
Is It Time To Tweet? (Part 2)

8/10/2012 2:38:00 PM


Since Twitter entered my world, I’ve lost the ability to prioritise. It is dominating my thoughts. Now I have found my voice – nice, not bitchy, observational – I feel obliged to use it. Bit it’s so difficult! Why such a small thing as 140 characters posted online should be so hard, I cannot explain. My followers are growing, little by little. I still know most of them, though, so I’m not on the verge of ‘trending’ any day soon. I contemplate becoming a fantasists and tweeting exciting things about my life that I’ve invented: “Just eaten three pounds of Cheddar, will I die?” but I haven’t the energy. I take the weekend off. Apparently Twitter slows at the weekend, so I tell myself I’m not missing all the fun. And I feel like I’ve hardly seen my children .

Description: Apparently Twitter slows at the weekend, so I tell myself I’m not missing all the fun. And I feel like I’ve hardly seen my children

Apparently Twitter slows at the weekend, so I tell myself I’m not missing all the fun. And I feel like I’ve hardly seen my children

Day 6

James Cameron, the director of Titanic, is tweeting from the deepest part of the sea where he is in a submarine, while the TV drama version of Titanic is on our Sunday-night screens, and the film version is about to launch in 3D. India Knight, the author and journalist, is tweeting nonstop about it. India is Twitter head girl, I’ve decide. I watch the cluster of women who try to engage her in a virtual conversation. Everyone on there wants to be her friend, whether she’s talking about giant octopuses or tights. On, it says how many times famous tweeters tweet each day and gives them a score. It also has a category called ‘Change of friendship’. For some celebrities, it says ‘Dream on’. India should be on it. She is Miss Popular in the Twitter playground. I want her to follow me so badly.

Description: James Cameron, the director of Titanic

James Cameron, the director of Titanic

Day 7

India is not on Twitter yet this morning. I summon up all my courage and tweet her to ask (I think wittily) about her whereabouts. Will the door to friendship crack open? I even call her the Queen of Twitter, to try and oil the hinges… But there is only silence. Perhaps it was too sycophantic.

Twitter is turning into a problem. Not only is it making me feel like the most unpopular girl at school, it’s also stopping me from getting on with phoning the builder, pitching a story ta a magazine, buying eggs, getting thin – and all those other important real-life things. I’m clearly not up to the hustle around India Knight, nor am I in a submarine seven miles below the ocean, where tweeting makes total sense. My career doesn’t rely on my having a ‘public presence’ and sharing my thoughts several times a day. And no one appears to want to talk to me. I only dipped my toe into Twitter for a week, assuming I would dive in and submerge myself in it. But I’ve changed my mind. I’ve decided I’d rather stay warm on the riverbank and watch the flow go by. And, anyway, I must dash because I’m having a pedicure, which I’m confident is of no interest to anyone else but me..

The two faces of Twitter: the writer India Knight is a constant presence in the Twittersphere and has more than 60,000 followers. Jo, on the other hand, has given up after 18 tweets

Twitter is turning into a problem. Not only is it making me feel like the most unpopular girl at school, it’s also stopping me from getting on with phoning the builder, pitching a story ta a magazine, buying eggs, getting thin – and all those other important real-life things. I’m clearly not up to the hustle around India Knight, nor am I in a submarine seven miles below the ocean, where tweeting makes total sense. My career doesn’t rely on my having a ‘public presence’ and sharing my thoughts several times a day. And no one appears to want to talk to me. I only dipped my toe into Twitter for a week, assuming I would dive in and submerge myself in it. But I’ve changed my mind. I’ve decided I’d rather stay warm on the riverbank and watch the flow go by. And, anyway, I must dash because I’m having a pedicure, which I’m confident is of no interest to anyone else but me.

The novice’s guide to twitter

Twitter launched in2006 and now has more than 140 million users across the globe. It’s fast becoming the number one way to make connections, publicise things, keep up with the news – even just to vent or share what you are having for lunch. It’s free and it’s fun, so isn’t time you joined? Here’s a breakdown of Twitter terminology to get you started.

Description: Your timeline is your personalised Twitter home page, with the latest tweets from everyone you follow – try to follow at least 100 people to keep your timeline active.

Your timeline is your personalised Twitter home page, with the latest tweets from everyone you follow – try to follow at least 100 people to keep your timeline active.

Your timeline is your personalised Twitter home page, with the latest tweets from everyone you follow – try to follow at least 100 people to keep your timeline active.

A hashtag (#) is a clever way of tagging subject or names so they can be streamed by subject. It’s also a device to indicate a sarcastic or witty footnote to your tweet.

Follow Friday (#ff) – Twitter convention has decreed that the last day of the working week is the time to recommend your favourite tweeters to your followers.

Retweet (RT) is when you repeat someone else’s tweet – a way of forwarding someone else’s message onto your own followers.

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