Variables are names
that your code uses to refer to pieces of information. I've already shown lots of variables
in code and used the word many times—you can't say much about
programming without doing that and fortunately variables aren't a
difficult concept to grasp, but there's a lot of details to know about
The following sections tell you all you need to know (possibly all there is to know) about variables in Visual Basic.
1. Names
Anything that you name
in Visual Basic (variables, procedures, classes, etc.) has to follow
certain rules. For example, if you try to name module 1Off, you'll get an error (Figure 1).

To be valid in Visual Basic, a name must:
Start with a letter (A-Z)
Not include any of the restricted characters listed in Table 2-1
Not be one of the Visual Basic restricted words listed in Table 1
Be less than 256 characters long
Be unique within its scope (more on scope later)
Table 1. Characters you can't use in Visual Basic names
(space) | ~ | ´ | ` |
" | . | ^ | * |
( | ) | - | + |
= | < | > | ? |
/ | \ | [ | ] |
{ | } | | | : |
; | : | % | ! |
& | $ | # | @ |
The last seven characters in Table 1
(in bold) are allowed if used as the last character in a name—in that
case, they identify the data type of the variable. That is a holdover
from older versions of Basic and it's not a good idea to use that
practice in modern programs.
The words listed in Table 2
are restricted because Visual Basic couldn't determine the meaning of
certain statements if they were allowed as variable or procedure names.
In some cases, the word is no longer commonly used in Visual Basic
programs (Rem, GoSub), but the restriction remains for compatibility with earlier versions.
Table 2. Words that can't be used as names in Visual Basic
AddressOf | And | Any | As | Boolean |
ByRef | Byte | ByVal | Call | Case |
CBool | CByte | CCur | CDate | CDbl |
CInt | CLng | Close | Const | CSng |
CStr | Currency | CVar | CVErr | Date |
Debug | Declare | DefBool | DefByte | DefCur |
DefDate | DefDbl | DefInt | DefLng | DefObj |
DefSng | DefStr | DefVar | Dim | Do |
Double | Each | Else | Empty | End |
Enum | Eqv | Erase | Event | Exit |
False | For | Friend | Function | Get |
Global | GoSub | GoTo | If | Imp |
Implements | In | Input | Integer | Is |
LBound | Len | Let | Like | Lock |
Long | Loop | LSet | Me | Mod |
New | Next | Not | Nothing | Null |
On | Open | Option | Optional | Or |
ParamArray | Preserve | Print | Private | Public |
Put | RaiseEvent | ReDim | Rem | Resume |
Return | RSet | Seek | Select | Set |
Single | Spc | Static | Stop | String |
Sub | Tab | Then | To | True |
Type | UBound | Unlock | Variant | Wend |
While | With | WithEvents | Write | Xor |
2. Declarations
Visual Basic has automatic variables
by default. That means a new variable is created the first time you use
it. This makes life somewhat easier for beginning programmers, but it
makes things harder when writing and maintaining complex programs. For
that reason, most experts recommend that you require variable
by adding Option Explicit to the beginning of each class or module.
Option Explict
turns off Visual Basic's automatic variables and thus requires that you
declare each variable before you use it. To declare a variable, use the Dim statement:
Dim x As Integer
The preceding code declares that the name x is a variable that can contain an integer. The 12 different types of variables in Visual Basic are listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Data types for variables in Visual Basic
Type | Kind of data | Size | Values |
Boolean | True/false choices | 2 bytes | True (0), False (-1) |
Byte | Binary data | 1 byte | 0-255 |
Currency | Monetary values | 8 bytes | −922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807 |
Date | A date or time | 8 bytes | 1 January 100 to 31 December 9999 |
Double | Large decimal numbers | 8 bytes | 1.79769313486231E308
to −4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values and from
4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308 for positive values |
Integer | Whole numbers | 2 bytes | −32,768 to 32,767 |
Long | Large whole numbers | 4 bytes | −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 |
Object | An instance of a class | 4 bytes | Address of the object in memory |
Single | Decimal values | 4 bytes | 3.402823E38 to −1.401298E-45 for negative values and from 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values |
String | Text values | 4 bytes | 0 to approximately 2 billion (231) characters |
String (fixed) | Fixed-length text values | 1 byte per character | 1 to 10,000 characters |
Variant | Data that might be any type | 4 bytes | Same as numeric and String types |
If you don't specify a type when declaring
a variable, Visual Basic makes it a Variant by default. |
You can use any of the types listed in Table 2-3 as part of a Dim statement. For example, the following line declares integer, single, and string variables:
Dim i as Integer, s As Single, str As String
Most of the types in Table 3 are value types
. Those types are stored as real values in an area of memory called the stack
. The stack
is a place that Visual Basic can access very quickly, but it has a
limited size and can accommodate only variables that have fixed lengths.
Some types, such as Object, String, and Variant don't have fixed lengths and so Visual Basic handles those as reference types
. Reference types store a 4-byte number on the stack that resolves to the address where the data is actually stored.
String variables are kind of a
special case because they can be value types or reference types
depending on whether or not they have a fixed length. Most strings have a
variable length—that is, they can grow or shrink as needed to fix the
data they are assigned. However, you can define the length of
a string if you like:
Dim fs As String * 12
The preceding line declares a fixed-length string
12 characters long. Visual Basic stores fs as a value type on the stack, but it truncates any strings that are more than 12 characters:
fs = "This is way too long for a 12-character string."
Becomes This is way. Fixed-length strings are mainly used in combination with advanced programming techniques such as reading binary files.
Modern computers come with lots of memory, and you're not likely to run out while programming in Excel. So why show size in Table 2-3? A few reasons:
The size of
a variable helps you understand its limits. For example, Integers
are 2 bytes (which is 16 bits) and so have 65,536 (2^16) possible
values. When you divide that between negative and positive numbers, you
get a range of -32,768 to 32,767. Numbers outside that range result in
an overflow error if assigned to an Integer variable.
matters when converting from one data type to another. Larger types can
cause overflow errors when converted to smaller types.
You need to know the size of data types when creating user-defined types, reading binary data, or performing bitwise operations.