use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
#$myCookies = HTTP::Cookies->new(
# file => "cookies.txt",
# autosave => 1,
# );
$myCookies = HTTP::Cookies->new();
$URL = "https://www.example.com/w/signup.php";
$UA = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$UA->cookie_jar( $myCookies );
# Find a particular cookie from a particular domain. Add 1 week to
# it's expiration. Delete the original cookie, store the modified
# cookie in our cookie jar. Uses an external namespace ($find::) to
# get the key, path, and domain to search for. Sets $find::changed
# to indicate the number of cookies that matched and were modified.
sub addOneWeek {
my ($version, $key, $val, $path, $domain, $port, $path_spec,
$secure, $expires, $discard, $rest) = @_;
if( ($domain eq $find::domain) and
($path eq $find::path ) and
($key eq $find::key ) )
$expires = $expires + (3600 * 24 * 7); # seconds per week
$myCookies->clear( $domain, $path, $key );
$myCookies->set_cookie( $version, $key, $val, $path,
$domain, $port, $path_spec, $secure, $expires, $discard,
$rest );
# Find a particular cookie from a particular domain. Uses an external
# namespace ($find::) to get the key, path, and domain to search for. Prints
# all cookies that match.
sub showCookies {
my ($version, $key, $val, $path, $domain, $port, $path_spec,
$secure, $expires, $discard, $rest) = @_;
if( ($domain eq $find::domain) and
($path eq $find::path ) and
($key eq $find::key ) )
print "$domain, $path, $key, $val, $expires\n";
# First fetch a web page that sends a cookie.
$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $URL );
$resp = $UA->request($req);
$find::domain = "example.com";
$find::path = "/";
$find::key = "session_id";
# Show any matching cookies, in their original form.
$myCookies->scan( \&showCookies );
# Find them, and bump their expiration time by a week.
$myCookies->scan( \&addOneWeek );
# Show the cookie jar, now that we modified it.
$myCookies->scan( \&showCookies );