
Windows 7 Development : GETTING STARTED WITH THE RIBBON (part 2) - Obtaining RibbonLib

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2/19/2015 12:56:34 AM

2. Obtaining RibbonLib

If you look at the PreviewRibbon example code, you'll find that it has a relatively large number of files containing complex code. Writing a COM wrapper for the Ribbon isn't for the faint of heart. With this in mind, you'll probably want to use a pre-written wrapper to make your Ribbon development easier.

After you download the ZIP file, extract it. You'll find .SLN files for both Visual Basic and C#. In addition, both Visual Basic and C# examples are included with the library. The solutions will require conversion for Visual Studio 2010. Simply follow the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard prompts as you normally would to perform the conversion. The conversion should proceed without error.

When you initially attempt to build the library and its examples, you'll be discouraged to see a number of errors (36 of them). The errors aren't due to any coding problem. The problem occurs when you use the latest version of the Windows 7 SDK. Use the following steps to correct the problem:

  1. Right-click an example project entry in Solution Explorer and choose Properties from the context menu. You'll see the Properties window for that project.

  2. Select the Build Events tab as shown in Figure 1. Notice that the Pre-Build Event Command Line field contains entries that compile the XML file containing the Ribbon code into a DLL. You must modify these entries to match the version of the Windows 7 SDK installed on your system .

    Figure 1. The Build Events tab contains the settings you need to change.
  3. Click Edit Pre-Build. You'll see the Pre-Build Event Command Line dialog box shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2. This dialog box contains the pre - build events for the project.
  4. Change each of the directory entries in the dialog box to match the directory setup on your machine. Be especially careful of the version numbers. The example is configured to use version 7.0 of the Windows 7 SDK.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Choose Build => Build Solution to build the application.

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