Cooling system
The cooling system deployed on GeForce GTX
760 is extremely simple, including a small radiator with copper support, a 67mm
centripetal fan and a plastic case:

system deployed on GeForce GTX 760 is extremely simple
The fan has an adjusting algorithm based on
the optimized PWM which was previously deployed on GTX 780 and GTX 770:

algorithm based on the optimal PWM
The accommodated algorithm ensures smoother
fan speed control, making graphics card has more easeful sound.
To check the temperature of the card, we
use 5 standard times of running Aliens vs. Predator (2010) at highest
image setting, at the res of 2,560x1,440 pixels, and with isotropic filter and 4x
MSAA. We use MSI Afterburner 3.0.0 beta 10 and the GPU-Z version 0.7.1/0.7.2 to
supervise the temperature inside the self-contained system case, which
configuration has been discussed in detail in the next chapter of the review.
All tests are performed in the room temperature of 25oC.
Let’s see how effective the cooler is when
the fan is adjusted automatically:

fan mode
Thus, the simpler cooler of the card can
hardly face head to head with its GPU. The latter has the temperature of 86°C at
max load while the fan speeds up to the impressive number of 2,700 RPM. The
monitoring diagram shows that the fan changes the speed smoothly when
increasing load. When load is removed and the card switches to 2D mode, the fan
quickly slows down.
At max fan speed (3,570 RPM), the
temperature is lowered by 11°C, so GPU has the temperature of 75°C.

fan speed
Anyhow, at that time the card is too noisy.
Overclocking ability
Considering the low performance of the
reference cooler, we set the fan at max speed for our overclocking test. We
overclock GeForce GTX 760 by EVGA Precision X version 4.2.0.
after setting up Power and Temperature Targets at their max, we manage to
increase the GPU and the memory frequency of the card to 115 and 1,120 MHz by
that order, without having any problem with the image quality and

GeForce GTX 760 with EVGA Precision X version 4.2.0
The resulting clock frequency of the
overclocked Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 is 1,095/1,148/7,128 MHz:

result of the overclocked Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
The GPU frequency of the overclocked card reaches
the peak at 1,241 MHz while the temperature peak of the GPU is 76°C.
Power consumption
We measure the consumed power of the test
equipped with different graphics card the multi-functional Zalman ZM-MFC control
panel which can report the amount of power the computer (no screen) can suck
out from a socket. There’re 2 testing modes: 2D (editing docs in Microsoft Word
or surfing web) and 3D. in the latter case, load is created by 4 times of
running the “Swamp” introduction scene in the Crysis 3 game at 2,560x1,440
with max image quality settings, but without MSAA.
We will compare the power consumption of Nvidia
GeForce GTX 760 with Nvidia GeForce GTX 770, Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670, ASUS
GeForce GTX 660 Ti and HIS Radeon HD 7950 Boost Edition at default frequency
and overclocking.

We don’t see any huge differences in
consuming power. GeForce GTX 760 configuration needs the power like a system
with overclocked GeForce GTX 660 and less power than the Radeon HD 7950 system.
Power consumption don’t increase much when the graphics card is overclocked, so
all configurations can be powered by a PSU 550W.