1. Adding a New User Account
User roles are essentially templates that make the
adding of user accounts remarkably simple. To add a new user account,
open the Windows SBS Console, select Users And Groups, select Users,
and then follow these steps:
In the Tasks pane, select Add A New User Account to start
the wizard. On the Add A New User Account And Assign A User Role
page shown in Figure 1,
enter the full name, user name, email address, and other relevant
information. Choose the user role to base the new account on.
Click Next.
Enter and confirm a password for this account. (See the
sidebar, Making Secure Passwords for more
information on creating a strong password.)
Click Add User Account to finish the wizard and create the
By default, SBS requires a password at least eight characters
in length. In addition, a password must contain at least three of
the following four elements:
For example, a password such as JuxCLNU1 satisfies the
requirement. It has eight characters and among them are uppercase
letters, lowercase letters, and a number. Similarly, tuidqx!7*5 is
also a valid password, consisting of nine characters including
lowercase letters, numbers, and non-alphanumeric characters.
The problem with these passwords is their complete lack of
memorability. They’re the sort of passwords that get written on
sticky notes and left around for anyone to find. A solution is to
encourage users to be imaginative when creating a password.
Among the best passwords are alphanumeric acronyms of phrases
that have a meaning to the user but are not likely to be known to others. This
makes the password easy for the user to remember, while at the same
time making it hard for an outsider to guess. For example, a
password that meets all requirements is ThinkOT[] (for “Think
outside the box”). Or [Thinkit] (“Think inside the box”).
Even better are passphrases—entire
phrases or sentences, complete with spaces (which count as
non-alphanumeric characters) and punctuation. “A picture is worth
1000 words” is an example of a passphrase that meets all
requirements: length, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and
non-alphanumeric characters.
Users should also be advised to avoid catchphrases that they
themselves use a lot and certain patterns that would be easy for
another person to guess, such as
A rotation or reuse of the characters in a logon
The user’s name or initials, the initials of his or her
children or significant other, or any of these items combined
with other commonly available personal data such as a birth
date, telephone number, or license plate number.
It pays to educate your users about passwords and password
privacy, but most of all, it pays to heed your own advice: Make sure
the password you select for administration is a good password, and
change it frequently. Doing so will help you avoid the consequences
of having somebody break into your system and wreak havoc in your
very own kingdom.
2. Adding Multiple User Accounts
Rather than add users one at a time, you can group similar users
together and add their accounts simultaneously. To add multiple user
accounts, open the Windows SBS Console, select Users And Groups,
select Users, and then follow these steps:
In the Tasks pane, click Add Multiple User Accounts to
launch the wizard.
On the first page of the Add Multiple New User Accounts
Wizard, choose the user role these accounts will be based on, and
then click Add to begin adding new users based on the user role
selected, as shown in Figure 2.
Enter the general information about the user and a password,
just as you would when adding a single user. Click OK when
Click Add again to add another user. When you’ve completed
adding the multiple user accounts, you can highlight a user
account to edit or remove it.
Click Add User Accounts. The Adding New User Accounts To The
Network page opens, as shown in Figure 3, and the users
are added.
3. Giving Users Access to Computers
To log on to a computer on the network, users need a user
account and permission to access the computer. So after you create a
user account, the next step is to allow access. From the server, open
the Windows SBS console, click Users And Groups, and then follow these
Click the Users tab and then double-click the user
On the Properties page, click Computers.
Select the computers that you want to allow this user
account to access, and grant the user account the appropriate
level of access.
If appropriate, select the Can Remotely Access This Computer
check box. Click OK when finished.
You can always return to this page to change or update
computer access for a user.