iPhone Application Development : Making Multivalue Choices with Pickers - Using Date Pickers (part 3)

2/25/2011 9:54:39 PM

Finishing the Interface

Unlike some of our previous projects, the interfaces in this hour are pretty simple (so that we can focus on the picker itself). We’ll wrap up our work in Interface Builder by adding a label to the view.

Add the Output Label

Use the Library to add a label (UILabel) with the title Choose a Date, positioned below the picker. This will be used for output in the application. For our implementation, we’ve used the Attributes Inspector to center the text, make it span four lines, set a font size of 20, and turn on word wrapping. Figure 5 shows the finished interface and attributes for the label.

Figure 5. Finish up the interface by adding and styling a label.

Connecting to the Outlet

Connect the label to the outlet differenceResult by control dragging from the File’s Owner icon to the UILabel within your view or in the Document window. When prompted, choose the differenceResult outlet.

The interface is now complete. Save your work, and then switch back to Xcode for the implementation.

Implementing the View Controller Logic

As it turns out, the most difficult work that we still have in front of us with the date picker implementation is writing the showDate logic. To do what we’ve set out to (show the difference between today’s date and the date in the picker), we need to be able to do several things:

  • Get today’s date

  • Display a date and time

  • Calculate the difference between two dates

Before writing showDate, let’s look at the different methods and data types that we need to complete these tasks.

Getting the Date

To get the current date and store it in a NSDate object, all that we need to do is to allocate and initialize a new NSDate. When initialized, it automatically stores the current date! This means that a single line takes care of our first hurdle:

todaysDate=[[NSDate alloc] init];

Displaying a Date and Time

Unfortunately, displaying a date and time is a bit more tricky than getting the current date. Because we’re going to be displaying the output in a label (UILabel), we already know how it is going to be shown on the screen, so the question is really, how do we format a string with a NSDate object?

Interestingly enough, there’s a class to handle this for us! We’ll create and initialize an NSDateFormatter object. Next, we use the object’s setDateFormat to create a custom format using a pattern string. Finally, we apply that format to our date using another method of NSDateFormatter, stringFromDate—which, given an NSDate, returns a string in the format that we defined.

For example, if we assume that we’ve already stored an NSDate in a variable todaysDate, we can output in a format like “Month, Day, Year Hour:Minute:Second(AM or PM)” with these lines:

dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ssa"];
todaysDateString = [dateFormat stringFromDate:todaysDate];

First, the formatter object is allocated and initialized in a new object, dateFormat. Then the string @"MMMM d, YYYY hh:mm:ssa" is used as a formatting string to set the format internally in the object. Finally, a new string is returned and stored in todaysDateString by using the dateFormat object’s instance method stringFromDate.

Where in the World Did That Date Format String Come From?

The strings that you can use to define date formats are defined by a Unicode standard that you can find here:

For this example, the patterns are interpreted as follows:

MMMM: The full name of the month

d: The day of the month, with no leading zero

YYYY: The full four-digit year

hh: A two-digit hour (with leading zero if needed)

mm: Two digits representing the minute

ss: Two digits representing the second

a: AM or PM

Calculating the Difference Between Two Dates

The last thing that we need to understand is how to compute the difference between two dates. Instead of needing any complicated math, we can just use the timeIntervalSinceDate instance method in an NSDate object. This method returns the difference between two dates, in seconds. For example, if we have two NSDate objects, todaysDate and futureDate, we could calculate the time in seconds between them with this:

NSTimeInterval difference;
difference = [todaysDate timeIntervalSinceDate:futureDate];

Notice that we store the result in a variable of type NSTimeInterval. This isn’t an object. Internally, it is just a double-precision floating-point number. Typically, this would be declared using the native C data type double, but Apple abstracts this from us by using a new type of NSTimeInterval so that we know exactly what to expect out of a date difference calculation.

By the Way

Note that if the timeIntervalSinceDate: method is given a date before the object that is invoking the method (that is, if futureDate was before todaysDate in the example), the difference returned is negative; otherwise, it is positive. To get rid of the negative sign, we’ll be using the C function fabs(<float>) that, given a floating-point number, returns its absolute value.

Implementing the Date Calculation and Display

Putting together all of these pieces, we should now be able to write the logic for the showDate method. Open the DateCalcViewController.m file in Xcode and add the following implementation for showDate method shown in Listing 2.

Listing 2.
 1: -(IBAction)showDate:(id)sender {
2: NSDate *todaysDate;
3: NSString *differenceOutput;
4: NSString *todaysDateString;
5: NSDateFormatter *dateFormat;
6: NSTimeInterval difference;
9: todaysDate=[[NSDate alloc] init];
10: difference = [todaysDate timeIntervalSinceDate:[sender date]] / 86400;
12: dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
13: [dateFormat setDateFormat:@"MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ssa"];
14: todaysDateString = [dateFormat stringFromDate:todaysDate];
16: differenceOutput=[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:
17: @"Difference between chosen date and today (%@) in days: %1.2f",
18: todaysDateString,fabs(difference)];
19: differenceResult.text=differenceOutput;
21: [todaysDate release];
22: [dateFormat release];
23: [differenceOutput release];
24: }

Much of this should look pretty familiar based on the preceding examples, but let’s review the logic. First, in lines 2–6, we declare the variables we’ll be using: todaysDate will store the current date, differenceOutput will be our final formatted string displayed to the user, todaysDateString will contain the formatted version of the current day’s date, dateFormat will be our date formatting object, and difference is the double-precision floating-point number used to store the number of seconds between two dates.

Lines 9 and 10 do most of the work we set out to accomplish! In line 9, we allocate and initialize todaysDate as a new NSDate object. The init automatically stores the current date and time in the object.

In line 10, we use timeIntervalSinceDate to calculate the time, in seconds, between todaysDate and [sender date]. Remember that sender will be the date picker object, and the date method tells an instance of UIDatePicker to return its current date and time in an NSDate object, so this gives our method everything it needs to work with. The result is divided by 86400 and stored in the difference variable. Why 86400? This is the number of seconds in a day, so we will be able to display the number of days between dates, rather than seconds.

In lines 12–14, we create a new date formatter object (NSDateFormatter) and use it to format todaysDate, storing the results in the string todaysDateString.

Lines 16–18 format the final output string by allocating a new string (differenceOutput), and then initializing it with initWithFormat. The format string provided includes the message to be displayed to the user as well as the placeholders %@ and %1.2f—representing a string and a floating-point number with a leading zero and two decimal places. These placeholders are replaced with the todaysDateString and the absolute value of the difference between the dates, fabs(difference).

In line 19, the label we added to the view, differenceResult, is updated to display differenceOutput.

The last step is to clean up anything that we allocated in the method, which is accomplished in lines 21–23, where the strings and formatter object are released.

That’s it! Use Build and Run to run and test your application. You’ve just implemented a date picker, learned how to perform some basic date arithmetic, and even formatted dates for output using date formatting strings. What could be better? Creating your own custom picker with your own data, of course!

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