Now that you’re comfortable with how the offline app cache works, let’s
apply it to the Kilo example we’ve been working on. Kilo consists of quite
a few files and manually listing them all in a manifest file would be a
pain. Plus, a single typo would invalidate the entire manifest file and
prevent the application from working offline.
PHP is a versatile web-scripting language, and is supported by most
web hosting providers. This means that on most web servers, you can
create a file whose name ends with the extension
.php, add some PHP code to it, visit it in your web
browser, and it will just work. If you’ve been using a web server on
your personal computer to serve up pages to your Android phone, you’ll
need to get set up to run PHP scripts. If you’re running a web server on
Windows, see for
downloads and information. You may also want to use a solution such as
EasyPHP or check out the
Wikipedia page on this topic at PHP is easy to install on Linux. For example, Ubuntu users can type sudo
aptitude install apache2 php5 at a shell prompt. To enable PHP in
a user’s personal public_html directory, edit the
file /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf as root
and follow the instructions inside it to comment out a series of lines
(by putting a # in front of each one). Macs come with PHP installed, but you need to take a step to
enable PHP like you did in Mac OS X and the .htaccess File: Open Applications→ Utilities→Terminal and type these commands (you’ll
need to type your password when prompted): cd /etc/apache2 sudo pico httpd.conf
Press Control-W. This brings up the option to search the file.
Type php5 and press Return. This brings you to a
line that should look like this: #LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
Using the arrow keys, move to the beginning of the line and
delete the # comment character, which is preventing
this line from having any effect. Press Control-X to exit, answer Y to save changes, and press
Return to save the file. Next, start System Preferences, go to Sharing and, if needed,
click the lock icon labeled “Click the lock to make changes” and
type your password when prompted. Clear the checkbox next to Web Sharing and then check it
again. Now PHP should be enabled on your Mac’s web server. Create a file in the Sites subdirectory
of your home folder named test.php with these
contents: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
Finally, visit the following URL in your browser:
Replace YOURUSERNAME with your username, but don’t delete the
~ (you can discover your username at the Terminal by
typing echo $USER and pressing Return). If PHP is
working, you’ll see a table displaying your PHP version number and a
lot of other information about your PHP installation. If it is not
working, you’ll see nothing but a blank page. Visit for links to
documentation and help with using PHP.
To address this issue, we’re going to write a
little PHP file that reads the contents of the application directory (and
subdirectories) and creates the file list for us. Create a new file in
your Kilo directory named manifest.php and add the
following code:
header('Content-Type: text/cache-manifest');
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(".");
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir) as $file) {
if ($file->IsFile() &&
$file != "./manifest.php" &&
!strpos($file, '/.') &&
substr($file->getFilename(), 0, 1) != ".") {
echo $file . "\n";
To the browser,
manifest.php will look like this:
Try loading the page yourself in a browser
(be sure to load it with an HTTP URL such as
If you see a lot more files in your listing, you may have some
extraneous files from the jQTouch distribution. The files
LICENSE.txt, README.txt, and
sample.htaccess are safe to delete, as are the
directories demos and
extensions. If you see a number of directories
named .svn, you may also safely delete them (unless
you have put your working directory under the SVN version control
system, in which case these files are important). Files beginning with a
. will not be visible in the Mac OS X Finder or
Linux File Manager (but you can work with them at the command
Now open index.html and
add a reference to manifest.php in the
head element like so:
<html manifest="manifest.php">
Now that the manifest is generated dynamically,
let’s modify it so its contents change when any of the files in the
directory change (remember that the client will only redownload the
application if the manifest’s contents have changed). Here is the modified
header('Content-Type: text/cache-manifest');
$hashes = "";
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(".");
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir) as $file) {
if ($file->IsFile() &&
$file != "./manifest.php" &&
substr($file->getFilename(), 0, 1) != ".")
echo $file . "\n";
$hashes .= md5_file($file);
echo "# Hash: " . md5($hashes) . "\n";
Here’s an example of what the manifest looks
like with this change (some of the lines have been truncated for
# Hash: ddaf5ebda18991c4a9da16c10f4e474a
The net result of all of this business is that
changing a single character inside any file in the entire directory tree
will insert a new hash string into the manifest. This means that any edits
we make to any Kilo files will essentially modify the manifest file, which
in turn will trigger a download the next time a user launches the app.
Pretty nifty, eh?