4. Clearing the Screen with cls
The cls command is useful within a batch file to clear the screen. It is entered simply as cls without any parameters. When entered, it clears the screen and puts the cursor at the top of the screen.
5. Calling Another Batch File with call
You can launch a batch file from within another batch file with the call command. The basic syntax is
Figure 1
shows the order of processing when calling a batch file. Calltest.bat
runs until it comes to the call calledbatch.bat line. It stops running
and control is then passed to the called batch file, calledbatch.bat.
After the called batch file runs, control passes back to the calling
batch file.

Figure 2 shows the output when the batch file is run from the command prompt and calls the second batch file.
If the called batch file doesn’t exist or somehow
fails, control is still returned to the calling batch file. The call
command works only from within a batch file. If you execute it directly
from the command prompt, it is ignored.
The following table shows some use of the call command within a batch file.
Using the call Command | Comments |
| Calls the newbatch.bat batch file. The file must exist in the current path or in a path known by the system. |
call c:\scripts\newbatch.bat
| Calls
the newbatch.bat batch file located in the c:\scripts folder. If the
batch file doesn’t exist, the call fails and control returns to the
calling batch file. |
call newbatch.bat batch parameters
| If the called batch program accepts parameters, you can include them in the call. |
| Calls the batch program and starts execution at the specified label. |
6. Changing the Order of Processing with goto
You can use the goto
statement to change the order of processing of a batch file. Normally, a
batch file goes through the lines in the batch file from the first line
to the last line. However, there are times you want to skip some areas
of the batch file. The basic syntax of the goto statement in the batch file is
The label is listed elsewhere in the document as a
string of characters beginning with a colon (:). For example, you can
have a label at the end of the batch file named :eof. You can then include the following lines in the batch file:
Using the goto Command | Comments |
| The next command is at the :eof label. Notice that the label includes the colon (:), as in :eof, but the goto statement does not include the colon. |
| This command never executes in this batch file because the goto eof statement always causes it to be skipped. |
:eof | This is the eof label. |
echo Exiting batch file | The echo command gives the user feedback. |
7. Checking Conditions with if
When creating a batch file, you might occasionally
want to check for specific conditions. If a condition exists, you do
something. You use if statements frequently with goto statements.
The basic syntax of the command is
If condition command [else command ]
As a simple example, you can use the following if statement in a batch file:
if "%date%" == "Tue 11/20/2012" call magic.bat else Echo "Not yet"
The condition of the if
command evaluates to either true or false. If the condition is true, it
performs the command. If the condition is false, it does not perform
the command. If an else clause is
included, it is performed if the condition is false. In this example,
the condition is a check to see whether today (%date%) is Tuesday, Nov
20, 2012. If so, it calls a batch file named magic.bat.
Although you can enter the entire if
command on the same line, it is sometimes easier to read and understand
when entered on separate lines. However, if you’re using multiple
lines, you must use parentheses around certain areas.
if condition (
) else (
command )
For example, the if command shown earlier would look like this:
if "%date%" == "Tue 11/16/2010" (
call magic.bat
) else (
echo "Not yet"
There are certain conditions you can use, as shown in the following table.
Condition | Example | Comments |
Exist | if exist log.txt copy
log.txt archive.txt
| Checks for the existence of the log.txt file and if it is there, it copies it to the archive.txt file. |
Errorlevel | if errorlevel 4 goto eof
This assumes a label of
:eof exists in the batch
| Checks for the value of the %errorlevel% variable. If the value is 4, the batch goes to the eof label and presumably ends.
It’s common to use this check to redirect the order of the batch file processing with the goto statement. |
string comparison
| if %1 == Yes echo "User
entered Yes"
| Checks the value of one string against another. Notice that two equal signs (==) are required. |
not | if not exist log.txt copy
log.txt archive.txt
if not errorlevel 4 goto
if not %1 == Yes echo
"User did not enter Yes"
| The not condition negates the result of the conditional check. If the check results in true, the not condition changes it to false. If the check results in false, the not condition changes it to true. |
You can use any valid command that you want after the
condition. In other words, you aren’t limited to using only certain
commands when you use certain conditions. If it’s a valid command from
the command line, it’s a valid command in the if statement.
When using comparison operators, you have several to choose from, as shown in the following table.
Comparison Operator | Remarks |
if string1 == string2
if abc == abc
if %1 == abc
if %1 == %myvar%
| Evaluates to true if string1 and string2 are the same. These values can be literal strings or batch variables, such as %1 or %myvar%. You do not need to enclose literal strings in quotation marks.
For example, you can check to see what the user entered as a parameter using %1, and even check to see whether it’s equal to a variable you created with a statement such as set myvar= abc. |
| If you want to ignore the case of the two strings, use the /i switch immediately after the if statement. |
| Equal to.
Evaluates to true if the two values are equal. |
| Not equal to.
Evaluates to true if the two values are not equal. |
| Less than.
Evaluates to true if value1 is less than value2. |
| Less than or equal to.
Evaluates to true if value1 is less than or equal to value2. |
| Greater than.
Evaluates to true if value1 is greater than value2. |
| Greater than or equal to.
Evaluates to true if value1 is greater than or equal to value2. |
It’s common to use if statements in combination with goto
statements and labels. For example, the batch file can accept an input
and then check for the value of the input. Based on the input, it can
take one of several actions. The following sample shows how to do this
accepting a single parameter as %1:
@echo off
if %1#==# goto null
if %1==1 goto sync
if %1==2 goto show
if %1==3 goto summary
if %1 gtr 3 goto outofrange
echo "No Command entered."
goto eof
echo "Only values 1, 2, and 3 are valid."
goto eof
repdmin /syncall
repadmin /showrepl
repadmin /replsummary
You can enter all of these commands in a batch file named repl.bat. You can then start the batch file with repl 1 (to run repladmin /syncall), repl 2 (to run repadmin /showrepl), or repl 3 (to run repadmin /replsummary).
For clarification, the commands used in the previous batch file are explained in the following table.
Even though the example shows only one command in each of the labels, you can have as many commands as you like.
Batch File Command | Comments |
| Turns off echo so that the batch file commands don’t show. |
| Checks
for a null value. In other words, if the batch file is entered without a
parameter, this evaluates to true and the batch file goes to the :null label. |
if %1==1 goto sync
if %1==2 goto show
if %1==3 goto summary
if %1 gtr 3 goto outofrange
| Checks for the value of the input. If it is any number, it uses the goto statement to process the command. |
echo "No Command entered."
goto eof
| The :null label provides feedback if a parameter isn’t provided. It gives feedback to the user and goes to the end of the file. |
echo "Only values 1, 2, and 3
are valid."
goto eof
| The :outofrange
label provides feedback on valid numbers. If a value greater than 3 is
entered, it gives feedback to the user and goes to the end of the file. |
| The :sync label includes the repadmin /syncall command to force replication of objects between domain controllers (including those in different sites). |
| The :show label includes the repadmin /showrepl command, which shows key information on replication. |
repadmin /replsummary
| The :summary label includes the repadmin /replsummary command, which includes a summary of replication events. |
| The :eof file label is placed at the end of the file and doesn’t have any commands after it. The batch file then exits. |