
Mobile Application Security : WebOS Security - Permissions and User Controls

2/26/2011 4:17:52 PM
WebOS implements a very simple permission system that is not nearly as expressive as the system on Android or BlackBerry. As explained earlier in the WebOS architecture discussion, WebOS places an application into one of two buckets: com.palm.* or everything else. The com.palm.* applications can access the private bus and relatively unrestricted service interfaces. Using these APIs, com.palm.* applications can access and control much of the phone’s functionality, including gaining unrestricted access to e-mail.

Third-party applications are restricted to using the public Service APIs. This set of APIs only exposes functionality that most users would deem as acceptable. For example, applications may launch the phone dialer application with a prepopulated number, but the user must press the dial button before a phone call can be made. These pauses in behaviors interject decision points where users can make security decisions without realizing they are. Additionally, applications cannot read e-mail or message data from the internal messaging stores using the e-mail Service APIs.


WebOS developers have a myriad of storage options to choose from, including structured Depot storage, HTML 5 databases, JSON Cookie objects, and files (using the File Picker UI). Each of these options has its own peculiarities.

Cookie Objects

The most basic form of WebOS storage objects are cookie objects. These objects should be used for storing small amounts of data. User application preferences or browser favorites are good examples of potential cookie data. Palm recommends a maximum of 4KB per cookie, but this is not a hard-and-fast limit. Only the application that created a cookie is allowed to read the cookie’s data. For this reason, cookies are recommended for per-application data storage of small amounts of data. Interestingly, Luna enforces this restriction using a method similar to how desktop WebKit isolates cookies between websites. When the cookie object is created, Luna generates a fake domain name that will be unique to the application. This domain is stored along with the cookie in the application cookie database. When applications attempt to load the cookie, their domain name is checked against the database before the cookie is returned. Any requests for cookies not belonging to the application are rejected. Use the Mojo.Model.Cookie interface to create cookies.


For more information on Cookie objects, see “Storage Overview” on the Palm website (


Depots are structured storage used for storing JavaScript objects as key/value pairs. The simple Depot interface consists of simple key/value put methods. Luna enforces Depot security by partitioning Depots per application. The Depot receives a unique name generated from the application identifier, and this name is used regardless of the name the application uses to refer to the Depot. In this way, Depots are very similar to Cookie objects. Smaller Depots that are less than 1MB in size can be stored within the application’s directory. Depots larger than 1MB must be stored within the file system’s media partition. To force a Depot to the media partition, specify the keyword “ext” as part of the Depot’s name, as shown here:

var isec_depot = new Mojo.Depot({name:"ext:iSEC"}, onSuccess, onFailure);

Do not store Depots containing sensitive data on the media partition unless absolutely necessary because this partition becomes browsable when the device is connected to a PC (

Depots are currently built on top of HTML 5 databases, but this is an implementation detail and may change in the future. Create Depot objects using the Mojo.Depot() API.

HTML 5 Databases

WebOS includes full support for HTML 5 Database objects. Like their server brethren, these databases have tables and are queried using the SQL query language. Like Depots and Cookie objects, databases are unique per application. To create a database, use the openDatabase() method. To query a database, use the executeSQL() method.

WebOS applications using databases need to be careful to avoid SQL injection, a common web application vulnerability. Similar to script injection, this vulnerability results from inserting unescaped user data directly into queries. Depending on the application, this may allow malware to corrupt the application’s database or steal sensitive data. The risk on WebOS is smaller than the risk to web applications because databases are per-application and there aren’t different authentication stages.

Even though the risk is less, it is worth preventing SQL injection by using parameterized queries and never building SQL queries using string concatenation. Parameterized queries are created by using the “?” placeholder instead of the actual value when authoring the query. The parameter’s value is then provided in a separate argument array. Because the query and the data are provided separately, the database engine does not become confused and accidentally interpret the user data as part of the queries’ executable portion. Here’s an example:

transaction.executeSql('SELECT * FROM Vulnerabilities WHERE Id = ?',
[ vuln_id ],

In this example, we are selecting entries from the Vulnerabilities table that have the ID matching the vuln_id argument. An arbitrary number of parameters and values may be specified for any query. To prevent SQL injection, always use parameterized queries.

File Storage

WebOS devices have internal storage for storing documents, media files, and other large data. Developers do not have access to file APIs for reading and writing data, but they can invoke the FilePicker control, which will present users with a list of files to choose from. The chosen filename will then be returned to the user. Application developers can then launch a viewer for the file using the ApplicationManager’s “launch” action.


Applications are able to connect to other servers using the XmlHTTPRequest object and receive push notifications using the Palm messaging service. Applications are not allowed to use raw TCP sockets directly. XmlHTTPRequest behaves exactly the same as standard XmlHTTPRequest objects, except the Same Origin Policy is not applied. Applications can make HTTP requests to any site, port, and scheme.

The Palm messaging service is an Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) service that is still in development. When completed, it will allow applications to register for and receive push notifications of events. An example of an event might be an updated time for a flight or the latest sports scores. The security architecture of the messaging system will have to be explored in more depth once it is finalized.

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