%AppDataDir% The current
user’s Application Data directory
%BinaryComputerSid% The
security identifier (SID) of the computer in hexadecimal
%BinaryUserSid% The SID of
the current user in hexadecimal format
%CommonAppdataDir% The All
Users Application Data directory
%CommonDesktopDir% The All
Users Desktop directory
%CommonFavoritesDir% The
All Users Explorer Favorites directory
%CommonProgramsDir% The All
Users Programs directory
%CommonStartMenuDir% The
All Users Start Menu directory
%CommonStartUpDir% The All
Users Startup directory
%ComputerName% The NetBIOS
name of the computer
%CurrentProcessId% The
numeric identity of the main client process
%CurrentThreadId% The
numeric identity of the main client thread
%DateTime% The current time
%DateTimeEx% The current
time (UTC) with milliseconds
%DesktopDir% The current
user’s desktop directory
%DomainName% The domain
name or workgroup of the computer
%FavoritesDir% The current
user’s Explorer Favorites directory
%LastError% The last error
code encountered during configuration
%LastErrorText% The last
error code text description
%LdapComputerSid% The SID
of the computer in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
escaped binary format
%LdapUserSid% The SID of
the current user in LDAP escaped binary format
%LocalTime% The current
local time
%LocalTimeEx% The current
local time with milliseconds
%LogonDomain% The domain of
the current user
%LogonServer% The domain
controller that authenticated the current user
%LogonUser% The user name
of the current user
%LogonUserSid% The SID of
the current user
%MacAddress% The first
detected media access control (MAC) address on the
%NetPlacesDir% The current
user’s My Network Places directory
%OsVersion% The operating
system, which can be a specific Windows operating system or
%ProgramFilesDir% The
Windows Program Files directory
%ProgramsDir% The current
user’s Programs directory
%RecentDocumentsDir% The
current user’s Recent Documents directory
%ResultCode% The client’s
exit code
%ResultText% The client’s
exit code text description
%ReversedComputerSid% The
SID of the computer in reversed-byte-order hexadecimal
%ReversedUserSid% The SID
of the current user in reversed-byte-order hexadecimal
%SendToDir% The current
user’s Send To directory
%StartMenuDir% The current
user’s Start Menu directory
%StartUpDir% The current
user’s Startup directory
%SystemDir% The Windows
system directory
%SystemDrive% The name of
the drive from which the operating system is running
%TempDir% The current
user’s Temp directory as determined by Windows API
%TimeStamp% The time stamp
of the configurations being implemented
%TraceFile% The path/name
of the trace file
%WindowsDir% The Windows