Term Store
The term store is the entry home of the taxonomy and structured tags. Looking back at Figure 3,
you can see that in our Managed Metadata Service, the term store (shown
with the house icon) has the same name, “Managed Metadata Service.” You
may create a term store with any name you choose; by default,
SharePoint has named the term store.
At the term store level, administrators of the
farm may define term store administrators. These users have full
control of the term store to manipulate the taxonomy.
Term store administrators differ from Managed
Metadata Service administrators. The first control changes to a term
store; the second have access to the entire managed service. Figure 4 shows the location for adding Managed Metadata Service administrators (in Central Administration), and Figure 6 shows the location for term store administrators (in the Term Store Management Tool).
Groups provide an
important role in maintaining a collection of term sets. Groups provide
security for the term sets they contain, as both group managers and
contributors to the group. The following steps demonstrate how to
create a new term set group:
- Open the Term Store Management Tool.
- Click the drop-down arrow on the Term Store node in the taxonomy tree.
- Click New Group to create a new group.
- Provide a name for the group.
- SharePoint displays the Group Properties page, as shown in Figure 6.
From within the group properties pane,
you can change the name of the group, give it a Description, and add
users to Group Managers and Contributors. Group Managers may add other
users as contributors, as well as remove and add new term sets.
Contributors may add new terms to term sets and configure group