Windows Vista : Windows PowerShell (part 1) - CmdLets and Aliases, Pipelines

11/6/2012 8:17:06 PM
Windows PowerShell, known prior to its official release as the Monad Shell (MSH), is an advanced replacement for the good ol' Command Prompt. Although it uses many familiar DOS commands (sort of), it introduces some Unix-like functionality to the Windows platform while borrowing some of the Windows-aware features found in WSH scripts, like printing, security, and process control.

Windows PowerShell 1.0 was released more or less concurrently with Windows Vista, but it's not included in the default Vista installation. You can download PowerShell for free from, but Microsoft has hinted that it'll be included with future versions of Windows.

At first glance, PowerShell (Figure 1) looks like an ordinary Command Prompt window, with the main distinguishing feature being the text PS preceding the prompt. As you may have guessed, you type a command at the prompt and press Enter to excecute the command. But the commands you can type—and how they interact with each other—are what really set PowerShell apart.

Figure 1. Microsoft PowerShell, a free, powerful alternative to the Command Prompt, also supports scripting

1. CmdLets and Aliases

PowerShell's built-in commands are called CmdLets for reasons that aren't entirely clear, and the CmdLets all have long, rather inconvenient names like Copy-Item, ConvertFrom-SecureString, and Invoke-Expression. The good news is that most of the commands have short versions, called aliases, that just happen to coincide with familiar DOS and Unix command names. For instance, instead of typing Copy-Item, you can type copy (as in DOS) or cp (à la Unix) to copy files from one place to another; if nothing else, this dualism is an important advantage over the conventional Command Prompt.

Table 1 shows a list of common, basic PowerShell commands, and their DOS and Unix counterparts.

Table 1. Common DOS and Unix commands and their PowerShell equivalents
DOS Unix PowerShell Description
cd cd Set-Location Change the working directory (folder)
cls clear Clear-Host Clear the screen
copy cp Copy-Item Copy a file or object from one place to another
del, rd rm, rmdir Remove-Item Delete a file, directory (folder), or object
dir ls Get-ChildItem Display the contents of the current directory or object
help man Get-Help Display a list of commands or details about the specified command
md mkdir New-Item Create a directory (folder) or object
move mv Move-Item Move a file, directory (folder), or object to a new location
ren mv Rename-Item Change the name of a file or object
type cat Get-Content Display the contents of a file or object

What's more enticing is that you can make your own aliases. For example, if you find yourself frequently using the Get-Culture command (which retrieves the language in use by Windows), you could shorten it like this:

Set-Alias -Namelang -ValueGet-Culture

so that you could thereafter type only lang to display the current language. The Set-Alias command also lets you change (overwrite) any of the built-in aliases.

The Set-Alias command only creates aliases for bare commands; you can't bury your favorite command-line parameters in an alias. To replace a complex, multipart command with a single word you can type at the prompt, use PowerShell variables, discussed later.

Of course, once you close the current PowerShell window, your custom alias will be forgotten. So, to save your custom aliases from session to session, add your Set-Alias commands to your PowerShell profile file. Of course, you probably don't have a profile yet, so type:

New-Item -type file -force $profile

to create one. Then type:

notepad $profile

to open the newly created profile for editing.

PowerShell has about 130 commands, most of which are documented in the UserGuide.rtf file included with the package. There's also a simple online help system, via the help command, that displays a list of available commands (in a not-so-helpful format), or if invoked with the name of a command, displays the syntax and explanation of the command. To see all the available information about a command, include the -full parameter, like this:

help Get-Item -full

While using the online help, you'll soon discover the needlessly complex SYNTAX section, which lists all the parameters supported by a single command. For instance, the syntax line for the Copy-Item command (copy to you and me) consumes four lines, and is about as easy to read as the computer output in the Matrix movies.[24] But rest assured, it's more or less the same as its DOS counterpart; in other words, this command:

[24] * Too geeky? Naaah....

copy c:\stuff\myfile.txt d:\misc

still works as you'd expect.

2. Pipelines

So, if PowerShell looks like the Command Prompt, and most of the commands you know and love work the same, then what's the point?

Without drowning you in technical jargon, what sets PowerShell Cmdlets apart from their Command Prompt counterparts is that they work better with piping, a means of redirecting the output of one command so that it's used as the input for another. For example, this two-part command:

get-process m* | stop-process

works because the get-process Cmdlet sends (through the pipe) its output (a list of running processes that start with the letter m) as a structured object. In turn, the stop-process Cmdlet receives this object and uses it as a list of processes to stop. In lesser Command Prompts, this information is passed between commands (piped) as plain text, which means you need to use a variety of tools (like grep in Unix) to format the output so the receiving command can process it. (Imagine what this would all sound like if I had left in the jargon.)

Unfortunately, this particular aspect of PowerShell is a little more hype than dope. For one, the example command above (taken from Microsoft's own documentation) is pointless, since the following simpler command works just as well:

stop-process m*

Of course, the downside of this object-oriented model is that the various data is all typed, and can't be easily converted from one type to another. That is, you can't easily pipe output to a command that hasn't been specifically designed to receive it. In good ol' Unix and DOS, you can pipe anything to anything. For instance, this PowerShell command:

help | help

which I expected would send a list of Cmdlets generated by help back to help, which in turn would spit out a detailed explanation of each Cmdlet, did not work at all. Perhaps this is a silly example, but it sure would've made my job easier.

What does work well is the passing of filenames from one Cmdlet to another. Here's a sophisticated series of commands that illustrates this:

Get-ChildItem 'H:\MediaCenterPC\My Music' -rec | where { -not $_.
PSIsContainer -and $_.Extension -match "wma|mp3" } | Measure-Object -
property length -sum -min -max -ave

This amalgam of three Cmdlets does the following:

  • Retrieves a list of filenames in the H:\MediaCenterPC\My Music folder and all its subfolders (thanks to the -rec option), and passes the list to...

  • the where (Where-Object) Cmdlet, which filters out any files that don't have the .wma or .mp3 filename extensions, and then passes the modified list to...

  • the Measure-Object Cmdlet, which outputs detailed information about the music files in the list.

And you could keep going like this, including a command that take the output from Measure-Object to process, store, or display it in some fashion. The syntax may look a little messy to the uninitiated, but it would be much more difficult to do this sort of thing in WSH and nearly impossible in a batch file.

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