
IIS 7.0 : Runtime Web Server Extensibility (part 3) - Common Module Management Tasks

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6/14/2012 4:46:59 PM

Common Module Management Tasks

Besides enabling you to choose which modules are installed on the server, IIS 7.0 enables you to further fine-tune its functionality by selecting which modules are enabled on the server or even for a particular application. Furthermore, you will sometimes want to tweak other aspects of module operation, such as their relative order, or the specific scenarios in which modules should execute. This section will illustrate some of these common module management tasks.

Controlling What Modules Are Enabled

Despite the differences between installation procedures for native and managed modules, the modules configuration section provides a unified view of the enabled modules. By manipulating the module entries in the modules section, you can control which modules will be allowed to function on the server by default or for a specific application:

  1. Adding a module at the server level allows it to execute by default in all applications on the server, except for applications that specifically remove it.

  2. Removing a module at the server level prevents it from executing in all applications on the server, except for applications that specifically add it back.

  3. Adding a module at the application level allows it to execute in that specific application.

  4. Removing a server-level defined module at the application level removes this module from the specific application, while allowing other applications to use it.

In a nutshell, modules that are enabled on the server level provide a default feature set for all applications on the server. Each application can then tweak this feature set by removing unneeded modules and then adding additional modules in its modules section. It is important to remember that though you can add new managed modules at the application level, new native modules must be installed at the server level to be enabled at the application level. This means that applications cannot introduce new native modules—they can only remove existing ones that are enabled, or add back native modules that are installed but not enabled by default at the server level.


You can manage the enabled modules for your application by using the IIS Manager. After selecting your application in the tree view and opening the Modules feature, use the Add Managed Module action to add a new managed module, the Configure Native Modules action to enable or disable existing native modules, or the Edit or Remove actions to edit or remove existing module entries in the list. 

Enabling Managed Modules to Run for All Requests

The ability to extend IIS with managed modules that execute for all content types is one of the central breakthroughs of IIS 7.0. However, for backward compatibility reasons, all of the built-in ASP.NET modules are configured to execute only for requests to managed (ASP.NET) handlers. Because of this, useful ASP.NET services such as Forms Authentication are by default available only for requests to ASP.NET content types, and they are not applied to requests to static content or ASP pages. The ASP.NET setup does this, adding the "managedHandler" precondition to each ASP.NET module element when it is added to the modules configuration section. 

Because of this, it is necessary to remove this precondition from each ASP.NET module whose service is desired for all application content. This can be done by using Appcmd or IIS Manager to edit the specified modules element, or by manually removing the precondition from the module element. When this is desired at the application level for a module element inherited from the server level configuration, it is necessary to remove and redefine the module element without the precondition.

  <remove name="FormsAuthentication" />
  <add name="FormsAuthentication"
type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule" />

This clears the default "managedHandler" value of the preCondition attribute and enables the FormsAuthentication module to run for all requests.

When you use IIS Manager or Appcmd to edit the module element, this configuration is automatically generated whenever you make changes at the application level.


New managed modules you add will not have the managedHandler precondition by default and will run for all requests. If you want to restrict the managed module to run only for requests to managed handlers, you need to manually add the managedHandler precondition.

Alternatively, you can configure your application to ignore all managedHandler preconditions and effectively always execute all managed modules for all requests without needing to remove the precondition for each one. This is done by setting the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests configuration option in the modules configuration section.

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />

Controlling Module Ordering

Due to the pipeline model of module execution, module ordering is often important to ensure that the server "behaves" as it should. For example, modules that attempt to determine the authenticated user must execute before modules that verify access to the requested resource, because the latter needs to know what the authenticated user is. This ordering is almost always enforced by the stages of the request processing pipeline. By doing their work during the right stage, modules automatically avoid ordering problems. However, in some cases, two or more modules that perform a similar task—and therefore execute in the same stage—may have ordering dependencies. One prominent example is built-in authentication modules. They are run during the AuthenticateRequest stage, and to authenticate the request with the strongest credentials available, they should be in the strongest to weakest order. To resolve such relative ordering dependencies, the administrator can control the relative ordering of modules by changing the order in which they are listed in the modules section.

This works because the server uses the order in the modules configuration section to order module execution within each request processing stage. By placing module A before module B in the list, you can allow module A to execute before module B.

This also means that when an application enables a new module (by adding a new managed module, or enabling a native module that was not previously enabled), that module is listed after the modules enabled by higher configuration levels due to the configuration collection inheritance. This can sometimes be a problem if the new module should run before an existing module defined at the higher level, because the configuration system does not provide a way to reorder inherited elements. In this case, the only solution is to clear the modules collection and re-add all of the elements in the correct order at the application level.

    <add name="HttpCacheModule" />
    <add name="MyNewModule" type="Modules.MyNewModule" />


You can also use IIS Manager to perform the ordering task. After selecting your application in the tree view and opening the Modules feature, choose the View Ordered List action and use the Move Up and Move Down actions to adjust the sequence. If you use this feature, the tool will use the <clear/> approach that we discussed earlier to reorder the modules for your application.


By using the <clear/> approach, you are effectively disconnecting the application’s module configuration from the configuration at the server level. Therefore, any changes made at the server level (removing or adding modules) will no longer affect the application and will need to be manually propagated if necessary.

Adding Handler Mappings

Though modules typically execute for all requests so that the modules can provide a content-independent service, some modules may opt to act as handlers. Handlers are responsible for producing a response for a specific content type and are mapped in the IIS 7.0 handler mapping configuration to a specific verb/extension combination. For handlers, the server is responsible for mapping the correct handler based on the handler mapping configuration, and they are also responsible for invoking that handler during the ExecuteRequest request processing stage to produce the response for this request. Examples of handlers include StaticFileModule, which serves static files; DirectoryListingModule, which displays directory listings; and the ASP.NET PageHandler, which compiles and executes ASP.NET pages.

The main conceptual difference between modules and handlers is that the server picks the handler to produce the response for requests to a specific resource, whereas modules typically process all requests in a resource-independent way and typically do not produce responses. Because of this, only the one handler mapped by the server is executed per request. If you are familiar with IIS 6.0, this is similar to the distinction between the ISAPI extensions, which provide processing for a specific extension, and ISAPI filters, which intercept all requests.

Traditionally, most application frameworks including ASP.NET, ASP, PHP, and ColdFusion are implemented as handlers that process URLs with specific extensions.

You register a handler on the server by creating a handler mapping entry in the collection located in the system.webServer/handlers configuration section. This concept is similar to the script maps configuration in previous releases of IIS, but in IIS 7.0 it is extended to allow for more flexibility and to accommodate more handler types. For applications using the Integrated mode, this section also supports managed handlers that in previous IIS versions are registered in the ASP.NET httpHandlers configuration section.

After it receives the request, the server examines the collection of handler mappings configured for the request URL and selects the first handler mapping whose path mask and verb match the request. Later, during the ExecuteRequestHandler stage, the handler mapping will be used to invoke a module to handle the request.

Each handler mapping collection entry can specify the attributes shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Attributes Specified by Handler Mappings



name (required)

The name for the handler mapping.

path (required)

The path mask that must match the request URL so that this handler mapping can be selected.

verb (required)

The verb list that must match the request verb so that this handler mapping can be selected.


Whether the physical resource mapped to the request URL must be an existing file, directory, either, or unspecified (if the physical resource does not have to exist).


The accessFlag level that is required for this handler to execute.


The precondition that determines if this handler mapping is considered.


Whether or not the PATH_INFO / PATH_TRANSLATED server variables contain the path info segment; may cause security vulnerabilities in some CGI programs or ISAPI extensions that handle path info incorrectly.


The maximum number of bytes of the response to buffer for this handler mapping. Response buffering is new in IIS 7.0 and enables modules to manipulate response data before it is sent to the client. The default is 4 MB, although ISAPI extensions installed with legacy APIs will have it automatically set to 0 for backward compatibility reasons.


List of modules that attempt to handle the request when this mapping is selected.


Additional information that is passed to the module to specify how the handler mapping should behave. Used by ISAPI extension module, CGI module, and FastCGI module.


The managed handler type that handles the request when this mapping is selected.

The information in the handler mapping is used as follows.

  1. The precondition is first used to determine if the handler mapping is to be used in a particular application pool. If any of the preconditions fail, the mapping is ignored.

  2. The path and verb are matched against the request URL and verb. The first mapping that matches is chosen. If no mappings matched, a "404.4 Not Found" error is generated.

  3. If the accessPolicy configuration does not meet the requireAccess requirement for the handler mapping, a "403 Access Denied" error is generated.

  4. If the resourceType is set to File, Directory, or Either, the server makes sure that the physical resource exists and is of the specified type. If not, a "404 Not Found" error is generated. Also, check that the authenticated user is allowed to access the mapped file system resource. If resourceType is set to Unspecified, these checks are not performed.


The path attribute in IIS 7.0 enables you to specify more complex path masks to match the request URL than previous versions of IIS, which enable only * or .ext where ext is the URL extension. IIS 7.0 enables you to use a path mask that may contain multiple URL segments separated by / and to use wildcard characters such as * or ?.

Even though the majority of IIS 7.0 handlers are added at the server level and inherited by all applications on the server, you can specify additional handlers at any level. Handler mappings added at a lower level are processed first when matching handler mappings, so new handlers may override handlers previously declared at a higher configuration level. Because of this, if you want to remap that path/verb pair to another handler for your application, it is not necessary to remove a handler added at a server level—simply adding that handler mapping in your application’s configuration does the job.


IIS 7.0 continues to support wildcard mappings, which enable a handler to act like a filter, processing all requests and possibly delegating request processing to another handler by making a child request. Though the majority of such scenarios can now be implemented with normal modules, quite a few legacy ISAPI extensions take advantage of this model (including ASP.NET in some configurations). To create a wildcard mapping, you need to set the path and verb attributes to *, set the requireAccess attribute to None, and set the resourceType attribute to Either.

Types of Handler Mappings

Though it provides a standard way to map handlers to requests, the handlers configuration also supports a number of different types of handlers, as shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Handler Types

Handler Type


IIS 7.0 Examples

Native module(s)

The module must support the ExecuteRequestHandler event

modules specifies the list of native modules that will handle this request (typically just specifies one module)

TraceVerbHandler, OptionsVerbHandler, StaticFileModule, DefaultDocumentModule, DirectoryBrowsingModule

ASP.NET handler

The application must be using the Integrated ASP.NET mode

type specifies fully qualified .NET type that implements ASP.NET handler interfaces

ASP.NET PageHandlerFactory (aspx pages), ASP.NET WebResourceHandler

ISAPI extension

modules specifies the ISAPIModule; scriptProcessor specifies the path to the ISAPI extension DLL to load

ASP.dll (asp pages)

CGI program

modules specifies the CGIModule; scriptProcessor specifies the path to the CGI executable

Any CGI executable

FastCGI program

modules specifies the FastCGIModule; scriptProcessor specifies the path and arguments for a FastCGI executable registered in the FastCGI configuration section

Any FastCGI executable (such as PHP-CGI.EXE)

Unlike script maps in previous versions of IIS, which provide hardcoded support for ISAPI extensions and CGI programs, IIS 7.0 hardcodes nothing—all types of handlers are implemented on top of the standard native or managed module API. IIS 7.0 supports ISAPI extensions by hosting them with the ISAPIModule, supports CGI programs with the CGI module, and features new support for FastCGI programs with FastCgiModule. The IsapiModule, CgiModule, and FastCgiModule modules are all native modules, much like StaticFileModule, except they support interfacing with external handler frameworks to handle the request, using the ISAPI, CGI, and FastCGI protocols respectively.

If you look at the handler mappings created by default by a full IIS 7.0 install, you will see some of the following.

            <handlers accessPolicy="Read, Script">
                <add name="ASPClassic" path="*.asp" verb="GET,HEAD,POST"
modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="%windir%\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll"
esourceType="File" />
                <add name="ISAPI-dll" path="*.dll" verb="*"
modules="IsapiModule" resourceType="File" requireAccess="Execute"
allowPathInfo="true" />
                <add name="PageHandlerFactory-Integrated" path="*.aspx"
verb="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory"
preCondition="integratedMode" />
                <add name="PageHandlerFactory-ISAPI-2.0" path="*.aspx"
verb="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG" modules="IsapiModule"
dll" preCondition="classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,bitness32"
responseBufferLimit="0" />
                <add name="StaticFile" path="*" verb="*"
resourceType="Either" requireAccess="Read" />

This configuration fragment shows a good cross-section of the kinds of handler mappings that you can create. First is IsapiModule handler mapping, which enables ASP pages to be executed with the ASP.dll ISAPI extension. Second is the IsapiModule mapping, which supports direct requests to ISAPI extensions located in the application directories, which require the Execute permission.

Then, you see two mappings for the ASP.NET PageHandlerFactory, which supports the processing of ASPX pages. The first mapping uses the aspnet_isapi.dll ISAPI extension to process the request, and the second uses the Integrated mode for executing ASP.NET handlers directly. Each of these mappings uses a precondition to make sure that only one of the mappings is active in each application pool based on the ASP.NET integration mode. Classic mode application pools use the ISAPI mapping, and Integrated mode application pools use the integrated mapping.  Finally, you see the static file handler mapping, designed to be a catch-all mapping that is mapped to all requests that do not match any of the other handler mappings by specifying "*" for both path and verb. This is similar to previous versions of IIS where any requests not mapped to an ISAPI extension scriptmap are handled by the static file handler in IIS. This mapping also illustrates letting multiple modules attempt to handle the request as part of a single handler mapping. First, StaticFileModule attempts to serve a physical file if one is present, then DefaultDocumentModule performs the default document redirect, and finally DirectoryBrowsingModule attempts to serve a directory listing.

Security Alert

The fact that the catch-all mapping uses StaticFileModule means that requests to resources that have not yet had a handler configured but are not listed in the server’s MIME type configuration will result in a "404.3 Not Found" error. This error typically indicates that either you need to add a MIME map entry for the file’s extension to the server’s staticContent configuration section to allow the file to be downloaded, or you need to add a handler mapping to appropriately process the file. This is an important security measure that prevents scripts from being downloaded as source code on servers that do not yet have the right handler mappings installed.

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