
Microsoft ASP.NET 4 : Single-Value Data Binding

10/16/2012 2:53:21 AM

1. Introducing Data Binding

The basic principle of data binding is this: you tell a control where to find your data and how you want it displayed, and the control handles the rest of the details. Data binding in ASP.NET is superficially similar to data binding in the world of desktop or client/server applications, but in truth, it's fundamentally different. In those environments, data binding involves creating a direct connection between a data source and a control in an application window. If the user changes a value in the on-screen control, the data in the linked database is modified automatically. Similarly, if the database changes while the user is working with it (for example, another user commits a change), the display can be refreshed automatically.

This type of data binding isn't practical in the ASP.NET world, because you can't effectively maintain a database connection over the Internet. This "direct" data binding also severely limits scalability and reduces flexibility. In fact, data binding has acquired a bad reputation for exactly these reasons.

ASP.NET data binding, on the other hand, has little in common with direct data binding. ASP.NET data binding works in one direction only. Information moves from a data object into a control. Then the data objects are thrown away, and the page is sent to the client. If the user modifies the data in a data-bound control, your program can update the corresponding record in the database, but nothing happens automatically.

ASP.NET data binding is much more flexible than old-style data binding. Many of the most powerful data binding controls, such as the GridView and DetailsView, give you unprecedented control over the presentation of your data, allowing you to format it, change its layout, embed it in other ASP.NET controls, and so on. 

1.1. Types of ASP.NET Data Binding

Two types of ASP.NET data binding exist: single-value binding and repeated-value binding. Single-value data binding is by far the simpler of the two, whereas repeated-value binding provides the foundation for the most advanced ASP.NET data controls. Single-Value, or "Simple," Data Binding

You can use single-value data binding to add information anywhere on an ASP.NET page. You can even place information into a control property or as plain text inside an HTML tag. Single-value data binding doesn't necessarily have anything to do with ADO.NET. Instead, single-value data binding allows you to take a variable, a property, or an expression and insert it dynamically into a page. 

1.1.2. Repeated-Value, or "List," Binding

Repeated-value data binding allows you to display an entire table (or just a single field from a table). Unlike single-value data binding, this type of data binding requires a special control that supports it. Typically, this will be a list control such as CheckBoxList or ListBox, but it can also be a much more sophisticated control such as the GridView. You'll know that a control supports repeated-value data binding if it provides a DataSource property. As with single-value binding, repeated-value binding doesn't necessarily need to use data from a database, and it doesn't have to use the ADO.NET objects. For example, you can use repeated-value binding to bind data from a collection or an array.

1.2. How Data Binding Works

Data binding works a little differently depending on whether you're using single-value or repeated-value binding. To use single-value binding, you must insert a data binding expression into the markup in the .aspx file (not the code-behind file). To use repeated-value binding, you must set one or more properties of a data control. Typically, you'll perform this initialization when the Page.Load event fires.

Once you specify data binding, you need to activate it. You accomplish this task by calling the DataBind() method. The DataBind() method is a basic piece of functionality supplied in the Control class. It automatically binds a control and any child controls that it contains. With repeated-value binding, you can use the DataBind() method of the specific list control you're using. Alternatively, you can bind the whole page at once by calling the DataBind() method of the current Page object. Once you call this method, all the data binding expressions in the page are evaluated and replaced with the specified value.

Typically, you call the DataBind() method in the Page.Load event handler. If you forget to use it, ASP.NET will ignore your data binding expressions, and the client will receive a page that contains empty values.

This is a general description of the whole process. To really understand what's happening, you need to work with some specific examples.

2. Single-Value Data Binding

Single-value data binding is really just a different approach to dynamic text. To use it, you add special data binding expressions into your .aspx files. These expressions have the following format:

<%# expression_goes_here %>

This may look like a script block, but it isn't. If you try to write any code inside this tag, you will receive an error. The only thing you can add is a valid data binding expression. For example, if you have a public or protected variable named Country in your page, you could write the following:

<%# Country %>

When you call the DataBind() method for the page, this text will be replaced with the value for Country (for example, Spain). Similarly, you could use a property or a built-in ASP.NET object as follows:

<%# Request.Browser.Browser %>

This would substitute a string with the current browser name (for example, IE). In fact, you can even call a function defined on your page, or execute a simple expression, provided it returns a result that can be converted to text and displayed on the page. Thus, the following data binding expressions are all valid:

<%# GetUserName(ID) %>
<%# 1 + (2 * 20) %>
<%# "John " & "Smith" %>

Remember, you place these data binding expressions in the markup portion of your .aspx file, not your code-behind file.

2.1. A Simple Data Binding Example

This section shows a simple example of single-value data binding. The example has been stripped to the bare minimum amount of detail needed to illustrate the concept.

You start with a variable defined in your Page class, which is called TransactionCount:

Public Partial Class SimpleDataBinding
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected TransactionCount As Integer

    ' (Additional code omitted.)
End Class

Note that this variable must be designated as public, protected, or internal, but not private. If you make the variable private, ASP.NET will not be able to access it when it's evaluating the data binding expression.

Now, assume that this value is set in the Page.Load event handler using some database lookup code. For testing purposes, the example skips this step and hard-codes a value:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    ' (You could use database code here
    ' to look up a value for TransactionCount.)
    TransactionCount = 10

    ' Now convert all the data binding expressions on the page.
End Sub

Two actions actually take place in this event handler: the TransactionCount variable is set to 10, and all the data binding expressions on the page are bound. Currently, no data binding expressions exist, so this method has no effect. Notice that this example uses the Me keyword to refer to the current page. You could just write DataBind() without the Me keyword, because the default object is the current Page object. However, using the Me keyword makes it a bit clearer what object is being used.

To make this data binding accomplish something, you need to add a data binding expression. Usually, it's easiest to add this value directly to the markup in the .aspx file. To do so, click the Source button at the bottom of the web page designer window. Figure 1 shows an example with a Label control.

Figure 1. Source view in the web page designer

To add your expression, find the tag for the Label control. Modify the text inside the label as shown here:

<asp:Label id="lblDynamic" runat="server" Font-Size="X-Large">
There were <%# TransactionCount %> transactions today.
I see that you are using <%# Request.Browser.Browser %>.

This example uses two separate data binding expressions, which are inserted along with the normal static text. The first data binding expression references the TransactionCount variable, and the second uses the built-in Request object to determine some information about the user's browser. When you run this page, the output looks like Figure 2.

Figure 2. The result of data binding

The data binding expressions have been automatically replaced with the appropriate values. If the page is posted back, you could use additional code to modify TransactionCount, and as long as you call the DataBind() method, that information will be popped into the page in the data binding expression you've defined.

If, however, you forget to call the DataBind() method, the data binding expressions will be ignored, and the user will see a somewhat confusing window that looks like Figure 3.

Figure 3. The non-data-bound page


When using single-value data binding, you need to consider when you should call the DataBind() method. For example, if you made the mistake of calling it before you set the TransactionCount variable, the corresponding expression would just be converted to 0. Remember, data binding is a one-way street. This means changing the TransactionCount variable after you've used the DataBind() method won't produce any visible effect. Unless you call the DataBind() method again, the displayed value won't be updated.

2.2. Simple Data Binding with Properties

The previous example uses a data binding expression to set static text information inside a label tag. However, you can also use single-value data binding to set other types of information on your page, including control properties. To do this, you simply have to know where to put the data binding expression in the web page markup.

For example, consider the following page, which defines a variable named URL and uses it to point to a picture in the application directory:

Public Partial Class DataBindingUrl
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected URL As String

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
      ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        URL = "Images/picture.jpg"
    End Sub
End Class

You can now use this URL to create a label, as shown here:

<asp:Label id="lblDynamic" runat="server"><%# URL %></asp:Label>

You can also use it for a check box caption:

<asp:CheckBox id="chkDynamic" Text="<%# URL %>" runat="server" />

or you can use it for a target for a hyperlink:

<asp:Hyperlink id="lnkDynamic" Text="Click here!" NavigateUrl="<%# URL %>"
 runat="server" />

You can even use it for a picture:

<asp:Image id="imgDynamic" ImageUrl="<%# URL %>" runat="server" />

The only trick is that you need to edit these control tags manually. Figure 4 shows what a page that uses all these elements would look like.

Figure 4. Multiple ways to bind the same data

2.3. Problems with Single-Value Data Binding

Before you start using single-value data binding techniques in every aspect of your ASP.NET programs, you should consider some of the serious drawbacks this approach can present:

Putting code into a page's user interface:

One of ASP.NET's great advantages is that it allows developers to separate the user interface code (the HTML and control tags in the .aspx file) from the actual code used for data access and all other tasks (in the code-behind file). However, overenthusiastic use of single-value data binding can encourage you to disregard that distinction and start coding function calls and even operations into your page. If not carefully managed, this can lead to complete disorder. (On the other hand, in a carefully designed system like ASP.NET MVC, it can lead to surprisingly lean, modern markup—if you know what you're doing. 

Fragmenting code:

When using data binding expressions, it may not be obvious where the functionality resides for different operations. This is particularly a problem if you blend both approaches—for example, if you use data binding to fill a control and also modify that control directly in code. Even worse, the data binding code may have certain dependencies that aren't immediately obvious. If the page code changes, or a variable or function is removed or renamed, the corresponding data binding expression could stop providing valid information without any explanation or even an obvious error. All of these details make it more difficult to maintain your code, and make it more difficult for multiple developers to work together on the same project.

Of course, some developers love the flexibility of single-value data binding and use it to great effect, making the rest of their code more economical and streamlined. It's up to you to be aware of (and avoid) the potential drawbacks.


In one case, single-value data binding is quite useful—when building templates. Templates declare a block of markup that's reused for each record in a table. However, they work only with certain rich data controls, such as the GridView.

2.4. Using Code Instead of Simple Data Binding

If you decide not to use single-value data binding, you can accomplish the same thing using code. For example, you could use the following event handler to display the same output as the first label example:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    TransactionCount = 10
    lblDynamic.Text = "There were " & TransactionCount.ToString()
    lblDynamic.Text &= " transactions today. "
    lblDynamic.Text &= "I see that you are using " & Request.Browser.Browser
End Sub


This code dynamically fills in the label without using data binding. The trade-off is more code.

When you use data binding expressions, you end up complicating your markup with additional details about your code (such as the names of the variables in your code-behind class). When you use the code-only approach, you end up doing the reverse—complicating your code with additional details about the page markup (like the text you want to display). In many cases, the best approach depends on your specific scenario. Data binding expressions are great for injecting small bits of information into an otherwise detailed page. The dynamic code approach gives you more flexibility, and works well when you need to perform more extensive work to shape the page (for example, interacting with multiple controls, changing content and formatting, retrieving the information you want to display from different sources, and so on).

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  •  SQL Server 2005 : Dynamic T-SQL - Why Go Dynamic?
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