Windows 7 : Windows Driver Foundation Architecture (part 4) - Tools for Development and Testing

10/3/2011 9:06:57 AM

10. Windows Kernel

The I/O manager in the Windows kernel creates IRPs to represent the requests and presents them to the target driver by calling the driver at a designated entry point. If the target of the request is a User Mode WDF Driver, however, the I/O manager cannot call the driver or the UMDF directly because these components run a user mode process, and kernel mode components cannot be called back to user mode. Therefore, the I/O manager does not present the request directly to the User Mode Driver. Instead, the I/O manager presents the request to a kernel mode component called the reflector.

10.1. Reflector

The reflector is a Kernel Mode WDM Filter Driver that represents the User Mode Driver in the Kernel Mode Driver stack. The reflector passes the I/O request to the User Mode Driver host process.

The reflector manages communication between the kernel mode components and the User Mode Driver host process. It monitors the driver host process to ensure that it responds properly to messages and completes critical operations in a timely manner, thus helping to prevent driver and application hangs. The reflector also sends messages to the driver manager as required.

The reflector is supplied by Microsoft and is added as the top driver in the Kernel Mode Driver stack during installation of the User Mode Driver.

10.2. Driver Host Process

The driver host process is the user mode process in which the User Mode Driver runs. It includes the following components:

  • The User Mode WDF Driver is an in-process COM component that controls the hardware from user mode.

  • The UMDF exposes the User Mode DDI. The UMDF is a dynamic-link library (DLL) of COM-style objects that support the presentation, flow, and management of I/O, Plug and Play, and power management requests to the driver.

  • The run-time environment dispatches I/O requests, loads the driver, constructs and destroys the user mode device stack, manages a user mode thread pool, and handles messages from the reflector and the driver manager.

The driver host process is separate from the application process and the driver manager. It runs in the security credentials of a LocalService account, although it is not a Windows service. The driver host process contains the user mode device stack for the device. The device stack is visible to all applications across the system. Each instance of a device has its own device stack. Currently, each instance has a separate driver host process, too. The driver host process is a child process of the driver manager.

10.3. Driver Manager

The driver manager creates and shuts down the driver host process and maintains status information about it. It also responds to messages from the reflector. The driver manager runs as a Windows service is started during installation of the first device that is managed by a User Mode WDF Driver. The driver manager must be running all the time that any device controlled by a User Mode WDF Driver is installed on the system.

2.11. Tools for Development and Testing

The WDF has some outstanding tools to aid in the testing of drivers. We will cover those in the following discussion. Thoroughly testing a driver is nearly as complex as writing one for two main reasons:

  • Observing the point of error can be difficult. In many cases, a driver error is not apparent until long after it has actually occurred. If a Kernel Mode Driver uses a DDI incorrectly, the system might not crash until another driver attempts to perform an action based on the first driver’s error.

  • Subtle, condition-dependent errors and related code paths are difficult to exercise. Drivers that work correctly under normal circumstances can have subtle errors that occur only under exceptional situations, such as when another driver, lower in the stack, fails an I/O request.

Too often, testing becomes a hit-or-miss, trial-and-error affair. To help remedy the situation, WDF has several testing and tracing features that make it easier for driver writers to find problems early in the development cycle. We will cover these features in more detail in the subsequent discussion. These features include the following:

  • Built-in verification with the frameworks verifier

  • Built-in trace logging

  • Debugger extensions

In addition, WDF includes PREfast and Static Driver Verifier (SDV). PREfast and SDV are both compile-time code verification tools that are provided with the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). PREfast analyzes code on a function-by-function basis, looking for a wide variety of common logic and usage errors. SDV applies knowledge about system internals to Kernel Mode Driver verification.

11.1. PREfast for Drivers

PREfast for Drivers (PFD), an extension of PREfast, is a compile-time static verification tool that detects errors missed by the compiler and by conventional run-time testing. It detects common coding errors in C and C++ programs, and is designed to detect errors in Kernel Mode Driver code. You can run PFD very early in the development cycle—as soon as the code compiles correctly. PFD is integrated into the Windows 7 build environments in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) as well as into Windows Automated Code Review (known as OACR). PFD supports a large vocabulary of annotations beyond those supported for generic PREfast, including annotations for IRQLs, resource-object leaks, memory leaks, and stricter type checking.

PREfast for Drivers examines each function in the code independently, looking for common errors and unwise coding practices. PFD runs quickly, even on large drivers, and generates a report that identifies the line of driver code with the suspected error.

PREfast for Drivers runs on Windows XP and later versions of Windows and is designed to analyze code written for X86-based and X64-based platforms. It can analyze C and C++ source files for drivers in any driver model, including managed code.

You should use PREfast for Drivers in conjunction with Driver Verifier, Static Driver Verifier, and the checked build of Windows to ensure that your driver code is safe and reliable.

The following new features for PFD are in Windows 7:

  • PFD now supports a broader range of expressions for analysis, such as const, member names, and side effect-free C expressions.

  • PFD now has better annotation error checking.

  • PFD now has improved defect detection, including “banned API” checking.

  • PFD now generates warnings that help you prepare to analyze a driver with Static Driver Verifier (SDV). SDV requires drivers to have declarations that define the role of the driver-supplied callback functions. PFD will indicate when you need to add these role type declarations to the drive code.

  • PFD is now integrated into the build environments and OACR in the WDK. When you build your driver using the WDK build environments, PFD runs automatically in the background and presents an easy-to-read view for any potential defects it finds.

For Windows 7, all Microsoft drivers that ship with the operating system and all WDK samples have been verified with PFD, and identified defects have been fixed. In addition, the WDK public headers are now annotated to enable PFD to better find code defects. The following functionality aids in finding code defects.

  • Because PFD annotations are not in public header files, driver writers can take advantage of these checks by simply running PFD on their drivers. Adding PFD annotations to your driver code will give you deeper analysis.

  • Windows headers for drivers now provide a comprehensive set of examples of how to annotate your functions.

11.2. Static Driver Verification (SDV)

Static Driver Verifier (SDV) is a static verification tool that runs at compile time. It explores paths in the driver code by symbolically executing the source code, making the fewest possible assumptions about the state of the operating system and the initial state of the driver. As a result, SDV can exercise code in paths that are missed in traditional testing.

SDV includes a set of rules that defines proper interaction between a driver and the operating system kernel. During verification, SDV examines every applicable branch of the driver code and the library code that it uses, and tries to prove that the driver violates the rules. If SDV fails to prove a violation, it reports that the driver complies with the rules and passes the verification.

11.3. Frameworks Verifier

WDF includes an internal driver verifier that provides framework-specific features that are not currently available in the driver verifier (Verifier.exe). The frameworks verifier provides extensive tracing messages that supply detailed information about activities within the framework. It tracks references to each WDF object and builds a trace that can be sent to the debugger.

In kernel mode, the frameworks verifier checks lock acquisition and hierarchies, and ensures that calls to the framework occur at the correct IRQL. It also verifies correct I/O cancellation and queue usage. It can also simulate low-memory and out-of-memory conditions and test a driver’s response to these situations to determine whether the driver responds properly without crashing, hanging, or failing to unload.

In user mode, the frameworks verifier checks for correct use of parameters, validates configurations, and correct responses to events.

11.4. Trace Logging

Both the KMDF and UMDF support integrated internal trace logging. The following discussions cover this internal trace logging.

The KMDF includes an internal trace logger called the in-flight recorder (IFR), which is based on the Windows Software Trace Preprocessor (WPP). The IFR provides a recent history of events (currently, about the last 100 trace events) on a per-driver-instance basis. The trace logs track the progress of IRPs through the framework and the corresponding requests through a driver. Each WDF driver has its own log.

Kernel Mode Drivers can use Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) and WPP software tracing to generate a trace log that contains information about both the driver and the KMDF. Driver-level tracing provides information about events in the driver code. Internal WDF tracing provides information about events internal to WDF that might affect driver activities. A driver developer can choose whether to implement driver-level tracing, but internal WDF tracing is always available.

Driver writers can use the software tracing tools provided with the WDK to view the IFR logs during interactive debugging. These logs can also be made available as part of a mini dump for inspection after a crash. The typical saved IFR log file is small (10K to 20K bytes) and written in a binary form that humans cannot read.

The User Mode Driver components supplied by Microsoft start trace sessions that record their activities and note such events as driver hangs, timeouts, and failures. The log files from these sessions can be sent as input to Windows Error Reporting (WER). Vendor-supplied User Mode WDRF Drivers can use ETW to generate a trace log of driver events.

11.5. Debugger Extensions

WDF also includes several debugger extensions that can dump internal trace records. These extensions are specialized commands that run in the context of the WinDbg debugger. These extensions are packaged in two DLLs: WudfExt.dll contains the UMDF extensions, and WdfKd.dll contains the KMDF extensions. The information they provide can help locate the exact point in I/O processing at which an error occurred and can often give a clue to faulty assumptions or unexpected behavior.

The two sets of debugger extensions are provided for WDF. As mentioned, one set supports user mode debuggers, and the other supports kernel mode debuggers.

11.6. Serviceability and Versioning

To improve driver serviceability, WDF includes versioning and side-by-side support. Versioning allows a driver binary to run with the same major version of WDF with which it was built. Side-by-side support enables the simultaneous use of two or more major versions of WDF by two or more drivers.

Serviceability is a common problem for drivers. When Microsoft releases a new version of Windows, driver vendors must test their drivers to ensure that they operate properly on the new release. Any driver that uses undocumented features, or that uses documented features in a nonstandard way, is likely to encounter compatibility problems from one release to the next. Even drivers that follow the rules might be affected by subtle changes between versions of Windows.

Drivers that use the frameworks, however, are less susceptible to such problems. Microsoft is responsible for testing the frameworks on each new version of the operating system and ensuring that drivers built with older versions maintain consistent behavior from one release to the next.

In addition, the versioning support in WDF helps to prevent compatibility problems. The frameworks have major and minor version numbers, which are recorded in the driver binaries. In general, a WDF driver runs against the latest available minor version of the major version against which it was compiled, so that it can benefit from bug fixes in the new version.

A WDF driver can use a newer minor version, but not an older minor version, than the one against which it was built. Multiple WDF drivers can use a single WDF library. They can also run side by side using different major versions of the framework.

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