
Programming Excel with VBA and .NET : Variables (part 2) - Conversions, Scope and Lifetime

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11/15/2011 9:17:40 AM

3. Conversions

Visual Basic automatically converts between data types during assignment. If one variable doesn't exactly match the type of another, Basic changes the value to fit. You can see this easily if you perform the following assignments:

    Sub Conversions( )
Dim d As Double, s As Single, i As Integer
d = WorksheetFunction.Pi
s = d
i = d
Debug.Print d, s, i
End Sub

The preceding code displays the following output in the Immediate window:

    3.14159265358979            3.141593      3

You need to be aware of automatic conversion , because it can result in the unintended loss of precision.

Here the conversion is done by rounding the number up or down to reflect the precision of the variable receiving the assignment. Not all conversion can be done by rounding. For example, the following lines convert pi to a string:

    Dim str As String
str = WorksheetFunction.Pi

Warning: not all conversions succeed. The following line causes a type mismatch error because d is a numeric variable and the "Pi" can't be converted to a number:

    d = "Pi"

Conversions may also fail if the assignment exceeds the limit of the target variable. For example, the following lines result in an overflow error since the positive limit for Integers is 32,627:

    Dim l As Long
l = 32768
i = l

You can explicitly perform any of these automatic conversions using the Visual Basic conversion functions listed in Table 4.

Table 4. Visual Basic type conversion functions

It would be nice if you could turn off Visual Basic's automatic conversions and use the explicit conversion functions shown in Table 4 only when needed. But you can't. In addition to the conversion functions, Visual Basic provides other keywords that are useful when working with types; they are listed in Table 5.

Table 5. Visual Basic keywords for working with types
KeywordUse to
IsDateReturn True if the variable is a date
IsEmptyReturn True if the variable hasn't been initialized
IsNullReturn True if a Variant variable does not contain valid data
IsNumericReturn True if the variable can be converted to a numeric value
IsObjectReturn True if the variable is a reference to an object
TypeNameReturn the name of the variable's type as a string
TypeOfDetermine the type of an object variable within an If statement

4. Scope and Lifetime

Dim is not the only way to declare a variable. The full list of declaration keywords is shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Visual Basic declaration statements
StatementUse to declareAvailable
DimA variable with the default scopeInside or outside a procedure
PublicA variable or procedure that is available from other modules or classesOutside a procedure only
PrivateA variable or procedure that is not available from other modules or classesOutside a procedure only
StaticA variable that retains its value between procedure callsInside a procedure only

Which statement you use to declare a variable and where you declare it determines the scope and lifetime of that variable. Scope is the range of places from which a name is visible. Dim, Public, and Private are statements that specify scope. Lifetime is how long Visual Basic retains the value of a variable; Static specifies lifetime.

There are three levels of scope in a Visual Basic project:

  • Local variables are declared with Dim inside a procedure and are visible only from within that procedure.

  • Module-level variables are declared outside of a procedure with Dim or Private and are visible only from all procedures within that module or class.

  • Global variables are declared outside of a procedure with Public and are visible from all procedures in all modules and classes within the project.

Figure 2 illustrates the different levels of scope within a Visual Basic project.

It's a common practice to prefix global variables with g_ and module-level variable names with m_ as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. If Option Explicit is specified, you get an error when a variable is not visible

A variable defined at one level of scope can be shadowed by another defined at a lower level of scope. Shadowing hides the higher-level variable from the local use. For example, Proc1 in Figure 2 could shadow m_Var by declaring it at the procedure level as shown here in bold:

    Sub Proc1( )
' Procedure-level
Dim localVar
' Shadow module-level variable.
Dim m_Var

' Set values.
m_Var = "Private module-level"
m_PublicVar = "Public module-level"
m_PrivateVar = "Private module-level"
localVar = "Procedure-level"
End Sub

In this case, Proc1 creates a new, local version of m_Var and sets its value. Proc2 can't see that value but it can still see the module-level version of m_Var, which doesn't contain a value. If you run Main, the output is this (note the blank space where m_Var should be):

    Public module-level         Private module-level

Shadowing is often a mistake, rather than an intentional technique. Using a scope prefix like g_ or m_ for global and module-level variables helps to avoid this problem.

Declaring a local variable as Static tells Visual Basic to retain the variable's value between procedure calls. Ordinarily, local variables are created when a procedure is called, then destroyed when the procedure ends. This means local variables have a very short lifetime. Static tells Visual Basic to keep the variable alive as long as the program is running—for Excel Visual Basic projects, that lifetime begins when the user opens the workbook and ends when he closes it.

As a practical matter, you can do much the same thing with global and module-level variables since they are also created when Excel opens the workbook and destroyed when the workbook closes. The difference is scope ; Static variables are local and so can't be changed outside of the procedure where they are declared. The following example demonstrates using a Static variable:

    Sub StaticVariable( )
' Static variables
are local.
Static staticVar As Integer
staticVar = staticVar + 1
' This variable is global.
g_GlobalVar = g_GlobalVar + 1
' They both retain their value.
Debug.Print staticVar, g_GlobalVar
End Sub

Both staticVar and g_GlobalVar display the same value. If you run StaticVariable repeatedly, you'll see their values increment. The difference is that other procedures can see (and change) the value of g_GlobalVar.

Why is this important? Because restricting the scope of variables is one of the keys to preventing accidental errors in your code. The more global variables you have, the more likely you are to have adverse interactions between procedures.

Keep variables as private as possible. Use arguments to pass values between procedures. Use module-level or global variables for values that need to be shared by most or all procedures.

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