Optimizing an Exchange Server 2010 Environment - Properly Sizing Exchange Server 2010

2/13/2011 11:42:56 AM
Before delving into recommended configurations for Exchange Server 2010, it is essential to not only understand the fundamentals of this messaging system, but to also understand the dependencies and interactions those components have with the underlying operating system (that is, Windows Server 2008). Being a client/server messaging application, maximizing Exchange Server 2010 involves fine-tuning its entire core and extended components. Optimization of each of these components affects the overall performance of Exchange Server.

The core components of Exchange Server (for example, the Information Stores, connectors, transaction logs, and more) have a direct bearing on gauging resource requirements. The number of users in a messaging environment and the various Exchange Server functions are equally influential.

Expected User Loads

In Exchange Server 2010, one can predict with fair accuracy the load that will be generated by various types of users. Consider the following information when planning out CPU and disk configurations for an Exchange 2010 Mailbox server:

  • Light user – 5 receive/20 send – 0.5 MCycles/user – 0.04 IO/user/sec

  • Average user 10/40 – 0.9 MCycles/user – 0.08 IO/user/sec

  • Heavy user – 20/80 – 1.8 MCycles/user – 0.15 IO/user/sec

  • Very Heavy – 30/120 – 2.7 MCycles/user – 0.23 IO/user/sec

In this context, MCycles/user is the number of Mhz of processing time consumed by a user.

Mhz / MCycles per user * desired utilization = users

So a light user consuming 0.5 MCycles / user means that a 1Ghz (1,000 Mhz) CPU would support 2,000 light users at 100% CPU load. Similarly, it would only support 370 Very Heavy users at 100% CPU load. To put things into a more realistic perspective, a dual core 3.0Ghz processor would support:

2*3*1000 = 6,000 Mhz / (1.8 MCycles per user) * 0.6 (desired 60% CPU utilization) = 2000 users.

This formula is generally more accurate than a flat claim of “500 users per core” as it will take into account the fact that a 3.2Ghz processor will support more users than a 2.0Ghz processor.

Optimizing the Disk Subsystem Configuration

Many factors, such as the type of file system to use, physical disk configuration, database size, and log file placement, need to be considered when you are trying to optimize the disk subsystem configuration. The desire for performance must also be balanced with the requirements for redundancy and revocability.

Choosing the File System

Among the file systems supported by Windows Server 2008 (that is, FAT and NTFS), it is recommended to use only NTFS on all Exchange Server 2010 servers. NTFS provides the best security, scalability, and performance features. For instance, NTFS supports file- and directory-level security, large file sizes (files of up to 16TB), large disk sizes (disk volumes of up to 16TB), fault tolerance, disk compression, error detection, and encryption.

Choosing the Physical Disk Configuration

Windows Server 2008, like its predecessors, supports RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks). The levels of RAID supported by the operating system are as follows:

  • RAID 0 (Striping)

  • RAID 1 (Mirroring)

  • RAID 5 (Striping with parity)

Various other levels of RAID can be supported through the use of hardware-based RAID controllers.

The deployment of the correct RAID level is of utmost importance because each RAID level has a direct effect on the performance of the server. From the viewpoint of pure performance, RAID level 0 by far gives the best performance. However, fault tolerance and the reliability of system access are other factors that contribute to overall performance. The skillful administrator strikes a balance between performance and fault tolerance without sacrificing one for the other. The following sections provide recommended disk configurations for Exchange Server 2010.


As mentioned earlier, various levels of RAID are available, but for the context of Exchange Server 2007, there are two recommended basic levels to use: RAID 1 and RAID 5. Other forms of RAID, such as RAID 0+1 or 1+0, are also optimal solutions for Exchange Server 2007. These more advanced levels of RAID are supported only when using a hardware RAID controller.

Disk Mirroring (RAID 1)

In this type of configuration, data is mirrored from one disk to the other participating disk in the mirror set. Data is simultaneously written to the two required disks, which means read operations are significantly faster than systems with no RAID configuration or with a greater degree of fault tolerance. Write performance is slower, though, because data is being written twice; once to each disk in the mirror set.

Besides adequate performance, RAID 1 also provides a good degree of fault tolerance. For instance, if one drive fails, the RAID controller can automatically detect the failure and run solely on the remaining disk with minimal interruption.

The biggest drawback to RAID 1 is the amount of storage capacity that is lost. RAID 1 uses 50% of the total drive capacity for the two drives.


RAID 1 is particularly well suited for the boot drive and for volumes containing Exchange Server 2010 log files.

Disk Striping with Parity (RAID 5)

In a RAID-5 configuration, data and parity information is striped across all participating disks in the array. RAID 5 requires a minimum of three disks. Even if one of the drives fails within the array, the Exchange Server 2010 server can still remain operational.

After the drive fails, Windows Server 2008 continues to operate because of the data contained on the other drives. The parity information gives details of the data that is missing because of the failure. Either Windows Server 2008 or the hardware RAID controller also begins the rebuilding process from the parity information to a spare or new drive.

RAID 5 is most commonly used for the data drive because it is a great compromise among performance, storage capacity, and redundancy. The overall space used to store the striped parity information is equal to the capacity of one drive. For example, a RAID-5 volume with three 200-GB disks can store up to 400GB of data.


Although RAID 5 has a significant performance penalty for disk activity that has a large percentage of writes, this can be mostly compensated for via caching on the RAID controller. This allows the writes to be done in cache and later be committed to disk. If you are going to utilize write caching on your RAID controller, ensure that the cache is protected by a battery. Otherwise a system failure could result in cached information never getting written to disk. This is a sure way to corrupt a database.

Hardware Versus Software RAID

Hardware RAID (configured at the disk controller level) is recommended over software RAID (configurable from within the Windows Server 2008) because of faster performance, greater support of different RAID levels, support for caching, and capability of recovering from hardware failures more easily.

Database Sizing and Optimization

As mentioned throughout this book, Exchange Server 2010 is available in two versions: Standard and Enterprise. The Standard Edition supports 5 databases. The maximum Information Store (database) size is not limited with Exchange Server 2010, Standard Edition. The Enterprise Edition provides support for up to 150 databases per server with unlimited database size.

The flexibility with the Enterprise Edition is beneficial not just in terms of growth but also in terms of performance and manageability. More specifically, the advantages for segmenting can include the following:

  • Administrators are enabled to segment the user population on a single Exchange server.

  • Multiple mailboxes can more evenly distribute the size of the messaging data and help prevent one database from becoming too large and possibly unwieldy for a given system.

  • Multiple databases present greater opportunities for faster enumeration of database indexing.

  • Multiple databases can be segmented onto different RAID volumes and RAID controller channels.

  • Transaction logs can be segmented from other log files using separate RAID volumes.

  • Failures such as database corruption affect a smaller percentage of the user population.

  • If utilizing Database Availability Groups, there is plenty of room to support replicas for other servers.

  • Offline maintenance routines require less scheduled downtime, and fewer users are affected.


If using the Enterprise Edition, the recommended best practice is to keep database sizes in the 100GB–120GB range. This will allow Eseutils to be run in a reasonable amount of time should they be needed. An administrator can use this guideline to gauge or plan for the number of users each database should optimally contain. This best practice is also useful in determining the appropriate number of Exchange Server 2010 mailbox servers that are required to support the number of users in the organization.

Determining the number of databases for Exchange Server 2010 mailbox servers should also be based on workload characterization. Users can be grouped based on how they interact with the messaging system (for example, in terms of frequency, storage requirements, and more). Users placing higher demands on Exchange Server 2010 can be placed into separate databases so that the greater number of read/write operations do not occur in the same database and are more evenly distributed. This is beneficial to performance only if the storage groups and databases are located on physically different disks.

If a deployment calls for a large number of databases, it is necessary to mount disks as mount points rather than as drive letters or you would quickly run out of drive letters before utilizing all 150 of your potential databases, depending on how the databases were laid out across your disks. This becomes very noticeable in situations where a SAN is utilized as most often the databases would live on unique LUNs within volumes to align with storage snapshot behaviors.

Optimizing Exchange Server Logs

Similar to the previous versions of Exchange Server, transaction log files should be stored on separate RAID volumes. This enables significant improvements in disk input/output (I/O) operations. Transaction logs are created on a per–storage group level rather than per database. Therefore, when you have multiple storage groups, multiple log files are created that enable simultaneous read and write operations. If the transaction logs are then placed on separate RAID volumes, there can be significant improvements to performance. This recommendation applies to Exchange Server 2010 mailbox servers that are not utilizing DAG.


Because transaction logs are as important to Exchange Server 2010 as the data contained in the databases, the most suitable RAID configuration to use for transaction log files is RAID 1. This provides suitable performance without sacrificing fault tolerance. Because the logs are written sequentially, they require significantly fewer disks than a database would to achieve sufficient I/O capacity.

Sizing Memory Requirements

The recommended starting point for the amount of memory for an Exchange Server 2010 server is 2GB of RAM per server + 2-4MB of RAM per user. The specific memory requirements naturally vary based on server roles, server responsibilities, and the number of users to support. In addition, some organizations define certain guidelines that must be followed for base memory configurations. A more accurate representation of how much memory is required can be achieved by baselining memory performance information gathered from the Performance snap-in or third-party tools during a prototype or lab testing phase.

Another important factor to take into consideration is when the organization adds functionality to Exchange Server 2010 or consolidates users onto fewer servers. This obviously increases resource requirements, especially in terms of adding more physical memory. In these scenarios, it is recommended to use the base amount of memory (for example, 8GB) and then add the appropriate amount of memory based on vendor specifications. It is also important to consult with the vendor to determine what the memory requirements might be on a per user basis. This way, the organization can plan ahead and configure the proper amount of memory prior to needing to scale to support a larger number of users in the future.

Sizing Based on Server Roles

Server roles can have a considerable bearing on both the performance and capacity of Exchange Server 2010. Based on the various roles of the Exchange servers, the strategic placement of Exchange Server services and functionality can greatly improve performance of the overall messaging system while reducing the need for using additional resources. By the same token, a misplaced Exchange Server service or functional component can noticeably add to network traffic and degrade the overall performance of the messaging system.

Servers are divided into five roles: client access servers, mailbox servers, Hub Transport servers, Edge Transport servers, and Unified Messaging servers.

Mailbox Server Sizing

Various factors affect the performance of a mailbox server, including the following:

  • The number and type of protocols supported

  • The number of users supported

  • The authentication methods supported

  • Encryption requirements

Table 1 shows the recommended resource requirements of mailbox servers. It is important to note that these guidelines are minimum recommendations, and actual requirements might vary depending upon the organization.

Table 1. Recommended Minimum Mailbox Server Configurations
RAM2GB + 2-4MB/user
ProcessorPentium IV 3.0GHz or higher processor with E64MT support or equivalent AMD processor
Hard diskRAID 1 for Windows Server 2008 and Exchange Server 2010 RAID 0+1 for mailbox data
NetworkGigabit Ethernet NIC(s)
Other considerationsIf connections to this server are over SSL, consider using a NIC that off-loads SSL processing

Client Access Server Sizing

Various factors affect the performance of a client access server, including the following:

  • The number and type of protocols supported

  • The number of type of applications supported

  • The number of users supported

  • The authentication methods supported

  • Encryption requirements

Table 2 shows the recommended resource requirements of client access servers. It is important to note that these guidelines are minimum recommendations, and actual requirements might vary depending upon the organization.

Table 2. Recommended Minimum Client Access Server Configurations
ProcessorPentium IV 3.0GHz or higher processor with E64MT support or equivalent AMD processor
Hard diskRAID 1 for Windows Server 2008 and Exchange Server 2010
NetworkGigabit Ethernet NIC(s)
Other considerationsIf connections to this server are over SSL, consider using a NIC that off-loads SSL processing

Hub Transport Server Sizing

Various factors affect the performance of a Hub Transport server, including the following:

  • The number and type of protocols supported

  • The number of users supported

  • The authentication methods supported

  • Encryption requirements

Table 3 shows the recommended resource requirements of a Hub Transport server. It is important to note that these guidelines are minimum recommendations, and actual requirements might vary depending upon the organization.

Table 3. Recommended Minimum Hub Transport Server Configurations
ProcessorPentium IV 3.0GHz or higher processor with E64MT support or equivalent AMD processor
Hard diskRAID 1 for Windows Server 2008 and Exchange Server 2010
NetworkGigabit Ethernet NIC(s)
Other considerationsIf connections to this server are over SSL, consider using a NIC that off-loads SSL processing

Edge Transport Server Sizing

Various factors affect the performance of an Edge Transport server, including the following:

  • The number of messages sent and received

  • The types of rules implemented

  • The types of filtering performed

  • Encryption requirements

Table 4 shows the recommended resource requirements of an Edge Transport server. It is important to note that these guidelines are minimum recommendations, and actual requirements might vary depending upon the organization.

Table 4. Recommended Minimum Edge Transport Server Configuration
ProcessorPentium IV 3.0GHz or higher processor with E64MT support or equivalent AMD processor
Hard diskRAID 1 for Windows Server 2008 and Exchange Server 2010
NetworkGigabit Ethernet NIC(s)
Other considerationsIf extensive content rules will be applied, consider a dual-core processor

Unified Messaging Server Sizing

Various factors affect the performance of a Unified Messaging server, including the following:

  • The number and type of codecs supported

  • The number of users supported

  • The type of phone system integrated with

Table 5 shows the recommended resource requirements of a Unified Messaging server. It is important to note that these guidelines are minimum recommendations, and actual requirements might vary depending upon the organization.

Table 5. Recommended Minimum Unified Messaging Server Configurations
ProcessorPentium IV 3.4GHz or higher processor with E64MT support or equivalent AMD processor
Hard diskRAID 1 for Windows Server 2008 and Exchange Server 2007
NetworkGigabit Ethernet NIC(s)
Other considerationsUse of very high-compression audio codecs might increase the minimum CPU requirements

Combined Role Server Sizing

Various factors affect the performance of an Exchange Server 2010 server with combined roles, including the following:

  • The number and type of protocols supported

  • The number of users supported

  • The authentication methods supported

  • Encryption requirements

Table 6 shows the recommended resource requirements of a combined role Exchange Server 2010 server. It is important to note that these guidelines are minimum recommendations, and actual requirements might vary depending upon the organization.

Table 6. Recommended Minimum Combined Server Configuration
RAM4GB +2-4MB per user
ProcessorPentium IV 3.4GHz or higher processor with E64MT support or equivalent AMD processor
Hard diskRAID 1 for Windows Server 2008 and Exchange Server 2010 RAID 0+1 for mailbox data
NetworkGigabit Ethernet NIC(s)
Other considerationsIf a large number of functions run on this system, consider implementing multi-core processors for added processing power

  •  Optimizing an Exchange Server 2010 Environment - Analyzing and Monitoring Core Elements
  •  SharePoint 2010 : Beyond Built-In SharePoint PowerShell Cmdlets
  •  SharePoint 2010 : Understanding Advanced PowerShell Topics
  •  Optimizing an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Monitoring Exchange Server 2010
  •  Optimizing Exchange Server 2010 Servers
  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : Consuming External Content Types (part 3) - Business Connectivity Services Web Parts
  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : Consuming External Content Types (part 2) - Writing to External Content Types
  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : Consuming External Content Types (part 1) - External Lists & External Data
  •  Optimizing an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Analyzing Capacity and Performance
  •  Examining Exchange Server 2010 Performance Improvements
  •  Recovering from a Disaster in an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Recovering Active Directory
  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : External Content Types (part 3) - Creating an External Content Type for a Related Item
  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : External Content Types (part 2) - Defining the External Content Type
  •  Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2010 with Business Connectivity Services : External Content Types (part 1)
  •  Recovering from a Disaster in an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Recovering from Database Corruption
  •  Recovering from a Disaster in an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Recovering Exchange Server Application and Exchange Server Data
  •  Recovering from a Disaster in an Exchange Server 2010 Environment : Recovering from a Complete Server Failure
  •  Sharepoint 2007: Add a Column to a List or Document Library
  •  Sharepoint 2007: Create a New Document Library
  •  Sharepoint 2007: Open the Create Page for Lists and Libraries
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