Backing Up the Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Supporting Backups with Documentation

2/14/2011 8:55:36 AM
Performing trustworthy backups is a critical process in any Exchange Server environment. One of the simplest ways to ensure that your backups are done properly is to document your requirements and your processes.

A mechanism needs to be in place to track the success of backups and a process to follow if a backup fails. Sticking to this process and not conflicting with the set policies ensures that backups are valid and recoverable if a failure occurs.

Companies that are publicly traded follow a set of rules around documentation of processes and proof of following those processes. This is primarily dictated by Sarbanes-Oxley, or SOX. For privately held companies, although they are not legally required to follow SOX standards, they nonetheless serve as an excellent example of best practices around maintaining an IT environment and should be strongly considered.

Documenting Backup Policy and Procedures

When building your documentation around your backups, it is best to start with a policy that supports not only the SLAs for your Exchange Server environment but one that also complies with any existing rules from your Information Security group or Regulatory Compliance group.

Management should review and approve your backup policies to ensure that they are in line with any established SLAs. Policies should include items such as the following:

  • Frequency and type of backups

  • Acceptable standards for offsite storage and retrieval

  • Escalation path for failed backups

  • Decision criteria for overrun jobs

  • Clear statement of what is and isn’t backed up

  • Whether the backups are password protected

  • Data retention periods

In this way, everyone knows what is and isn’t covered by Exchange Server backups, and there are no surprises in the future. Having this policy documented is also helpful if you are required to pass any audits or verify regulatory compliance.

Maintaining Documentation on the Exchange Server Environment

Systems such as Exchange Server often outlast the employees who built them. This means that it’s easy to lose track of exactly how systems are deployed, where various roles are located, and the specific needs of each participating system. For this reason, it is extremely important to maintain accurate documentation for the server configurations, the network, and the path of mail flow. In addition, you need to track the configuration of firewalls and switches that can potentially impact the overall Exchange Server environment if they were to fail and need to be replaced.

Server Configuration Documentation

Server documentation is essential for any environment regardless of size, number of servers, or disaster recovery budget. A server configuration document contains a server’s name, network configuration information, hardware and driver information, disk and volume configuration, or information about the applications installed. This complete server configuration document contains all the necessary configuration information a qualified administrator needs if the server needs to be restored and the operating system cannot be restored efficiently. A server configuration document can also be used as a reference when server information needs to be collected.

The Server Build Document

A server build document contains step-by-step instructions on how to build a particular type of server for an organization. The details of this document should be tailored to the skill of the person intended to rebuild the server. For example, if this document were created for disaster recovery purposes, it might be detailed enough that anyone with basic computer skills could rebuild the server. This type of information can also be used to help information technology (IT) staff follow a particular server build process to ensure that when new servers are added to the network, they all meet company server standards.

Hardware Inventory

Documenting the hardware inventory of an entire network might not be necessary. If the entire network does need to be inventoried, and if the organization is large, the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager can help automate the hardware inventory task. If the entire network does not need to be inventoried, hardware inventory can be collected for all the production and lab servers and networking hardware, including specifications such as serial numbers, amount of memory, disk space, processor speed, and operating system platform and version. By knowing all the hardware involved, the restore process becomes much simpler, especially in situations in which hardware needs to be replaced as part of the restoration.

Network Configurations

Network configuration documentation is essential when network outages occur. Current, accurate network configuration documentation and network diagrams can help simplify and isolate network troubleshooting when a failure occurs.

WAN Connection

WAN connectivity should be documented for enterprise networks that contain many sites to help IT staff understand the enterprise network topology. This document is helpful when a server is restored and data should be synchronized enterprisewide after the restore. Knowing the link performance between sites helps administrators understand how long an update made in Site A will take to reach Site B. This document should contain information about each WAN link, including circuit numbers, Internet service provider (ISP) contact names, ISP technical support phone numbers, and the network configuration on each end of the connection, and can be used to troubleshoot and isolate WAN connectivity issues.

A strong understanding of the network is also critical to the process of initially creating the backups. By understanding the implication of backups over the network or how bandwidth would be affected after replacing a failed Database Availability Group replica, you can account for periods of time in which the environment might not have the normal level of redundancy that it was designed for and backups might potentially need to be altered to account for it.

For example, if an environment were using database availability groups to place replicas of mailbox data into two locations, they might feel that they were protected against system failures; combined with a 30-day deleted item retention, they might only do traditional backups once a month. If a DAG replica failed and would take two days to reseed due to a total replacement of the failed replica, they would be at risk for those two days because only one copy of the mailbox databases would be available. During this period of time, they might alter their backup schedule to perform backups nightly until the additional replica was returned to service.

Router, Switch, and Firewall Configurations

Firewalls, routers, and, sometimes, switches can run proprietary operating systems with a configuration that is exclusive to the device. During a system recovery, certain gateway connections, configuration routing information, routing table data, and other information might need to be reset on the restored server. Information should be collected from these devices, including logon passwords and current configurations. When a configuration change is planned for any of these devices, the newly proposed configuration should be created using a text or graphical editor, but the change should be approved before it is made on the production device. A rollback plan should be created first to ensure that the device can be restored to the original state if the change does not deliver the desired results.

Updating Documentation

One of the most important, yet sometimes overlooked, areas around documentation is maintaining accuracy as changes are applied to server systems. Documentation is tedious, but outdated documentation can be worthless if changes have occurred to a server’s software configuration since the document was created. For example, if a server configuration document were used to re-create a server from scratch but many changes were applied to the server after the document was created, the correct security patches might not be applied, applications might be configured incorrectly, or data restore attempts could be unsuccessful. Whenever a change will be made to a network device, printer, or server, documentation outlining the previous configuration, proposed changes, and rollback plans should be created before the change is approved and carried out on the production device. After the change is carried out and the device is functioning as needed, the documentation associated with that device or server should be updated.

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  •  Optimizing an Exchange Server 2010 Environment - Analyzing and Monitoring Core Elements
  •  SharePoint 2010 : Beyond Built-In SharePoint PowerShell Cmdlets
  •  SharePoint 2010 : Understanding Advanced PowerShell Topics
  •  Optimizing an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Monitoring Exchange Server 2010
  •  Optimizing Exchange Server 2010 Servers
  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : Consuming External Content Types (part 3) - Business Connectivity Services Web Parts
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  •  Optimizing an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Analyzing Capacity and Performance
  •  Examining Exchange Server 2010 Performance Improvements
  •  Recovering from a Disaster in an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Recovering Active Directory
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  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : External Content Types (part 1)
  •  Recovering from a Disaster in an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Recovering from Database Corruption
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