Use two simple tecniques in photoshop
Elements to remove subtle blurring
Not every image you take will come out the
camera pin- sharp. The chances are that they may still come out sightly soft,
or even with blurred subjects in some cases. This is where sharpening comes
in, bringing back essential crspness to the shot.
Photoshop Elements 10 has some of the best
tools to counteract blurring. The two methods described here require little to no
knowledge of the software, learned skill, or artistic aptitude.
The best way to see how sharp your image
looks is by zooming in. zoom until you reach 100% magnification, as this shows
how each pixel appears when printed out. When taking your photos, be aware of
over- blurring images because sometimes the blurring is too severe and can not
be rescued.

sgarpening up the image, the highlights have much more detail and the outline
of the bird is more defined
The techniques shown here use two different
filters and approaches. The High Pass filter uses an extra grey layer on top of
the photo. This layer is given a blend mode and a touch of filter to bring
details into your images. The Unsharp Mask filter is applied directly on to the
image, where you can see the results straight away. So open an image and get
cracking with these quick steps.
What you will need …
Photoshop Elements software
A blurred image
We used …
Photoshop Elemants 10
You could try …
Photoshop CS versions
Serif PhotoPlus X5
What you will learn …
How to sharpen images using High Pass
sharpening and Unsharp Mask
Sharpening methods
Easy ways to sharpen shots
Duplicate the layer

first and most importants step when using this method is to make a direct copy
of the image’s layer
The first and most importants step when
using this method is to make a direct copy of the image’s layer. In Elements
10, find the Layers pnael and simply drag and drop the Background layer on to
the Create A New Layer button at the base of the panel.
Apply filter

apply the High Pass filter, go to the Filter menu at the top of the interface
To apply the High Pass filter, go to the
Filter menu at the top of the interface. Select High Pass dialog pops up, and
you need to adjust the Rdius slder until you see strong deginition in the edges
of subjects.
Change blend mode
When you are happy with the amount of
Radius in the High Pass dialog, hit OK. The photograph will be completely grey
at this point. To apply this sharpening, go to the Layer panel and change the
Mode from Normal to Hard Light.
Change blend mode

you are happy with the amount of Radius in the High Pass dialong, hit OK
When you are happy with the amount of
Radius in the High Pass dialong, hit OK. The photograph will be completely grey
at this point. To apply this sharpening, go to the Layers panel and change the
Mode from Normal to Hard Light
Unsharp method

a blurry image open, in photoshop Elements 10 go to the top of the interface
into the Ehance menu
Another way to sharpen a photo is using the
Unsharp Mask option. With a blurry image open, in photoshop Elements 10 go to
the top of the interface into the Ehance menu. The Unsharp Mask is found at the
bottom of this menu.
Set variables

the Unsharp Mask dialog, tick Preview to see what it will look like
In the Unsharp Mask dialog, tick Preview to
see what it will look like. Set Amount to 100%, Radius to 2.0 pixels, and
Threshold to 0 level. This gives an average amount of sharpening for slightly-
blurred images. For extreme blurring, push the amounts further.
3 of best … ways to avoid blurry shots
Keep steady

Avoid camera shake and keep your camera
still by resting it on a hard surface or by using a tripod if you have one.
Use autofocus

Half press your shutter before you take the
shot to ensure your camera’s autofocus has time to lock onto the subject.
Select the focus

the focus
If your camera has them, use your actofocus
selection points to more accurately select what the camera focuses on.