Using IIS Manager to Install and Manage Modules
IIS Manager provides a powerful UI for
managing modules on the server. This UI can be used to install both
native and managed modules, as well as manage enabled modules on the
server and for specific applications.
The Modules feature provides this
functionality, and it can be accessed at two separate levels for
slightly different functionality:
By server administrators at the server
level, to install native modules on the server, add new managed modules,
and configure modules that are enabled on the server by default. -
By server or site administrators at
the application level, to add new managed modules and configure enabled
modules for the application.
At the server level, you can select the machine
node in the tree view and then double-click the modules to access the
Modules feature, as shown in Figure 2.
You will see the list of modules
enabled at the server level, which corresponds to the list of modules in
the modules configuration section at the server level in
ApplicationHost.config. For each module, you will see its name. For
native modules, you’ll also see the path to the image DLL. For managed
modules, you’ll also see the module type name. You will also see three
actions available on this page:
Add Managed Module. Enables
you to add a new managed module to the list of enabled modules. In the
resulting dialog box, you can specify the name of your new module, as
well as the module’s type.
can select a module type from the Type drop-down list, which contains
all module types available from the assemblies located in the machine’s
Global Assembly Cache listed in the system.web/compilation/assemblies
section of the .NET Framework’s root Web.config. You can also type in
your own type if it’s not yet listed. Select the Invoke Only For
Requests To ASP.NET Applications Or Managed Handlers check box if you
want your module to use the managedHandler precondition and only execute
for requests to ASP.NET handlers . -
Configure Native Modules. Enables you to enable an already installed native module, install a new native module, or uninstall an existing native module.
Here, you can enable native modules that are
installed but not currently enabled by selecting one or more of them.
You can also use the Register button to install a new native module, the
Edit button to edit the name or the path for an installed module, or
the Remove button to uninstall the selected native module. -
View Ordered List. Enables
you to display the list of modules in an ordered list so that you can
adjust their sequence by using the Move Up and Move Down actions. When
this is done at the server level, you can reorder the modules without
resorting to clearing the modules collection .
Also, when you select a module entry in the list, three additional actions become available:
Edit. This
action enables you to edit the modules entry. For native modules, you
can directly change the native module installation information including
its name and path to native image DLL. For managed modules, you can
edit the module name and the module type. -
Lock/Unlock. These
actions enable you to lock the specific module item at the server
level, such that it cannot be removed or modified at the application
level. -
Remove. This
action enables you to remove the module entry. For native modules, this
disables the module by default. For managed modules, this removes the
module entry, requiring you to later re-add this entry at the
application level to enable it there.
To access the Modules feature at the
application level, go to the tree view and select the application you
would like to administer. Then double-click the Modules feature icon.
You will be presented with the same view as before, except for the
following differences:
You will no longer be able to add new native
modules from the Configure Native Modules dialog box. Remember, this is
because native modules are installed for the entire server, and you must
have Administrative privileges to do that. Instead, you will only be
able to enable already installed native modules that are not currently
enabled for your application. -
You will no longer be able to edit native
module information or edit managed module information for managed
modules that are enabled at the server level (you can still edit module
information for managed modules added in your application). -
You will not be able to lock/unlock modules. -
When adding managed modules, the tool will
also inspect all assemblies in the /BIN and /App_Code source files for
possible modules to add. -
You can use the Revert To Inherited action to
discard whatever changes were made to the modules configuration section
at the application level and then revert to the default module
configuration at the server level.
Despite these limitations, site
administrators can still use IIS Manager to install new managed modules
or manage their applications’ module feature set without requiring
Administrative privileges on the machine. This is especially valuable
given the ability of IIS Manager to enable remote delegated
administration for application owners. Of course, server administrators
can also benefit from IIS Manager for unrestricted module management.
Using IIS Manager to Create and Manage Handler Mappings
Manager also provides a convenient interface to manage handler
mappings, thus removing some of the complexity involved with editing the
handler mappings manually. This functionality is provided by the
Handler Mappings feature, which both server administrators and site
administrators can access.
After selecting the node at which you’d like to
manage handler mappings, you can select the feature by double-clicking
the Handler Mappings icon. This presents the Handler Mappings view, as
shown in Figure 3.
Here, you will see a list of handler mappings
including the handler mapping name, path, and other useful information.
The Handler column provides a summary of how the handler is implemented,
showing either the modules list for native handlers or the type for
managed handlers. The Path Type indicates the resourceType of the
handler mapping. The State column indicates if this handler is enabled
(this applies only to handler mappings using IsapiModule or CgiModule)
and indicates whether the ISAPI extension or CGI program specified by
the mapping is enabled in the
system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestrictions configuration (analogous
to the Web Service Restriction List in IIS 6.0).
The tool provides a number of ways to add new handler mappings, breaking them out by type to simplify handler mapping creation:
Add Managed Handler. This
action enables you to create handler mapping to an ASP.NET handler.
This mapping is available only in application pools that are using
Integrated mode. It is shown in Figure 4.
this dialog box, you specify the path mask for the handler mapping, as
well as the ASP.NET handler type that should provide processing for it.
Much like when adding managed modules, the tool searches for usable
types in the assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) that are
referenced in the ASP.NET compilation/assemblies collection. It also
searches for application assemblies when you’re adding the handler at
the application level. You can use the Request Restrictions dialog box
to also specify the verb list for the handler mapping (otherwise, it
defaults to "*"), restrict the mapping to physical resources such as a
file or directory (the default is unspecified), and set access level as
required to execute the mapping (defaults to Script). You should indeed
set these to the strictest possible levels for added security instead of
leaving them at default values. -
Add Script Map. This
action enables you to create an ISAPI extension or CGI program handler
mapping, similar to the IIS 6.0 scriptmap. This is shown in Figure 5.
is similar to the previous dialog box, except instead of the .NET
handler type, you select the ISAPI extension, DLL, or CGI program
executable on the server’s local file system. This dialog box also
prompts you to automatically create the isapiCgiRestriction entry to
allow the ISAPI extension or CGI program to execute on the server. -
Add Wildcard Script Map. This
is identical to the Add Script Map dialog box, except that it enables
you to create a wildcard script map that intercepts all requests. -
Add Module Mapping. This
is the most interesting action, because it enables you to create a
general handler mapping that specifies one or more native modules and
optionally a script processor. You can use this dialog box to create
ISAPI extension, CGI, and FastCGI handler mappings in addition to simple
handler mappings for native modules, as shown in Figure 6.
The dialog box enables you to specify the
Module (and it displays a list of available native modules, although not
all of them can function as handlers) and the Executable (the script
processor). It also provides special handling for IsapiModule,
CgiModule, and FastCgiModule handler mappings by prompting you to
automatically create the corresponding isapiCgiRestrictions or FastCGI
configuration needed for the mapping to work correctly.
It is not possible to edit preconditions via
the Handler Mappings feature. Instead, the tool automatically generates
the correct preconditions for handler mappings to make it function
correctly by default. If you would like to change the preconditions, you
need to edit configuration directly by hand, with Appcmd, or with other
configuration APIs.
In addition to adding new handler mappings,
you can also edit or delete existing handler mappings by clicking the
item in the list and using the Edit or Delete commands that become
available. At the server level, you can also lock handler mappings to
prevent them from being removed
at the lower level, although this has less effect than locking modules
because handler mappings can be overridden by adding new handler
mappings for the same path/verb.
You can also use the "View Ordered List" action
to order handler mappings. Keep in mind that just as it is for modules,
ordering inherited elements requires the tool to use <clear/> to
clear the handlers collection and add again all parent items into the
configuration level being edited, essentially orphaning the
configuration from the parent handler mappings configuration.
If you edit handler mappings as a site
administrator, you have virtually the same functionality available to
you for managing the handler mappings for your site, application, or any
URL inside your site. However, the tool will not prompt you to enable
ISAPI extensions, CGI programs, and FastCGI programs that the
administrator has not already enabled at the server level.