
Architecting Applications for the Enterprise : UML Diagrams (part 3) - Sequence Diagrams

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6/30/2011 4:26:15 PM

3. Sequence Diagrams

Sequence diagrams illustrate any interactions within a group of objects that implement a given scenario. A sequence diagram is aimed at showing the exact flow of control that one could observe within a system. With a sequence diagram, any observer knows exactly how the system implements a given use case.

3.1. A Look at the Notation

In a sequence diagram, participating objects are rendered with rectangles containing the object’s name. The full UML syntax dictates that you use the notation instance : class to name an object. More commonly, though, you use an informal name (for example, an Order) that indicates the nature and role of the object in the sequence. The name is usually underlined. (Note that we are not taking the UML standard literally here. Ours is a loose interpretation that is much more practical in the real world.)

A vertical and dashed line departs from each object that participates in the sequence. This line is called the lifeline and represents the passing of time and, contextually, the life span of the object. An interaction between two objects in the sequence is rendered by drawing a solid line ending with a filled arrow between the lifelines of the objects. The solid line starts from the lifeline of the caller and ends at the lifeline of the callee. The line is also decorated with text that commonly indicates the method invoked or the data returned.


Generally, the line is decorated with the name of the message sent or received. However, it is common that the message corresponds to a method. Therefore, the name of the message matches the name of the method. If you want to be rigorous, you should detail the signature of the method being called.

You indicate that an object is active and gains control of the operation by showing what is known as an activation bar. An activation bar is a part of the lifeline that is rendered using a narrow rectangle. (See Figure 13.)

Figure 13. A simple sequence diagram

The sequence in Figure 13 illustrates the retrieval of a little piece of information—the price of an ordered item. As you can see, four different objects participate in the operation—Order, Order Item, Customer, and Product. It all begins when the GetPrice method is invoked on an Order object.

Internally, the Order object figures out the ordered item and attempts to retrieve the price. In turn, the Order Item finds a reference to the ordered product and gets the related price. At some point, when the activation bar of the Product object terminates, the Order Item knows about the standard price of the product. However, it also needs to check any applicable discount for the customer who actually ordered it. So the GetDiscountRate method is invoked on a Customer object. At the end, the price of the ordered item is carried back to the original caller.

When the invoked method returns a value, you typically draw a return line (dashed this time) that connects callee and caller. This line is decorated with the logical name assigned to the returned value. This optional item increases the readability of the diagram and also gives you a chance to express conditions by using interaction frames. (We’ll say more about this in a moment.) Return values are optional, however.


An object can invoke a method on the same instance—for example, an Order object invokes a method on itself. This situation is represented by drawing an arrow (in a semicircular shape) that starts and ends on the same activation bar.

3.2. Life and Death of an Object

The lifeline notation in a UML sequence diagram merely shows the passing of time, but it says nothing about the creation and destruction of objects. A special notation exists to indicate explicitly the lifetime of an object. (See Figure 14.)

Figure 14. The UML notation for creating and destroying objects

To indicate the creation of an object, the creator sends a message labeled with a new keyword. The message moves from the activation bar of the creator up to the box of the created object. The destruction of an object is represented with an X symbol placed at the end of the lifeline at the precise moment you want the object to be removed from memory.

What the expression "remove the object from memory" exactly means depends on the language you use. In C++, the developer needs to personally take care of the destruction of any previously created objects. In this case, the X symbol indicates an explicit call to the object’s destructor using the C++ delete keyword. In Java and .NET managed languages, conversely, objects are removed automatically from memory when they go out of scope (garbage collection). In this case, the X symbol on the lifeline simply indicates when the object is expected to be no longer available for use.

When an external object is responsible for destroying a given object, and the object supports a deterministic disposal model, you place a delete message that ends at the X on the lifeline of the object being destroyed.


In particular, in the .NET Framework an object that implements the IDisposable interface supports a more deterministic model for destruction. Through the interface, the object exposes a method for callers to explicity clean up the internal state and mark the instance for future deletion care of the garbage collector.

In general, it is acceptable that as an architect you just don’t bother with also modeling the destruction of objects. It is reasonable that you leave the burden of this to the development team and trust their skills.

3.3. Asynchronous Messages

So far, we haven’t distinguished between synchronous and asynchronous messages in a sequence diagram. All the messages you have seen so far—those represented with a solid line ending in a filled arrow—are synchronous messages. In the case of a synchronous message, the caller waits until the operation terminates. For example, the caller waits until a given routine ends. An asynchronous message indicates that the processing continues without the caller needing to stop and wait for a response. How does UML represent an asynchronous message?

In UML 2.x, a filled arrowhead shows a synchronous message, whereas a stick arrowhead shows an asynchronous message, as you can see in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Synchronous and asynchronous messages

Figure 15 updates Figure 14 by using an asynchronous UML message to indicate that after a new customer has been approved an e-mail message should be sent to the customer through the mailing system. The CustomerServices object, though, doesn’t have to wait until the e-mail is delivered. You typically use asynchronous messages for all interactions with hardware devices and shared subsystems.

You should pay attention to the subtle difference existing between the notation used for synchronous and asynchronous messages. The difference is all in the arrowhead: a filled one for synchronous messages, and a stick one for asynchronous messages. Also note that this is the latest notation used with UML 2.x. In earlier versions of UML, the notation for asynchronous messages was different: a half-stick arrowhead. Table 5 summarizes the notations.

Table 5. Notations for Messages in UML Sequence Diagrams
AllSynchronous message
Up to UML 1.3Asynchronous message
Starting with UML 1.4Asynchronous message

3.4. Standing in the Way of Control

Sequence diagrams are essentially a tool to render how objects interact. They do not lend themselves very well to model control logic. However, if in a sequence you need to put some conditions, you can use interaction frames. Interaction frames are a new feature of UML 2.x aimed at expressing conditions and controlling flow in a sequence. Let’s start with the C# code shown here:

class OrderServices
public void Create(Order order)
// Calculate the total of all orders received from this customer
decimal total = order.Customer.GetAllOrdersAmount();

// Ask the system to suggest a discount rate for existing customers
if (total > 0)
string customerID = order.Customer.ID;
CustomerServices svc = new CustomerServices();
decimal rate = svc.SuggestDiscountRate(customerID);

// Get the updated total for the order and proceed
decimal orderTotal = order.GetOrderTotal();
// Save the order back to storage
using(DataContext ctx = new DataContext())

The requirement behind this piece of code is that before processing an order, you check whether the customer who placed it is a known customer. If the customer has already placed orders in the past, it is eligible for a discount. The system suggests an appropriate discount rate that is set within the Order object. Next, the order is processed by the system and then saved back to storage. How would you render this logic in UML? In particular, how would you render the condition? (See Figure 16.)

Figure 16. A sequence diagram including interactions

An interaction frame delimits a region of a sequence diagram and marks it with an operator and a Boolean guard. The operator indicates the behavior you expect, whereas the guard indicates whether or not the sequence in the frame executes or not. Table 6 lists the most commonly used operators for interaction frames.

Table 6. Common Operators for Interaction Frames
altIndicates alternative branches. The frame hosts multiple sequences, but only those with a true Boolean guard execute. Multiple sequences in a frame are separated with a dashed line.
optThe sequence in the frame will execute only if the guard is true.
parThe frame hosts multiple sequences; all sequences will run in parallel.
loopThe sequence in the frame will be executed multiple times, based on the guard expression.
regionIndicates a critical section, and requires that only one thread executes it at a time.

Finally, note that interaction frames can be nested if this is really necessary. The point here is that nested frames augment the complexity, and decrease the readability, of the resulting diagram. If you have really complex control logic to express, we suggest that you opt for an activity diagram—essentially, an object-oriented version of flowcharts—or even code snippets. The best you can do, though, is break the sequence down into smaller pieces so that a standard sequence diagram with simple interaction frames is readable enough.

Domain-Specific Languages and UML

UML is a general-purpose modeling language with incorporated concepts and tools that can be easily applied to a variety of contexts. Adapting the model to a particular domain might require additional and more specific tools and elements. For this reason, UML 2.x defines a standard mechanism, known as profiles, to extend the language. When you create a custom UML profile, you essentially extend the base metamodel by adding new elements with specific properties suitable to a given domain.

However, a UML profile is still a piece of a fixed model. A domain-specific language (DSL) is something different. A DSL is a domain-specific programming language created to solve problems in a particular domain. A DSL can be a visual language or a textual language. In general, it falls somewhere in between a small programming language and a scripting language. A DSL doesn’t usually compile to binary code; rather, it is rendered to some intermediate language. Although it was not created to be a DSL, all in all SQL can be considered a realistic example of a DSL—it is a language specific to a domain (database access), and it is invoked by other applications.

To model your domain effectively, should you use UML extensions or switch to a DSL? In our way of looking at things, UML is a general-purpose language, meaning that it is good at describing any sort of domain, but only approximately. Or, put another way, it can’t be used to describe any domain precisely. In the imperfect world where we live, no universal language can be used to solve all sorts of problems with the same level of effectiveness. Enter DSLs. A DSL is a language for just one domain and scenario: it’s a made-to-measure, straight-to-the-point, and ad hoc language. Its elements come from the domain, not from a fixed metamodel.

By extending UML with a profile, you transform a general language into something specific and, in doing so, you use the set of tools the general language makes available. Sure, it works. But is it effective? By using DSLs, you create your own language using ad hoc DSL tools, such as those integrated in Visual Studio. (See This language might not be reusable outside the domain, but it is direct. And, by the way, are you sure that your profile is reusable as well?

Because a DSL language is tailor-made for a domain, generating compile code out of it is easier. And the DSL tool does it for you. We see the future of model-driven development passing through DSL rather than using UML as the modeling tool.

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