Windows Phone 7 Development : Creating a Cloud Service to Access the Cloud Database (part 2) - Implementing a WCF Service to Access the SQL Azure Database

1/17/2011 9:16:07 AM

3. Implementing a WCF Service to Access the SQL Azure Database

Now that you have an entity model of User and Note, you can implement NotepadService, which will add, update, delete, and search notes. In this section, you will learn to implement a WCF service and also learn to use Entity Framework to interact with the SQL Azure database.

3.1. Coding the WCF Contract

In order to create a WCF service, you must first define a WCF service contract. The following steps will guide you through how to do this. If everything was successfully done, you should see a Solution Explorer in Visual Studio that resembles Figure 9.

Figure 9. NotepadService project in Solution Explorer

Open IService.cs and replace the content with the following code. The WCF contract will contain a way to add, delete, update, and search the note in NotepadDB. Notice here the namespace of System.ServiceModel, which allows you to add attributes ServiceContract and OperationContract, which must be defined in order to create a WCF service.

using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;

namespace NotepadServiceRole
public interface IService1
Guid AddUser(Guid userId, string userName);

NoteDto AddNote(Guid userId, string notedescription, string noteText);

void UpdateNote(int noteId, string noteText);

void DeleteNote(Guid userId, int noteId);


List<NoteDto> GetNotes(Guid userId);

NoteDto GetNote(Guid userId, int noteId);

In the next section, you will be creating a data contract that will be sent to the client through the service.

3.2. Coding the DataContract

Before you implement the service contract, you will need to define two data transfer objects to map to the entity object. Although we can expose the entity generated by the Entity Framework directly to the WCF service, it is not a recommended practice because the Entity Framework exposes information not necessary for the client. For example, information like foreign key, primary key, and any Entity Framework–related information that is in the Note and User objects has no meaning to the client. Also when the Entity Framework object is serialized, it will include all this unnecessary information, causing the serialized objects coming through the Internet to get huge, and since we are working with the Windows Phone over wireless or Wi-Fi transmission, you will want information sent over the wireless to be small.

  1. To NotepadServiceRole add the UserDto.cs class with the following code. Notice the namespace that we will be using, System.Runtime.Serialization, which allows you to add DataContract and DataMember attributes that allow the WCF service to serialize this object to be sent over the service to the client.

    using System.Runtime.Serialization;

    namespace NotepadServiceRole
    public class UserDto
    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

  2. To NotepadServiceRole add the NoteDto.cs class with the following code.

    using System.Runtime.Serialization;

    namespace NotepadServiceRole
    public class NoteDto
    public int NoteId { get; set; }

    public string Description { get; set; }

    public string NoteText { get; set; }

3.3. Coding the Service

In the following steps, you will implement the NotepadService WCF contract defined in the foregoing section. You will be using the Entity Framework to access the SQL Azure database.

Open Service1.svc.cs in the NotepadServiceRole project, and add the code blocks spelled out in the following sections.

3.3.1. Coding AddUser Method

AddUser will add a new user to the database. Notice that you are instantiating NotepadDBEntities, which is the Entity Framework–generated context that connects to the SQL Azure NotepadDB.

public Guid AddUser(Guid userId, string userName)
using (var context = new NotepadDBEntities())
context.AddToUsers(new User()
UserId = userId,
Name = userName,

return userId;

3.3.2. Coding AddNote Method

Notice here in AddNote method after instantiating NotepadDBEntities, you are creating the Note entity that you generated in the foregoing steps using the Entity Framework Wizard. Once the note is saved, you are mapping to NoteDto to be sent to the client.

public NoteDto AddNote(Guid userId, string notedescription, string noteText)
using (var context = new NotepadDBEntities())
Note note = new Note()
Description = notedescription,
UserId = userId,

NoteText = noteText,

return new NoteDto()
NoteId = note.NoteId,
Description = note.Description,
NoteText = note.NoteText,

3.3.3. Coding UpdateNote Method

In order to update the note, first you need to instantiate the entity context that connects to NotepadDB, and then you must query for the note that you are going to update. Once the note is retrieved, you will then update the properties and save changes.

public void UpdateNote(int noteId, string noteText)
using (var context = new NotepadDBEntities())
var note = context
.Where(n => n.NoteId.Equals(noteId)
note.NoteText = noteText;

3.3.4. Coding DeleteNote Method

When deleting the note, the note must be retrieved first and then the retrieved note will be added to the DeleteObject of the Notes collection. Then save the changes where the delete will be performed by the Entity Framework.

public void DeleteNote(Guid userId, int noteId)
using (var context = new NotepadDBEntities())
var note = context
.Where(n => n.NoteId.Equals(noteId)).Single();

3.3.5. Coding GetNotes Method

GetNotes will bring all the notes associated with the specific userId. You will be using a technique called Linq to Entity that closely resembles the SQL statement. And inside the Linq to Entity, you will be performing translation of the Note entity to NoteDto. This is a very useful technique for mapping an entity object to a data transfer object.

public List<NoteDto> GetNotes(Guid userId)
using (var context = new NotepadDBEntities())
var notes = (
from eachNote in context.Notes
where eachNote.UserId == userId
orderby eachNote.Description ascending
select new NoteDto
NoteId = eachNote.NoteId,
Description = eachNote.Description,
NoteText = eachNote.NoteText,

return notes;

3.3.6. Coding GetNote Method

GetNote will query a single user note from the database.

public NoteDto GetNote(Guid userId, int noteId)
using (var context = new NotepadDBEntities())
var notes = (
from eachNote in context.Notes
where eachNote.NoteId == noteId
&& eachNote.UserId == userId
select new NoteDto
NoteId = eachNote.NoteId,
Description = eachNote.Description,
NoteText = eachNote.NoteText,

return notes;

3.4. Testing Azure WCF NotepadService on Your Machine

You will be testing NotepadService on your machine so that when you connect to NotepadService from the Windows Phone Notepad application, you will be able to debug and step through NotepadService when the service call is made from the Notepad application.

Press F5 and you will notice that the Development Fabric window appears with Internet Explorer. Development Fabric simulates the Azure service environment in your machine. Notice that when you expand NotepadService you see NotepadServiceRole, which is the WCF service that you coded in the foregoing steps. When NotepadService is deployed, you will see one instance of the service deployed, as shown in Figure 10. Do not stop the service, as you will be referencing the service from the Notepad application.

Figure 10. Development Fabric simulating the Azure Service environment

In the previous steps, you created the NotepadDB database in SQL Azure and NotepadService hosted locally using Development AppFabric to simulate Windows Azure. In the following section, you will be consuming NotepadService from the Notepad application, and ultimately when the service works properly, you will be deploying NotepadService to Windows Azure.
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