Accessibility information of the Silverlight content (read-only).
- content.actualHeight
The height of the Silverlight content (read-only).
- content.actualWidth
The width of the Silverlight content (read-only).
- content.createFromXaml(xamlContent,
Creates a Silverlight object with the given XAML content;
if nameScope is set to true,
a unique x:Name attribute is assigned.
- content.createFromXamlDownloader(downloader,
Creates a Silverlight object from the given
downloader object; if the downloaded content is a ZIP archive,
part defines the name of the file to use.
- content.findName(objectName)
Returns a reference to the object with the given name.
- content.fullScreen
Whether the Silverlight plug-in is in full-screen
mode (read and write).
- content.onFullScreenChange
Event handler that is fired when the application enters or leaves full-screen mode.
- content.onResize
Event handler that is fired if the Silverlight content area is resized.
- createObject(objectType)
Creates and returns an object with the given type.
- initParams
The initialization parameters provided for the Silverlight content
(read-only after the initialization).
- isLoaded
Whether the Silverlight plug-in and its XAML content are fully loaded
- isVersionSupported(versionString)
Whether the current Silverlight plug-in supports content with the given version number.
- onError
Event handler that is fired if an error occurs within the Silverlight application.
- root
The root element of the Silverlight content (read-only).
- settings.background
The background color of the Silverlight content area (read and write).
- settings.enabledFramerateCounter
Whether the current frame rate is displayed in the browser's status bar (read and write; note that not
all browsers allow you to change the content of the status
- settings.enableRedrawRegions
Whether the regions of the Silverlight content that are redrawn are highlighted (read and write;
useful only during development).
- settings.enableHtmlAccess
Whether to allow Silverlight content to access the HTML DOM (read-only).
- settings.maxFrameRate
The maximum frame rate (number of frames) of the Silverlight content (read
and write).
- settings.windowless
Whether the Silverlight application runs in windowless mode (then the background may use
alphatransparency and can let the background on the HTML page shine
through), set in the initialization phase (read-only
- source
The XAML source code of the Silverlight content (read and write).