18 and whose maximum value is 65 inclusive. Next create a simple table and apply the schema to the XML column by referring to the schema name in parentheses after your XML data type in the CREATE TABLE statement shown here:

USE AdventureWorks
--create table with xml column
--and use schema as a rule for
--a particular column
CREATE TABLE xml_schematest (
Customer_ID int primary key,
CustomerAge_XML XML(customer_xsd) –-XML Schema Name

As you can see in this example, the CustomerAge_XML column is defined not as simply XML but as XML(customer_xsd). The XML data type has an optional parameter that allows you to specify the bound schema. This same usage also applies if you want to bind a schema to another use of an XML data type, such as a variable or a parameter. SQL Server now allows only a strongly typed XML document in the CustomerAge_XML column. This is much better than our CHECK constraint (which you can still add to this column). An advantage of using an XML schema is that your data is validated against it and you can enforce both data types (at the XML level) and make sure that only valid data is allowed into the particular elements. If you were using a CHECK constraint, for example, you would need a separate CHECK constraint for each validation you wanted to perform. This example requires a few CHECK constraints just to enforce the minimum and maximum ages. You need a constraint requiring the element and then another constraint to verify the allowed low end of the range (18) and another one to verify the high end of the allowed range (65).


When you create an XML column, any defaults you define must be valid for and not conflict with the bound XML schema; otherwise, the default value will always fail. Also, be sure that any defined constraints are valid for and do not conflict with the bound XML schema; otherwise, all attempts to insert or update data will likely fail.

Let’s take a look at the schema in action.

USE AdventureWorks
-- works
INSERT INTO xml_schematest VALUES(1,
'<p:custage xmlns:p="">55</p:custage>')
INSERT INTO xml_schematest VALUES(2,
'<p:custage xmlns:p="">45</p:custage>')

SQL Server enforces the schema on insert and updates, ensuring data integrity. The data we provided conforms to the schema, so the inserts work smoothly. If you attempt to insert or update an invalid piece of data, you will receive an error:

USE AdventureWorks
-- fails, age > 65
INSERT INTO xml_schematest VALUES(3,
'<p:custage xmlns:p="">105</p:custage>')

SQL Server reports back the following error:

Msg 6926, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
XML Validation: Invalid simple type value: '105'. Location: /*:custage[1]

We have only touched the surface with using XML schemas in SQL Server 2005. These schemas can get quite complex, and further discussion is beyond the scope of this book. You can easily enforce sophisticated XML schemas in your database once you master the syntax. We believe that you should always use an XML schema with your XML data to guarantee consistency in your XML data.

More Info

See SQL Server 2005 Books Online and Michael J. Young’s XML Step by Step, Second Edition (Microsoft Press, 2002) for more information on schemas.

The same error is reported back when you try to update already valid data with an invalid piece of XML:

-- fails
--column is validated on update also
UPDATE xml_schematest
SET CustomerAge_XML = '
<p:custage xmlns:p="">105</p:custage>'
WHERE Customer_id = 1

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