
Sharepoint 2013 : List and library essentials - Sorting and filtering lists

8/10/2014 8:43:30 PM
Information in lists can be organized and displayed by using views. Views can be created and modified to specify which fields are displayed, the column order, how they are sorted, and whether the information is filtered and/or grouped. SharePoint 2013 provides several formats for displaying views, as well, such as Standard and Datasheet views. Standard views support dynamic sorting and filtering directly in the column headers, whereas Datasheet views give users the option to enter data as a batch instead of entering one list item at a time. Here, you’ll learn how to manually sort or filter a Standard view.

Sort a list

  1. Hover your mouse pointer over the title of the column by which you want to sort.

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  2. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the column title.

  3. On the menu that appears, click either Ascending (A on Top) or Descending (Z on Top).

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If a column is sorted, a small up arrow or down arrow (depending on whether the column is sorted in ascending or descending order) displays to the right of the column title.

Filter a list

  1. Hover your mouse pointer over the title of the column that you want to filter.

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  2. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the column title.

  3. On the menu that appears, select the check boxes adjacent to the information that you want to include in the filter.

  4. Click Close.

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If a column is filtered, a small funnel icon displays to the right of the column title.

Try This

Clear the column filters by clicking the small funnel icon and then, on the menu that appears, click Clear Filters From column.

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