Exchange Server 2010 : Active Manager - Automatic database transitions & Best copy selection

8/25/2011 3:23:34 PM
Active Manager runs as part of the Microsoft Exchange Replication Service (MSExchangeRepl, not to be confused with the Mailbox Replication Service) on every server within a DAG. Conceptually, Active Manager is the orchestrator for native-mode high availability in Exchange because it decides which database copies are active and which are passive, taking into account administrator preferences such as the database activation preference order. You can regard Active Manager as the successor of the resource management model used by previous iterations of Exchange clustering technology.

Active Manager can operate in two roles. One server in the DAG takes on the Primary Active Manager (PAM) role and the others operate in a Standby Active Manager (SAM) role. Whether in PAM or SAM mode, servers continually monitor databases at both the Information Store and Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) levels to be able to detect failures. However, it is the PAM that determines which database copies are currently active and those that are passive; the SAM concentrates on monitoring the health of the Information Store process and the databases that run on the local server. Once it detects a failure of the Information Store or a database, the SAM on that server asks the PAM to initiate a failover, providing that the databases affected by the failure are replicated and a copy exists that the failover can make active. A failure might be caused by a storage failure that takes one or more disks offline or a problem that causes the ESE database engine to consider that a disk is unresponsive. If the server hosting the PAM is still online, it initiates the failover. If this server has been taken offline by a failure, another server in the DAG seizes the PAM role and begins to bring any necessary database copies online to restore service.

The server that holds the PAM role is responsible for processing topology changes that occur within the DAG and making decisions about how to react to server failures, such as deciding to perform an automatic transition of a passive copy of a database to become active because the server that currently hosts the active copy is unavailable for some reason. The PAM server owns the cluster quorum resource for the default cluster group that underpins the DAG. If the server that owns the cluster quorum resource fails, the PAM role moves to the server that takes ownership of the cluster quorum resource. We will discuss the criteria used by the PAM to select the database copy to activate shortly. Once a new database copy has been successfully mounted, the PAM updates the RPC Client Access service with details of the server that hosts the newly activated copy so that client connections can be directed to the correct server.

The active copy of a database is referred to as the mailbox database master. Its copies can be moved from active to passive state through a switchover, which is a change initiated by an administrator, perhaps in preparation to take a server offline to apply a service pack or other software upgrade, or a failover, which is the result of a hardware or software outage that prevents a database from functioning properly. In either case, Active Manager is responsible for selecting and enabling a new copy to accept incoming client traffic and is the definitive source of information about what server has mounted the currently active copy of a database. Configuration information is written back into the cluster database and updated there by Active Manager, but transient information relating to current database status is held in memory. You can view information about a DAG, including information about the names of the servers in the DAG and the current Active Manager, with the Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup cmdlet.

The following output is an edited version of the properties of a DAG returned by the Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup cmdlet. You can see that the DAG is composed of two servers (ExServer1 and ExServer2), that ExServer1 is currently serving as the PAM, and that a server called adroot.contoso.com hosts the FSW.

Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Identity 'DAG-Dublin' -Status | Format-List

Name : DAG-Dublin
WitnessServer : adroot.contoso.com
WitnessDirectory : C:\DAG-Dublin\FSW
AlternateWitnessServer :
AlternateWitnessDirectory :
NetworkCompression : InterSubnetOnly
NetworkEncryption : InterSubnetOnly
DatacenterActivationMode : Off
StoppedMailboxServers : {}
StartedMailboxServers : {}
DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIpv4Addresses : {}
DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIpAddresses : {}
AllowCrossSiteRpcClientAccess : False
OperationalServers : {EXSERVER1, EXSERVER2}
PrimaryActiveManager : EXSERVER1
ServersInMaintenance : {}
ThirdPartyReplication : Disabled
ReplicationPort : 64327
NetworkNames : {DAGNetwork01}
WitnessShareInUse : Primary
AdminDisplayName :
ExchangeVersion : 0.10 (
DistinguishedName : CN=DAG-Dublin,CN=Database Availability
Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative
Groups,CN=contoso,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,
Identity : DAG-Dublin
ObjectCategory : contoso.com/Configuration/Schema/
ObjectClass : {top, msExchMDBAvailabilityGroup}
OriginatingServer : ADRoot.contoso.com

If the PAM fails, its functions automatically pass to another server in the DAG that takes over ownership of the cluster quorum resource. You can also move the cluster quorum resource to another server to transfer the PAM role if you want to take the server that holds the role offline for some reason, such as to apply a software upgrade or patch.

One interesting aspect of the introduction of Active Manager is that the internal working of Active Manager and its ability to perform database transitions remains confidential within Microsoft. Third-party clustering or high-availability solutions that work with Exchange can upgrade their products to accept a direction from Active Manager to perform a transition, but they cannot integrate at a lower level.

1. Automatic database transitions

Figure 1 illustrates an example of a DAG containing three servers, each hosting two databases. Each of the databases is replicated to another server to provide a basic level of robustness to a server outage. If server 1 fails, which hosts the active copies of databases 1 and 2, the Active Manager process will reroute user connections to pick up the copies of the databases on servers 2 and 3. Users connected to database 1 will be redirected to server 2 and those connected to database 2 will go to server 3. Similarly, if the disk holding database 2 on server 1 fails, Active Manager will detect the problem and reroute traffic to server 3.

In this scenario, each database has just one copy and you might decide that the probability that more than one server will ever fail at one time is negligible, so it is sufficient to rely on the single additional copy. However, if the DAG extended across more than one datacenter you would probably configure every database to be replicated to all servers. In this scenario, copies of databases 1 and 2 would be present on server 3, meaning that if servers 1 and 2 were both unavailable, users could still get to their data using the copies hosted on server 3.

The number of copies you can create for an individual database is limited only by the number of available servers in the DAG, disk space, and available bandwidth. The high-capacity bandwidth available within a datacenter means that the availability of sufficient disk space to hold replicated databases and transaction logs is likely to be more of an issue. This issue is somewhat negated by the ability to deploy databases on low-cost drives, providing there is sufficient rack space, power, and cooling within the datacenter to support the disks. One sample environment has 15 servers in a DAG. There are 110 active databases and each database has two passive copies, so there’s a total of 330 databases in the environment. Each server supports 22 databases (a mixture of active and passive) and dedicates 18 TB of storage for mailbox databases. Having three copies of each database is a reasonable approach to ensuring high resilience against a wide range of failures, including an interesting design point of planning database copies so that a failure that affects a rack cannot prevent service to a database. In other words, you should not put all the servers that host a database and all of its copies in the same rack.

Figure 1. Databases and copies within a Database Availability Group.

The Microsoft Exchange Replication Service monitors database health on each DAG member to ensure that active databases are properly mounted and available and that ESE has signaled no I/O or corruption errors on a server. If an error is detected, the Replication Service notifies Active Manager, which then begins the process of selecting the best possible available copy and then making that copy of the database active to take the place of the failed database.

INSIDE OUT: Dismounting an active database is not a failover

Before discussing the details of how automatic database transitions occur, it’s worth making the point that Exchange does not invoke a transition when an administrator dismounts an active database. This action is deemed to be one that the administrator has taken deliberately, possibly to allow maintenance to proceed or even for something more prosaic such as enabling circular logging for a database. Exchange therefore has no reason to consider a failover because these are designed to occur automatically as a result of change in the operating environment that is not caused by an administrator.

2. Best copy selection

To make the choice to replace a failed copy of a replicated database, Active Manager runs a process called best copy selection (BCS). The aim of BCS is to take all possible complications and administrative blocks into account when selecting the right database copy to transfer service to, as it’s obviously not a good thing to attempt to transfer service to a database that is failing in its own right. BCS works by creating a sorted list of available database copies after ignoring any database copies that are:

  • On servers that are currently unreachable for some reason (network failure, maintenance, or other conditions).

  • Administratively blocked from activation because the DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy property of the database has been set to Blocked using the Set-MailboxDatabaseServer cmdlet.

Hopefully, the resulting list after exclusions has at least one copy. If only one database copy is available, Active Manager runs the attempt copy last logs (ACLL) process to bring that database copy up to date. If more than one database copy is available, Active Manager proceeds with the BCS process by sorting the list according to the copy queue length, with the copy with the fewest outstanding logs to copy at the top of the list. The actual sort is performed using the value of the LastLogInspected property. This property contains the date and time that the last transaction log file was inspected for the database copy. The end result is that the database copy that needs the least work to update after activation is at the top of the list.

Administrators are able to indicate a preference for a database copy to be activated in case of failure by setting the ActivationPreference property on a database copy with the Set-MailboxDatabaseCopy cmdlet. For example, in a DAG where database copies are maintained in two datacenters, it would be normal to set the activation preference so that the copies in the local datacenter are activated ahead of those in the remote datacenter. In this scenario, you can run this command to assign an activation preference value of 2 to the database copy DB1 on server ExServer1:

Set-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity 'DB1\ExServer1' -ActivationPreference 2

You don’t want to get into a situation where a database copy that is less preferred for activation is brought online ahead of a more preferred copy, but the only way Exchange knows your preferences for activation is if you set them. To respect administrator choice, Active Manager sorts the list by Activation Preference. Active Manager now knows the state of health of the database copies that are available to it sorted in activation preference.

It’s possible that the state of health of the copies might not be as good as we’d like, so Active Manager now reviews the state of health of each database copy more thoroughly using criteria such as the following:

  • Database status: Healthy is best because it means that the database copy is ready to go. The other status values are DisconnectedAndHealthy, DisconnectedAndResynchronizing, or SeedingSource. All of these status values indicate that more work is required to bring the database copy online.

  • Content index: Once again, a healthy status is best because it indicates that all of the content in the database has been indexed. A status of crawling indicates that Exchange is still indexing the content of the database copy.

  • Copy queue length: It is best when the queue contains 10 transaction logs or fewer, as this means that the database copy has been copying logs from the active database to keep up to date.

  • Replay queue length: Once again we want to see a moderate queue length of less than 50 logs awaiting replay. More than this number indicates more work is required to bring the database copy online.

Active Manager goes through its list sorted by activation preference and will select a database copy that is healthy, has a copy queue length of less than 10, and has a replay queue length of less than 50 If it can’t find a database copy that matches these criteria, it reduces the standard for activation and looks for a database copy with a content index of “Crawling.” If this doesn’t work, it reduces its standard further until it can find a database copy that matches. Of course, it is possible that Active Manager will have to significantly reduce its selection standard before it can find a matching database copy, and that copy might have a low activation preference and be in the process of reseeding. Therefore, it’s going to take a considerable effort to bring the copy online and restore service.

It’s also possible that no database copy will meet even a reduced standard for activation. For example, if all of the other database copies are offline, Active Manager won’t be able to activate any database copy automatically and reports failure. In this case, the administrator has to either fix the problem with the original database copy and bring it back online or address the issues that prevent Active Manager from bringing one of the other copies online.


The full set of criteria for the standard for activation is described in “Understanding Active Manager” at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd776123.aspx.

Note that Microsoft tweaked the best copy selection policy in SP1 so that if the AutoDatabaseMountDial property of a database is set to “Lossless”, Active Manager uses the activation preference as the primary sort key when it selects a database copy to activate. This change reinforces the importance of activation preference in environments where data loss is not tolerated during failovers.

3. ACLL: Attempt copy last logs

Assuming that Active Manager can determine a suitable database copy to activate, it instructs the Replication Service on that server to run the ACLL process to copy any missing transaction logs from the server that hosts the failed database copy. Exchange 2010 obviously faces additional complexity over the log shipping scenario in Exchange 2007 in that copies of transaction logs that might be required to bring a database up to date can exist in many more servers than before.

The purpose of ACLL is to assemble all available data in the form of transaction logs to allow the Replication Service to update the database copy before it is mounted and made available to users. The best outcome is when all outstanding transaction logs can be copied from the server that hosted the failed database copy because the Replication Service will then be able to replay all the logs and the database copy will be completely up to date and a lossless failover is successful.

Of course, the nature of failure is that a database is most often taken offline because of a storage outage. In this case the disk holding the transaction logs might also be affected and the Replication Service won’t be able to copy any logs. In this scenario, the AutoDatabaseMountDial property of the mailbox server is consulted to establish the tolerance for data loss caused by missing logs.


The default value for the AutoDatabaseMountDial setting on an Exchange 2010 mailbox server is BestAvailability, meaning that the mailbox server is happy to mount a database if up to 12 transaction logs are missing. This represents a potential data loss of 12 MB. Much of these data are probably messages that Exchange can recover from the transport dumpster, so it is acceptable to go ahead and mount the database and run the risk of a small data loss. Other values are GoodAvailability, representing a tolerance of 6 transaction logs, and Lossless, meaning that no data loss is tolerated.

Exchange will not mount a database automatically if the number of missing transaction logs exceeds the limit set by AutoDatabaseMountDial. Two actions can be taken from this point. The administrator can decide that she wants to force the database to mount and accept whatever data loss is incurred or she can locate the missing transaction logs from a backup (if one is available that has these logs) or a server that hosts another copy of the database.

If the ACLL process completes successfully, Active Manager has a database copy that is up to date and ready to mount. It therefore goes ahead and issues a mount request to bring the selected database copy online and make it available to clients. However, further checks occur to ensure that mounting the database will not exceed the maximum number of active databases configured for the server or that the database copy is suspended for activation.

If ACLL does not complete successfully, Active Manager selects another database copy and starts the process again. This cycle continues until a database copy is successfully activated and mounted or Active Manager reaches the end of the list of available copies and has to declare failure.

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