Take control of the Search options
related to your Google account.
1. Location history
To take control of location history, tap
the Manage location history option. This will head to Maps and reveal a
selection of options to work with. Tap Display to switch on Zoom Buttons, flick
the Scale Bar on and off and tap Bubble action to decide its action.

Display to switch on Zoom Buttons, flick the Scale Bar on and off and tap
Bubble action to decide its action.
2. Search
Select Show recent searches to activate
some suggestions. This will display a new option, Manage Web History. Tap to
select a browser, if applicable. This will redirect to the Google Accounts page
online. Sign in to pause, delete or remove items from your history.

will display a new option, Manage Web History.
3. Search domain
Google comes in many flavors and offers the
option to search via the local domain eg, www.google.co.uk,
or switch to the main search engine, www.google.com.
Tap the checkbox to switch between the two options. It will take a while to
find the local domain.

the checkbox to switch between the two options.
4. Safe searching
By default, the SafeSearch option is set to
Moderate which ensures that certain unwanted content is not displayed. To
remove any restrictions, or increase the filter to Strict, tap SafeSearch
filters and select a new option from the list.
